
Early Assessment Program

Information Sheet

California State University


Upcoming Essay Testing Windows

2011 Window – March 1 thru March 31

2012 Window – March 6 thru March 31

Test materials will need to be returned, put in the mail, by April 5th. All essays must be returned at one time late papers cannot be scored.

Student Status Information

The EAP student results appear in the bottom left hand corner of the back side of the STAR grade 11 student report. The information is also included on the STAR data CD-Rom. The statuses on the CD-Rom are shown as numbers.

The definition for the numbers is as follows:

Number / EAP English
1 / Ready for CSU or CCC college-level English courses
3 / Not yet demonstrating readiness for CSU or CCC college-level English
4 / Incomplete
Number / EAP Math
1 / Ready for CSU or CCC college-level mathematics courses
2 / Ready for CSU or CCC college-level mathematics courses-Conditional
3 / Not yet demonstrating readiness for CSU or CCC college-level mathematics
4 / Incomplete

Duplicate Student Reports

(Does not include STAR information)

Students can access their EAP results on-line at www.CollegeEAP.org.

If a paper copy of an EAP report is needed, a request can be made by e-mail to . The information needed for the request is the student’s full name, date of birth, high school and year attended the 11th grade.

Please note: EAP results are only valid for the year following high school graduation.

Web addresses

CSU EAP Web Site – www.calstate.edu/eap

Information for students – www.CollegeEap.org

List of CSU EAP Campus Coordinators - http://www.calstate.edu/eap/documents/eap_roster.pdf

Ordering EAP Essay Test Materials

It is recommended that enough EAP essay materials are ordered for all students taking the grade 11 English Language Arts CST.

If additional essay test materials are needed a supplemental order can be placed until March 23rd.

Important Information about English

It is important to remember students participating in the EAP English must complete the essay as well as the CST grade 11 ELA and 15 additional EAP questions. Students not completing all three sections will not be eligible for exemption from the CSU’s English Placement Test.

Administering the EAP Essay

It is best if the essay could be administered on the same day and at the same time for all students at a school; however, that is not always possible. Administering the EAP essay on multiple days is allowed. We ask that students be discouraged from discussing the topics with other students.

Test Security

All EAP essay topics are to be returned to ETS with non-scorable test materials. These are secure test materials are not to be photocopied or retained for any reason.

Students should not be allowed to take the essay topic sheet or a completed essay outside of the testing room. Taking pictures of the topic sheet or essay is also not permitted.

Administering the EAP Multiple-Choice Tests

The additional EAP English multiple-choice test questions are included with the CST grade 11 English Language Arts test. The additional EAP math test questions are included with the CST Algebra 2 and Summative High School Mathematics end-of-course tests. The EAP is to be administered at the same time as the CST ELA, Algebra 2 and/or Summative High School Mathematics test. These tests are untimed.
