Project- Energy Physics


In groups of 3 to 4, you will complete a project on an aspect of Energy.

1)Each group will choose one of the five options below

A)Nuclear Energy

Make sure you include the pros and cons of this form of energy.

Compare it to the energy we mainly use now.

Research both nuclear fission and nuclear fusion energy.

Compare the two forms of nuclear energy.

B)The Importance of Energy Conservation

C)The effects of Energy Consumption on the environment.

Make sure you discuss how Georgia’s environment is being affected.

D)Energy Resources- Hydroelectric, Wind, and Tidal Energy

Make sure you include how the state of Georgia uses each of these types of energy.

Include how viable these types of energy can be in the future.

E)Energy Resources- Solar, Biomass, and Geothermal Energy

Make sure you include how the state of Georgia uses each of these types of energy.

Include how viable these types of energy can be in the future.

2)You need to research your chosen topic. (You may need to narrow your topic to a specific focus)

Make sure you are detailed when providing information on the topic.

3)Things that you will need to complete:

You will present your findings to the class

  • The presentation must include some form of visual detailing the topic you are presenting.
  • Ex: PowerPoint, Video, etc.
  • The visual will be turned in.

Each member of the group will be required to write an essay summarizing your topic.

  • Your essay should not be the same as your group members.

Each group must have a list of 10 test questions about your topic.

  • They need to include short answer, multiple choice, and/or fill-in-theblank.
  • One of the questions needs to be a short answer question that will require at least 3 to 4 sentences to answer.
  • On a separate sheet or on the back of the sheet with the questions, you must include answers.

4)A bibliography must be included with your project.

Needs to be put in APA style.

You may use only credible websites and/or information completing the project.

  • That means no yahoo answers, Wikipedia, wiki sites, any answer websites, etc.
  • You can use Wikipedia, etc. for diagrams, pictures, etc.

Every source you use needs to be cited.

  • For pictures/diagrams, either put the website under the picture/diagram in your presentation.
  • Ex: Retrieved from
  • Or on the actual bibliography page, put what picture/diagram it is in parentheses at the end of the entry.
  • Ex:

Nerdtrek, J. (2011, June 4). How a nuclear

power plant works. Retrieved October 30, 2013, from Nerd Trek: The Nerd Generation: (Picture 1)