Autumn Term 2 2017

Year group/Class: 3/4

Topic (including music)

Unit 1
Significant People from British History
Our learning will be linked to the Suffragette movement, the children will learn about them and what they achieved. The children will create a ‘wiki’ about the group and publish it online. The rest of the unit is focus on music and art from the same period in which they lived. In PSHE the focus is citizenship linked to how the chosen contributed to society and what this means, linked to British Values.
Unit 2
Teeth and Eating
The children will build on their healthy foods learning from KS1. They will learn about teeth and the digestive system and carry out a scientific investigation relating to this. Then the children will learn about the seasonality of produce and explore healthy diet choices in PSHE. They will then use this knowledge to design and make a healthy sandwich. They use computing skills to plan, record and edit a ‘TV chef’ video of themselves making the sandwich.


We will be learning about information texts, linked to our learning in Topic about the Suffragettes. We will be exploring the features of an information texts and the purpose that these have. Our spelling focus will be homophones. The children will be writing their own information text about a chosen celebrity, including features such as subheadings, paragraphs, technical vocabulary and captions.


Judaism - Moses
We will focus on the importance and role of Moses in Judaism. The children will learn about how Moses received the Ten Commandments and the importance of these in the everyday life of a Jew. The children will explore the festivals of Pesach and the Seder meal.

Other important information

There have been a few changes in Spanish. 4H and 3PS is on Wednesday afternoon and 4E will be on a Tuesday afternoon.
PE with Mrs Miller will stay the same (4H and 4E on Wednesday PM and 3PS on Friday PM).
Please make sure your child has their PE kit in school at all times in case we have time to do an extra session. If for a medical reason your child is not doing PE we will need a written note which can be passed on to the appropriate teacher. Thank you.