File Name: Introduction to Intentional Breathing

In thisActivation, whenever you feel worried, anxious or afraid about anything, do this simple process I callintentional breathing. It was given to me when I asked for something that could help me manage my own experiences of worry and anxiety.

Deep breathing is so valuable for us in so many ways emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually so there is so much good that can result from doing this and you have to breathe anyways you can easily use this no matter how little time you may seem to have. You can’t do it wrong so just follow along and then play with it so it feels best for you. I have 5 simple tips to doing this and I will go over that with you now

First... Place your awareness on your mind. And have the intention to unhook from any thought pattern of worry, doubt, fear, anxiety that you may be having - that is seemingly impacting your peace of mind. You might see or sense an image of a hook being removed from your head. Ask your inner guidance to unhook you from the thought pattern.

Second... Name the thought pattern, and then think of the opposite of that thought. So if you are feeling worried about something set the intention of unhooking from this pattern then breath in deeply while saying to yourself, " I am breathing in peace and breathing out anything less than that. When you breathe out, youare releasing any energy that is less then peace.

An easy way to remember this is remember the word BOLT you are- breathing in the thought or feeling you want and breathing out anything less than or BOLT so any time you become aware of your breathing or want to shift your energy you can use this word BOLT to breathe intentionally breathing

Third... If you have an overall general sense of worry and concern with a whole lot of thoughts and it is difficult focusing on one thought pattern that is seeming to concern you...Then you can breathe in the essence of what you want to experience in a general way for example the essence of divine solutions to what ever is concerning you or can just focus on breathing in love and breathing out anything less then love, breathing in prosperity and breathing out anything less then that. So breathe in solutions and BOLT breathe out anything less then that..

Fourth… once you feel even a little better you are then more in alignment to attracting solutions.

and lastly.... Once you are feeling more centered using the intentional breathing.. I suggest you can also breathe in the essences for everyone. i.e. ~ breathing in prosperity and ease for everyone and BOLT- breathe out anything less than that for everyone.

Play with this and create your own. Here are some general statements that may serve you:

Breath in all is well... then BOLT (breath out anything less than that.); breath in everything for my highest good, then BOLT (breathe out anything less than that) breath in that I am safe and then BOLT

You can use this example to get yourself in a place so that you can begin considering activating something better.

I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health peace and prosperity- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Intentional Breathing Session

In thisActivation, we expand on theintentional breathingprocess and focus on amplifying your power to feel more peace whilemaking a vibrational shift with your breathing in order toattract more of what you want more easily.

So begin by breathing in and out (count 5). Now focus on one thing that is causing you any stress or anxiety one thought; one situation- Imagine a hook at the top of your head and ask your inner guidance to unhook that hook- Now breathe in the essence you want to activate- breathe in peace and BOLT- Breathe in solutions and BOLT- Breathe in love and BOLT- Breathe in peace and let it permeate through out your whole body enveloping every cell every fiber of your being—and breathe out anything less than that. Imagine light pouring in through out your whole body and filling you with peace- breathe out anything less than that. Feel a sense of calmness and knowing that this will all work out for your highest good some how. Some way- there are divine solutions on the way to you. Breathe out anything less than that. Now allow yourself to imagine anyone anywhere that is feeling these concerns or worries or anxieties to have more peace and breathe out anything less than that for all… imagine and feel everyone having divine solutions to their concerns and breathe out anything less than that... now just feel that energy being activated that God / Spirit / Source is your supply in all things and BOLT.

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health peace and prosperity- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Create An Inner Temple

In thisActivation, we create an inner temple. This is a powerful place where you connect with your highest guidance and transcend any fears, doubts and limiting thought forms. It is also a place where you canallow in more energy of alignment.

So begin by breathing in and out (count 5) then hold the intention that you want to go to your inner temple of sanctuary or retreat whatever word works for you and allow yourself to be there- It can look like anything that pleases you if you like the ocean and the mountains this is your place so you can have both next to each other there are no rules here on what this can look or feel like for you. If you are more visual you may see things if you are more feeling you may just feel it or hear it or just know it – let it be ok however this shows up for you and once you are there you may see a figure or sense one that could be your guide that is here to support you in this experience if you don’t see or feel that or hear it no worries – Now just imagine there is a way to write what you want in some way in this place – you may sense a large white screen or see a pen with a color you like show up and start to write on the side of a mountain or in the sky whatever works for you or feels good and this may change so just go with this. You may see a movie screen and prefer to have the images show up like you are in a movie or watching it just allow it to be ok whatever happens you cant do this wrong. Now in whatever way works for you imagine or write what you want to create what you need help with- I often will see a purple marker writing on a huge white expanse of the sky like as if there was a section for each area of my life and work sort of like an order pad to the universe and just ask.. don’t filter it or if any thoughts of do I deserve that come up just brush them off you are just playing here... just playing keep it all fun energy and playful… ohh that would be fun... ohh that would be great... if any thoughts of how could that happen show up just cross them out or let them blow away see what shows up maybe a big delete key will show up whatever happens it is your own guidance guiding you. Now this is a great place to do some intentional breathingafter you are done asking

Just breath in peace- BOLT- Breathe in LOVE BOLT

Breathe in abundance and the knowing that God / Spirit / Source is your supply in all things. Breathe in absolute health in all ways. Breathe in solutions for you and for anyone asking. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in prosperity for everyone everywhere BOLT- Breathe in peace and connection to our highest guidance for everyone everywhere. Breathe in LOVE for all - BOLT

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and LIGHT to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health peace and prosperity- Have a joy- filled day

File Name: Manifestation Process

In thisActivation,we expand the inner temple experience… meet your guide and begin the powerful manifestation process.

Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breather in (count 5). Breathe out- Breathe in and out now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as you are in this place imagine a guide or loving energy is supporting you. That guide is here to help you manifest in this realm and then that can become a solid reality in the 3rd dimensional realm. This is where you play and create so have fun here. We want to imagine a white expanse in some way that you can either write on or use as a screen to imagine things you want to create and today if you can allow yourself to feel the feelings you will have when you have what you are asking for that will support you in having even more fun so just play- Write down or vision the images of things you want in your health, your finances, your work, your relationships, The skills you want to activate the confidence the ability to handle things in more ease and flow. Whatever that is… and just let go of how that will all come to be- just feel the feeling of it and how you will feel... smile now even if you do not feel like smiling just smile and feel that warmth... if anything comes up like how can this be just smile at it… smile at the energy of the doubt... you may see a big smile covering over it whatever works for you. Now do your intentional breathing. If you are worried about finances Breathe in freedom from financial worries and BOLT.

If you are concerned about health issues – Breath in freedom from worry about health and BOLT. If you are angry with someone… breathe in freedom from anger and BOLT. You can use intentional breathing to activate an essence you want to feel or to activate the essence of freedom from a troubling energy.. just let whatever works for you be.

SMILE as you breathe in peace SMILE as you BOLT

Breathe in abundance and the knowing that God / Spirit / Source is your supply in all things. Breathe in absolute health in all ways. Breathe in solutions for you and for anyone asking. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in prosperity for everyone everywhere BOLT- Breathe in peace and connection to our highest guidance for everyone everywhere. Breathe in LOVE for all - BOLT

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and LIGHT to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health peace and prosperity- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Divine Team

In thisActivation, we support you to create your inner team while in your inner temple, so you can experience more peace and guidance in practical way, which will better assistyouin your life and work.

Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breather in (count 5). Breathe out- Breathe in and out now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no worriesyou can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as you are in this place

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will. Now once you have activated those energies consider those that have crossed over or are in current physicality here now.

I have people like Ruth Lee and Oprah Winfrey on my team and many other leaders and teachers that have impacted me. I have business leaders and folks that can help me in all ways on my divine team you have no limit to the size of your team just ask for what you want and they are there to support you.

So just now see, feel, hear or just know that your team is now activated and ready to serve you to support you.

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you want support in creating.

Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love and peace for all concerned. There are higher laws that operate here. So if you in a dispute with someone see Divine solutions happening even though you may not know the how... just see written in the sky or on your screen Divine solution to this seeming issue.. So take a moment now and write on your screen what you want.

If you want health write absolute health in all ways and if you feel so guided add for me and everyone everywhere you can be in this place and hold that energy for those that also are asking. So if you want to attract amazing clients hold that vision for everyone that is aligned with love and peace to attract amazing clients.

Just expand it beyond you if you feel so guided. If any thoughts of doubts come in smile at them. Smiling is the energy that dissipates them.

SMILE them away. SMILE a BIG TOOTHY SMILE RIGHT NOW. Can you feel that?

Now take a few moments to do your intentional breathing..