
第一部分選擇題 (共6頁)

Live Interactive English

Section One: Listening Comprehension 20%

Part 1. Best Response Questions (6%)

Listen to the question orstatement and choose the best response.

1.(A)He’s always yawning because he doesn’t sleep enough.

(B)Yeah, he just sits there reading his book instead of listening.

(C)Yes, the teacher is always telling him to stop chatting with his friends.

(D)Yeah. He loves school and always raises his hand to answer questions.

2.(A)I know. It’s not fair to the animals to eat them.

(B)You’re right. Smoking is a very unhealthy habit.

(C)Sure. Drinking and driving is everyone’s problem.

(D)I know. I don’t like wearing shoes all day.

3.(A)Oh, he’ll get hot wearing that lion suit all game.

(B)Do you think he’s good enough to make the team?

(C)But I thought the team already has a coach.

(D)It’s hard taking care of all the equipment.

Part 2. Conversation Questions (6%)

Listen to each conversation and answer the question.

4.(A)She cancelled it because of bad weather.

(B)She went hiking alone.

(C)She didn’t make it because she was sick.

(D)She liked the view very much.

5.(A)He always supports her to do things.

(B)He always makes decisions for her.

(C)He is a good listener if there’s a problem.

(D)He always looks on the bright side of things.

6.(A)She is worried she didn’t practice enough.

(B)She hopes that it was worth all the hard work.

(C)She didn’t have to practice too much.

(D)She wants to practice the piano with the man.

Part 3. Short Talk Questions (8%)

Listen to the paragraph and answer the questions.

7.(A)Teachers who became movie stars.

(B)How movies show how great teachers are.

(C)How you can honor your teacher.

(D)Teachers that show great movies in their classes.

8.(A)Look at life from a different point of view.

(B)Try to be a different person.

(C)Take different classes at school.

(D)Make someone else happy.

9.(A)She encouraged them to work for a big company.

(B)She encouraged them to get married after graduating.

(C)She encouraged them to be teachers in the future.

(D)She encouraged them to control their own lives.

10.(A)There have been several films made about great teachers.

(B)Ms. Watson is an art teacher in a film.

(C)Erin Gruwell is a real teacher.

(D)John Keating is a math teacher in a movie.

Section Two: Reading Comprehension

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (15%)

Choose the best answer to fill in each blank.

11.The lion in the zoo got out of its cage and it took us a lot of effort to ____ it and put it back inside.


12.The employees were shocked by the boss’ ____ that the store was going to close.


13.A recent ____ showed that most people are worried about the increase in crime.


14.People like to talk with him because he has a positive ____ about life.


15.There was a ____ on the news about a typhoon heading this way.


16.Since more people are spending their holiday on the island, its local tourism ____ is growing rapidly.

(A)democracy (B)occasion (C)industry (D)connection

17.Amy ____ not tell the truth, fearing she might be punished by her mother.

(A)concerned(B)insisted(C)dared (D)refused

18.Operation at CKS airport ran smoothly ____ the bad weather conditions.

(A)though(B)in spite(C)even(D)despite

19.The mother ____ her child that she would not leave until he fell asleep.


20.The two countries made a ____ effort to promote environmental safety.


21.Ben knows he must have a balanced ____ to stay healthy. He should eat both meat and vegetables.


22.The charity organization was ____ after the 921 earthquake. It has helped thousands of people so far.


23.We need to hire more ____ to protect the paintings from being stolen.


24.I ____ my car for my cell phone but still couldn’t find it.

(A)replaced(B)observed(C)sparkled (D)searched

25.Sally didn’t ____ when I asked her when she would come. She just left without saying a word.


New Far East English Reader

I. Cloze test 20%

Welcome to senior high school! In many ways your life is going to be very different from now on. You are probably excited, and at the same time 26 anxious. Well, you have every reason to be so. Life in senior high school might not be a bed of roses, but it will be challenging and interesting.

No doubt you have questions that keep coming up. Will the teachers be strict or friendly, fun or boring? Will the students at the new school be 27 my old pals? Certainly, no one knows the answers to these questions for sure, but we hope you can get off to a good start. With that in mind, read the lines from a lovely song 28 "Just Wave Hello."

Just leave all your troubles behind now / My way is clear and true / Reach into the light / That shines in you / . . . All around the world / The dawn is 29 on a new day / Time for us to go / The shadows fall and quickly fade away / Time to wave hello.

As you read these lines, picture yourself 30 on a hilltop. Right beneath your feet is a beautiful new world waiting for you to explore.

26. (A) much (B) still(C) neither(D) a little

27. (A) as nice as (B) as much as (C) as far as (D) as long as

28. (A) calling (B) called(C) which called(D) is called

29. (A) risen (B) rising(C) raising (D) raised

30. (A) stand (B) to stand(C) standing(D) stood

In most cultures, childbirth calls for celebration. People all over the world often celebrate a new baby in different ways. And the celebration activity may be 31 when a baby is a few days or weeks old. In some African cultures, the family plants a tree. To them, the child’s development is linked to the growth of the tree. In Mexico, many new parents 32 their babies 32 special clothes and then take them to church. In the United States, people will also do something special to celebrate a new baby. 33 , some parents sometimes put pink or blue balloons on their front door, and others will announce the arrival of their baby in the newspaper. Sometimes new fathers will give chocolate cigars to all their friends, 34 their happiness with their friends.

35 people in different cultures do different things to celebrate a new baby, the birth of a child is the most joyous event in every family.

31. (A) take place(B) held(C) happen(D) occur

32. (A) wear…in(B) put on…with(C) dress…in(D) have…on

33. (A) Most of all(B) However(C) Still(D) For example

34. (A) share(B) and hand out(C) handing out(D) sharing

35. (A) Even though(B) Even (C) Because(D) As

What comes to your mind when you think of the word “success”? Does a person have to be rich and famous to be considered 36 ? The answers may be different from person to person, but it seems that all success stories have a few things 37 . They succeed by doing 38 they enjoy, they follow their dreams and they never give up. Take J. K. Rowling for example. Ever since she was a five-year-old girl, she had wanted to be a writer, but 39 a single mother achieving that goal would not be easy. However, she was determined to finish writing Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Years went by but all the hard work finally paid off. The Harry Potter stories became a bestseller, 40 the attention of both the young and the old throughout the world.

  1. (A) challenging(B) successful (C) awarding(D) competitive
  2. (A) in detail(B) in return(C) in common (D) in short
  3. (A) that (B) the ones (C) those(D) what
  4. (A) as(B) for(C) at(D) with
  5. (A) attract(B) attracted(C) to attract(D) attracting

Even disabilities can never stop a person from realizing dreams. Kacey MaCallister is a perfect 41 to show this. 42 by a tractor-trailer and 42 both legs in this accident, Kacey still holds great love for sports and never stops pursuing his dream of becoming a sportsman. He practices hard, uses his both hands well, and has learned to play many sports, 43 basketball and baseball. Although having no legs makes the dream of becoming a player 44 impossible, Kacey MaCallister, 45 a strong will, succeeds in turning something impossible into something possible. Next time when you think of giving up what you love, think about Kacey’s case and you’ll have the strength to hold on.

41. (A) competition(B) example(C) committee(D) catcher

42. (A) Hit....losing(B) Hit....lost(C)Hitting .....losing(D) Hitting .....lost

43. (A) including(B) causing(C) leaving(D) ranging

44. (A) looking(B) looked(C) looks(D) look

45. (A) beyond(B) in(C) with(D) against

Reading comprehension 10%

<A> Memories

Memories from childhood stay with us forever,

Taking us where we have been and will go,

Pieces of life that live on and will never

Let us forget we were young long ago.

Sometimes I wander back into those shadows,

Quietly being who I used to be,

Bringing to life all the joys and the sorrows,

Days that can’t die while they still live in me.

Holidays linger and happy times glisten;

I can see everyone active and well.

I can still hear them if only I listen,

Feeling each motion and breathing each smell.

Life has such treasures that time’s always stealing;

Nothing can ever entirely stay.

While you are young, you can capture each feeling;

Make all the memories you can every day.

46. According to the poem, our memories ______.

(A) are lost as we age

(B) are an important part of who we are

(C) become less accurate over time

(D) are not worth recalling

47. The author suggests that young people should ______.

(A) ignore their friends and relatives if possible

(B) only think about the future

(C) appreciate the present to preserve it in their minds

(D) try to help others stay active and healthy as they age

<B> Most people do not know that Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of the Girl Scouts of America, was deaf. She began to lose her hearing when she was 17, and became almost totally deaf in her adulthood.

Juliette Gordon was born on October 31, 1860, in Savannah, Georgia. Her family and friends all called her Daisy. When she was 14 she was sent to a school in Virginia that was run by some of Thomas Jefferson's grand-daughters. A few years later, at the age of 17, she transferred to a school in New York.

Juliette married William Mackay Low and they went to England to live. Juliette became interested in the Girl Guides Association there. She observed their meetings and was very impressed because the girls acquired many useful skills. They learned how to cook, knit, tie knots and give first aid. They also learned about the history of the flag. Moreover, they developed important social skills as they learned how to work together. Juliette thought that girls everywhere should have this opportunity, so she decided to organize more troops.

Juliette organized several Girl Guides troops in both England and Scotland. Since she could not do all the work herself, she had to ask other women to help her. Sometimes the women were reluctant to give their time due to family responsibilities. However, Juliette was a very determined woman. When the women refused, she would pretend that she didn't understand what they said. As a result, the women helped her in spite of being busy.

Juliette always persevered until she motivated others to help her with her goals. One encounter that required her persistence happened while she was in Scotland. She was walking along a road one day when she came to a stream. The only way across the stream was by a foot log, and Juliette was afraid to cross it alone. She was wondering what to do when she saw a peddler coming down the road. She told the peddler to go across the bridge first, and she would follow with her hand on his shoulder. Although the peddler started to protest, her stubborn insistence again paid off. He reluctantly led her across the foot bridge. Once they were safely on the other side, the peddler explained to her that he was blind!

When Juliette came back to America for a visit, she started the first Girl Guides troop in the country in her home town, Savannah. By the time she went back to England six months later, there were six Girl Guide troops in Savannah. At that time, the girls each made their own uniforms.

In 1913, the Girl Guides changed its name to the Girl Scouts. Juliette Low came back to Savannah that same year. She decided that there should be Girl Scout troops all over the United States, so she worked toward that goal. The first national Girl Scout convention was held in Washington, DC, on June 10, 1915.

Juliette died in Savannah on January 17, 1927. Thanks to her, there are now Girl Scouts all over the world. Juliette's home in Savannah is a national Girl Scout center. --Adapted from: Goodstein, A. & Walworth, M. (1979). Interesting Deaf Americans. Washington, DC: GallaudetUniversity.

48. "Sometimes the women were reluctant to give their time due to family responsibilities." This sentence means:

(A) The women were eager to help her start Girl Guides troops.

(B) The women wanted to help, but had something due that they needed to work on.

(C) The women were in charge of other families.

(D) The women didn't want to help her because they were too busy with their families.

49. The main idea of this passage can best be stated as:

(A) Juliette Low, a deaf woman, used determination and persistence to start Girl Scout troops all over the world.

(B) Juliette Low, a deaf woman, was very pushy and always got what she wanted.

(C) Juliette Low, a deaf woman, traveled to many different places in her life time but ended up back in Savannah.

(D) Without Juliette, the Girl Scouts would still only be a British phenomenon.

50. According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A) Juliette started having trouble with her hearing when she was 17.

(B) Juliette helped to start all six of these troops in Savannah.

(C) Juliette enjoyed being busy and helping others.

(D) Juliette had to work because her husband didn't make enough money.


I. Vocabulary 20%

1. On Mid-autumn Festival, a full moon is usually s_____ning brightly in the sky.

2. Why did you give up so easily? Be the master of your own d______y.

3. Mr. Brown is such a s _____n teacher that we are afraid to talk to him and he seldom smiles at us.

4. The zoo has two male penguins and three f_____e ones.

5. Babies cry usually because their p l needs are not satisfied. For example, they are hungry or their diapers need to be changed.

  1. The fireworks displays at the opening c y of the Beijing Olympic Games were a feast to everyone’s eyes.
  2. Nowadays, it’s not u n to hear that college students have part-time jobs. It’s said that about 90% of the college students work part-time as a tutor, model, waiter, etc.
  3. The Department of Health r ed lots of complaints and criticism for failing to quickly deal with the poisonous milk powder formula imported from China. People were very angry.
  4. It is a t n in HSNU that the senior students welcome the freshmen by sending them a souvenir of HSNU or treating them to a pearl milk tea during the first week the newcomers join the big family.
  5. Confucious was a great educator in ancient China while Lao-zi was a p______r.
  6. Injured in a car accident, Steve’s grandfather has to spend his life in a w r. He can’t walk anymore.
  7. In a recent health check-up, Mr. Sprinter was diagnosed with lung cancer. Therefore, he took the doctor's a_____e and gave up his 30-year-old habit of smoking.
  8. Having won eight gold medals in the 2008 Olympic Games, Michael Phelps holds seven world r_____ds in swimming to date.
  9. The couple couldn't decide what to have for dinner on their first night of honeymoon. The husband wanted to have Chinese food, and the wife felt like Italian. E_____y, they both agreed to have a quick meal at a fast-food place.
  10. Thomas is a talented baseball player and now is being trained to be a professional a e.
  11. Shop owners will add some _____ (decorate), such as Christmas lights, to attract customers in December.

17. Since we live in a very ______( compete) society, we have to do our best all the time.

18. My parents are very proud of my ______( achieve) in painting.

19. Christopher Columbus was an Italian _____ (explore) who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492, hoping to find a route to India in order to trade for spices.

20.The young man shoutedwith (excite) at the thought of dating the beautiful lady.

II. Translation 15%

  1. 當他正要離開辦公室時,電話響了。

The telephone rang when he______a______leave the office.

  1. 在上高中之前,我一向都七點鐘起床。

I______up at 7 o’clock before going to senior high.

  1. 當他年幼的時候,他夢想成為一個科學家。

When he was little, he ______a scientist.

  1. 如果你更認真讀書,你就會得到一個更好的成績(grade)。


  1. 你不會覺得讓一個八歲的男孩為一個小嬰兒命名有點瘋狂嗎? (Don’t you think it is…)
