ON 24 JANUARY 2017

Present Canon Ed Pruen Chairman

Steve Clarke Churchwarden

Sue Jamieson Churchwarden

Michael Del Mar Treasurer

Millie Shaylor Secretary

Angela Clarke

Hugo Egleston

Maurice Goor

Jean Osgood

Frances Parris

Charlie Shaylor

Apologies Stuart McCandlish

Canon Ed welcomed the Members and opened with Prayers.

1 MINUTES of the meeting held on 29 November 2016 were signed as a correct record


2 Winchester Records Office - Michael had not seen the records to be sent to the Records Office. These are in the safe and would be given to Michael next time he was in St. Mary's.


3 Canon Ed thanked all the members for their support for the Advent and Christmas Services, which had been well attended.


4 This Report had been circulated to all Members and was taken as read. Various items would come up for discussion during the Meeting.


5 Canon Ed outlined the planned Services for Lent:

Ash Wednesday, 1 March Benefice Holy Communion, 7.30 pm Lasham

Monday evenings during Lent - Prayers for Churches visited:

6 March, 7 pm - Medstead

13 March, 7 pm - Shalden

27 March, 7 pm - Bentworth

3 April, 7 pm - Lasham

Mothering Sunday, 26 March - Lasham Family Service 9.15 am ? Holy Communion

Palm Sunday, 9 April Benefice Holy Communion, 10 am Bentworth

Pilgrimage Walks during Holy Week:

Monday 10 April, 2 pm - Medstead to Shalden

Tuesday 11 April, 2 pm - Shalden to Lasham

Wednesday 12 April, 2 pm - Lasham to Bentworth

Thursday 13 April, 2 pm - Bentworth to Medstead

Maundy Thursday, 13 April Benefice Holy Communion, 7.30 pm Lasham

Good Friday, 14 April Walk of Witness, Alton 10.30 am

Medstead and Bentworth Services 2 pm

Easter Day, 16 April Service of Light, Medstead 6 am

Holy Communion, Bentworth 8 am

Parish Communion, Lasham 9.15 am

Parish Communion, Shalden 9.15 am

Parish Communion, Medstead 11 am

Lent Lunches - These will be held in Medstead on weekdays during Lent. It was decided to hold one lunch in Lasham on Saturday 4 March.

SECRETARY'S NOTE - After the meeting a quorum of the PCC decided that the Lent Lunch in Lasham should be cancelled this year as it was felt there were many activities during Lent and we should support the Lenten Lunches in Medstead when possible:

Thursday 2 March Kathryn Mercy Home

Friday 10 March Kirakonka

Thursday 16 March Hart Wildlife

Tuesday 21 March St Michael's Hospice

Tuesday 28 March Wessex Kidney Trust

Tuesday 4 April Murray Parish Trust

6 PCC Composition

After some discussion it was decided that it would be helpful if Members rotated onto the PCC in order that "fresh blood" could be brought in regularly. A couple of parishioners had expressed interest and would confirm before next PCC meeting. It was also suggested that Deputy Wardens could be appointed at the APCM.

7 Church Attendance

Numbers attending Church from 2013 - 2016 had been circulated to Members. It was noted that there was no discernible trend. However, it was suggested that we could "sell ourselves" better by promoting our venue for weddings and Christenings on the website.

8 Safeguarding

Jean Osgood, our Safeguarding Officer, thanked Ed for exhibiting the notice regarding Safeguarding. It was noted that the Church should be seen as a place of safety.


9 The Treasurer's Report had been previously submitted to Members. We were asked to consider three matters:

(a) It was unanimously agreed that £3,000 should be transferred from the General Fund to the Fabric Fund, which is a designated Fund (ie funds can be moved if essential).

(b) It was debated whether funds should be invested to earn an income. However, it was decided that at present it was not worth doing so.

(c) The insurance premium has a current excess of £250 and the PCC decided that it could be in our interest to increase this to £500. This could only be done when the current arrangement ended in 2018. Michael Del Mar to contact The Ecclesiastical Insurance to ask what the effect would be on the premium. ACTION - Treasurer

10 Planned Giving Scheme - the Treasurer said that if an extra four people could be encouraged to give £20 per month through the Planned Giving Scheme we could improve our financial situation by £1,200 per annum.

11 Central Benefice Account - Mervyn Dunwoody had set up a central Benefice Account. Each Parish would pay in approximately £100 four times a year for any joint expenses, eg Canon Ed's expenses. The PCC expressed thanks to Mervyn.

12 Faculties Application System - This system will now be web based. Michael Del Mar and Frances Parris volunteered to co-ordinate this.

13 Rector's Board - As explained in the Churchwardens Report, there was a problem with the signwriting on this board. It was decided to ask Emma Seymour from Bentworth for her opinion before proceeding.

ACTION - Steve Clarke

14 Lighting - Steve Clarke reported that Chris Reading, who had been recommended by the Diocese, said that the Church was very poorly lit and he estimated £30,000 for all the work required. We had also had a quote from Electrical Testing for just replacing the current lightbulbs with LED lights for £1,100.

Recommended - Electrical Testing should be contacted again for more information. ACTION - Churchwardens


15 Karamoja - A letter from Raymond Bukenya had been circulated to Members. Charlie Shaylor also reported that our student was back in training for his second year. The subscriptions were due to be paid again at the AGMs.

16 Deanery Synod - There had been no Synod since the last PCC meeting in November. Meetings were due to be held on 22 February and 29 March (dMAP)

17 Messy Church and Open the Book - More volunteers required.


18 Hampshire Records Office Workshop - A workshop would be held on Friday 17 February. ACTION - Secretary to send info to Michael Del Mar.

19 Next Meeting of PCC - Tuesday 28 March at Hill House

The meeting closed with Prayer.