Template for Paper to write into (Headline for paper)
This is the template we would like you to use for your paper.
Please send the paper back to us:
AND to your discussant, whose e-mail you can find in the list we provided.
by Nov. 14, 2003
Biographical note
Name, First Name, degree, born 2003, studied sociology etc in Honululu, current workplace, topic of thesis, and further information you want to add. Publications: (if applicable): use the format for references, stated below. No more than 10 lines.
The biographical note is for the publication only.
No more than 100-150 words.
The abstract will go onto the website.
1. First Level Headline Arial 14p bold ("Überschrift 1")
1.1.Second Level Arial 12p bold italic ("Überschrift 2")
1.1.1. Third Level Arial 12p ("Überschrift 3")
No more than 15 pages including references, using this format !
We would ask you to type the text 1 ½ spaced, as it is here. (Standard Times New Roman 12p, 1 ½ spaced, block). (template "text").
References /Bibliography
We ask you to use the American reference system (e.g. Kantner 2002: 12) within the text, with the references in a bibliography at the end of the text.
Moreover we ask you to use the system of quotation used by the "American Review of Political Science" (for the users of the "Endnote"-software). The different kinds of formats can be seen from the following examples.
(Adam and Berkel 2003; Kleinsteuber 2002)
(Abromeit and Schmidt 1998)
(Cini 2003)
(Kleinsteuber 2002)
(de Beus 2002)
Abromeit, Heidrun, and Thomas Schmidt. 1998. Grenzprobleme der Demokratie. Konzeptionelle Überlegungen. In Regieren in entgrenzten Räumen, edited by B. Kohler-Koch. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.
Adam, Silke, and Barbara Berkel. 2003. Media structures as a brake block of the Europeanization of public spheres? Development of a cross-national typology. Paper read at international conference: Europeanisation of Public Spheres? Political mobilisation, public communication, and the European Union, June 20-22, at Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin.
Cini, Michelle, ed. 2003. European Union politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
de Beus, Jos. 2003. A European Public Sphere APSA Conference August 29-September 1, 2002, 2002 [cited 09/03 2003]. Available from http://apsaproceedings.cup.org/Site/papers/015/015014DeBeusJos0.pdf.
Kleinsteuber, Hans J. 2002. Habermas and the public sphere. From a German to a European perspective. Javnost. The Public 8 (1):95-108.