Second Conference of the National Centre for Franco-Irish Studies

10-12 March, 2006

France-Ireland: Interlinks, Interference, Intertextuality

France-Irlande: Interfaces, Intervention, Intertextualité

Venue: University College Cork.

Friday 10 March. (NB: All Friday sessions to be held in the UCC Brookfield Complex, 5 minutes walk from Main Campus on the College Rd. past the Bon Secours hospital.)

13h-14h Registration/Opening of the Conference by Professor Aine Hyland, Vice-President of UCC, and Chair of Education.

14h-15h Plenary Session 1

Jean Brihault (President Emeritus, Université de Rennes 2)

“Lady Morgan: Building Bridges.”

15h-15h20 Coffee Break

15h20-17h Parallel Sessions (A, B,C)

Panel A

Ione Crummy (University of Montana): “Glorvina and Corinne: Performing National Cultural Identity.”

Siobhan Hopcraft (UCC MA student): “Un regard croisé: Journal of a Voyage from Bantry to France 29 August 1842-18 August 1843 in the Bantry Estate Collection: A Grand Tour.”

Tony Jordan: “Maud Gonne MacBride.”

Panel B

Grace Neville (UCC): “A la recherché de Marie-Louise Sjoestedt (1900-40): A French Celticist in West Kerry.”

Anna King (UCC MA student): “Simone Tery: Journaliste, républicaine, communiste: Une jeune femme en quête de ‘cette âme irlandaise que tant de poètes ont chantée.’”

Gavin Bowd (University of Saint Andrews): “Michel Houellebecq’s Ireland.”

Panel C

Cathy McGlynn (MIC): “’Their differences were similar’: Joyce, Derrida and Language.”

Clíona Ní Ríordáin (Université de Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle): “’Measuring up’: Montague’s translations from the French.”

Fiona Broughton (UCC MA student): “The Other: The Outsider?”

17h-18h Plenary Session 2

Michel Déon (Académie Française)

Saturday 11 March. (All sessions in UCC Main Campus)

9h -10h20 Parallel Sessions (D,E,F)

Panel D

Hélène Lecossais (Université du Maine, Le Mans): “Alfred Jarry, Samuel Beckett: Regards croisés sur leurs mises en scène du corps.”

Mary Pierse (IRCHSS Government of Ireland Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, UCC): “George Moore et ‘le moment célibataire.’”

Panel E

Paula Gilligan (IADT): “The Puritan as Terrorist: Religion, Interculturalism and Violence in Jeff Musso’s film adaptation of Liam O’Flaherty’s Novel, The Puritan.”

Eamon Maher (ITT Dublin): “John Broderick and the ‘Roman Catholique.’”

Panel F

Fabienne Garcier (Université de Lille III): “Writing short stories/écrire des nouvelles: Beckett entre deux genres.”

Paula Murphy (MIC): “The End of the Grand Narrative: Postmodernity in Sebastian Barry’s Hinterland.”

10h20-10h40 Coffee

10h40-12h Parallel Sessions (G,H,I,J)

Panel G

Noel Fitzpatrick (Oscail, DCU): “Il y a l’autre dans le je(u).”

Philip Dine (NUIG): “Tackling les diables verts: French writers on Irish Rugby.”

Panel H

Louise Fuller (NUIM): “The French Catholic Experience: Irish Connections and Disconnections.”

Patrick Claffey (Milltown Institute of Philosophy and Theology): “A Secular Ireland – Quel modèle faut-il suivre?”

Panel I

Colm O’Conaill (TCD): “French, Irish or British? The Dillons of Costello-Gallen.”

Sylvie Kleinman (RIA): “Robert Emmet’s Mission to France: Noble Failure, or triumph of intercultural Values?”

Panel J

Anissa Bennaïli (NUIG): “France and Ireland: the Irish, A commercial Partner in the later Middle Ages and Renaissance (1330-1550).”

Liam Chambers (MIC): “Paul Long, the Irish College in Paris and Restoration France, 1814-1819.”

12h-13h Plenary Paper 3

Dermot Keogh (UCC): “A Study of France and Ireland during the Second World War.”

13h-14h Lunch

14h -15h Plenary Paper 4

Gerry Dukes (MIC): “’Tears and Laughter, they are so much Gaelic to me’ (Molloy, 1955). Estranging the Native in Beckett’s Fiction.”

15h-15h15 Coffee

15h15-17h Parallel Sessions (K,L,M,N)

Panel K

Eugene O’Brien (MIC/UL): “Vivre la différe[a]nce: French and Irish Republicianism – Towards a deconstructive intertextual critique.”

Sarah Nolan (PhD student, UL/ITT Dublin): “Stark Realities – The Cities of Baudelaire and Sirr.”

Lorna Day Murphy (UCC MA student): “The Attraction of Paris for Beckett: An Irish Writer in the Twentieth Century.”

Panel L

Christine O’Dowd-Smyth (WIT): “Home & Exile: From Saint Pierre to the Aran and Blasket Islands.”

Emilie Bordenave (Erasmus Student, Université d’Aix-en-Provence): “Nicolas Bouvier: Un regard français sur les îles d’Aran.”

Irene Lucchitti, “Iceland Fisherman and the Islands of Ireland.”

Panel M

Marc Serge Rivière and Jenny O’Connor (UL): “French Travellers’ Perceptions of the Cultural Landscape in Nineteenth-Century Ireland.”

Catherine Burke (UCC MA student): “Bowen’s London and a Du Bellian Rome.”

Sylvie Mikowski (Université de Reims-Champagne-Ardennes): “The Barracks de John McGahern et le flaubertisme.”

Panel N

Conor Collins (PhD student, UCC): “Two Solitudes – in Belgium and in Ireland.”

Abassi Zouhair (Université de Champagne Ardennes) and Nadège Soubiale (Institut des Sciences de l’information et de la communication, Bordeaux): “Ireland-France: Law and Immigration: Communication and Images.”

17h-18h Plenary Paper 5

Michael Cronin (DCU): “Mobilité, médiologie et l’avènement de société nouvelle: regards français sur le phénomène irlandais.”

18h10-19h10: Private Tour of UCC Glucksman Gallery.

19h30- Conference Dinner, Glucksman Gallery Restaurant.

Launch of Eamon Maher (ed.), Un regard en arrière sur la littérature d’expression française du 20e siècle: Questions de Marginalité et d’Identité, by Professor Michael Cronin.

Also, official launch of The Journal of Franco-Irish Studies

Sunday 12 March (All sessions in UCC Main Campus)

9h30-11h30 Parallel Sessions (O,P,Q)

Panel O

John McDonagh (MIC): “’Tore down à la Rimbaud’: Brendan Kennelly and the French Connection.”

Anne Markey (IRCHSS Government of Ireland Doctoral Fellow, TCD): “French Culture and Wilde’s fairy tales: An unexpected Link with neglected works of art.”

Michael O’Sullivan: “Beckett’s Homage to Proust: Charting the Abyss of Affectivity.”

Panel P

Yann Bévant (Université de Rennes 2): “La 36ème Division d’Ulster de l’Irlande à la Somme: Un mythe irlandais né en France.”

Liz Barry (University of Warwick): “Translating Nationalism: Ireland, France and Military History in Beckett’s early Fiction.”

Joan Dargan (St. Lawrence University NY): “From ‘Omphalos’ to ‘Testimonies’: France in the Works of Seamus Heaney.”

Panel Q

Raymond Mullen (Postgraduate Fellow, National Centre for Franco-Irish Studies, ITT Dublin): “’The Womb and the Grave’: Living and Dying in John McGahern’s The Pornographer and Camus’ L’Étranger.”

Stanley Van der Ziel (UCD): “Spoiled Prousts: Flaubert, Proust, and Others in John McGahern’s The Pornographer.”

11h30-12h Coffee

12h-13h Plenary Paper 6

Brigitte Le Juez (DCU): “’A l’instar du grand Gustave…’: Samuel Beckett héritier de Gustave Flaubert.”

13h Close of Conference