The rubrics provide a guide to teachers on how to mark students. This helps with consistency across teachers, although all grading involves some subjectivity. In addition to this broad look, more valuable ongoing assessments are utilized to provide detailed data regarding student progress.
Counts by 2s, 5s and 10s / Can count by 2s, 5s, or 10s starting from any given point into the hundreds / Can count by 2s, 5s, and 10, starting from any given point up to 100 / Can count by 2s, 5s, and 10s, starting at zero / Does not try and/or does not understand
Makes tallies and gives the total / Consistently counts total and produces any given number of tallies (Use counting by 5s strategy) / Inconsistently counts total or produces given number of tallies (Counts primarily by 1s) / Unable to count total and/or produce given number of tallies / Does not try and/or does not understand
Knows addition facts to 12 / Fluently uses multiple strategies to recall facts to 12 / Uses multiple strategies to solve facts to 12 / Uses single/concrete strategy to solve facts to 12 / Does not try and/or does not understand
Solves simple addition number stories / Comprehends number story, builds number model, and solves with accuracy (part, part, whole) / Comprehends number story, builds number model, and solves with accuracy (uses easier-to-manage numbers) / Selects random strategy to attempt to solve the problem; inconsistently solves with accuracy / Does not try and/or does not understand
Finds equivalent names for numbers / Uses higher order thinking to demonstrate knowledge of number sense (arrays, double digit numbers, multiplication/division, etc.) Uses multiple strategies (4 or more) / Uses basic strategies to demonstrate knowledge of number sense (single digit addition/subtraction, tallies, shapes, coins); Uses 2-3 strategies / Uses beginning strategies to demonstrate number sense (number words, adding/subtracting zero or one, pictures); Uses 1 strategy / Does not try and/or does not understand
Shows "P," "N," "D," and "Q" for a given amount / Shows given amount with most efficient multiple combinations (with real coins) / Shows given amount using a combination (with real coins) / Shows given amount only in P (with real coins) / Does not try and/or does not understand
Knows subtraction facts to 9 / Fluently uses multiple strategies to recall facts to 9 / Uses multiple strategies to solve facts to 9 / Uses single/concrete strategy to solve facts to 9 / Does not try and/or does not understand
Identifies 2-dimensional shapes / Names all 6 2-dimensional shapes on template / Names 3-5 shapes on template / Names 1-2 shapes on template / Does not try and/or does not understand
Adds three 1-digit numbers / Efficiently and accurately adds three 1-digit numbers / Accurately adds three 1-digit numbers / Inconsistently adds three 1-digit numbers with concrete strategy / Does not try and/or does not understand
Knows complements of 10 / Knows all 11 complements of 10 / Knows 6-10 complements of 10 (0,10)(1,9)(2,8)(3,7)(4,6)(5,5)(6,4)(7,3)(8,2)(9,1)(10,0) / Knows 1-5 complements of 10 / Does not try and/or does not understand
Identify place value in 2-digit and 3-digit numbers / Able to read, write, and determine values of two- and three-digit numbers / Able to read and write two- and three-digit numbers / Able to read, write, and build a two-digit number using base-10 blocks (with fewest number of blocks) / Does not try and/or does not understand
Finds missing addends for the next multiple of 10 / Uses complements of 10 to find the next multiple of 10 / Uses less efficient strategies to find the next multiple of 10 / Uses ineffective (random) strategies / Does not try and/or does not understand
Solves number-grid puzzles / Solves complex (all directions) puzzles with numbers into the hundreds / Solves vertical and horizontal puzzles with numbers less than 100 / Solves horizontal puzzles with numbers less than 100 / Does not try and/or does not understand
Plots data on a bar graph / Organizes and creates bar graph and includes x-/y-axis, titles, and graphing (set of data provided) / Organizes information on a bar graph when provided x-/y-axis and titles (set of data provided) / Inconsistently organizes information on a bar graph when provided x-/y-axis and titles (set of data provided) / Does not try and/or does not understand
Uses a ruler, tape measure, and meter/yardstick correctly / Measures accurately to the whole number (starts on 0, uses most efficient tool) / Inconsistently measures to the whole / Demonstrates little understanding (difficult determining which tool,
where to start, inaccurate reading) / Does not try and/or does not understand
Uses a calculator to compute money amounts / Uses a calculator to compute money amounts adding dollars and cents (mixed numbers) in decimal form / Uses a calculator to add cent amounts in decimal form / Uses a calculator to enter money amounts without decimal form / Does not try and/or does not understand
Tells time to 5-minute intervals / Tells time to 5-minute intervals (Using analog clocks) / Tells time to quarter hour intervals (Using analog clocks) / Tells time to hour and half hour increments (Using analog clocks) / Does not try and/or does not understand
Demonstrates calendar concepts and skills / Demonstrates calendar concepts of months of the year, days of the week, weeks of the year, and daily time increments / Demonstrates calendar concepts of months of the year, days of the week, and weeks of the year / Demonstrates calendar concepts of months of the year and days of the week / Does not try and/or does not understand
Compares quantities from a bar graph / Determines correct comparison using multiple strategies / Identify and attempts to determine correct comparison / Identifies comparison based
on general values (more, less, etc. / Does not try and/or does not understand
The asterisk (*) denotes one possible way a student could demonstrate enrichment or extension that would be designated as Exceeds Standard.
1 / 2nd Grade Math | Waukee School District