A.R. Johnson Health Science and Engineering Magnet School
9th Grade World Geography
Mr. Richard A. Smith, Instructor
(706) 823-6933---
Room 511
Welcome to 9th Grade Social Studies. I hope that you had an enjoyable summer filled with fun and excitement. I realize that it may not have been quite as long as you desired, but I am excited that now you get to experience the amazing world of Social Studies.Many of you were with me in the seventh grade here at A.R.J. so you are familiar with my expectations and my class, welcome back. For those of you who did not have me in seventh grade, it is a pleasure to have you in my class this semester. Looking forward to being your teacher and lets work together to make this an amazingly successful year!
Course Overview
The World Geography course provides students with an introduction to both physical and cultural geography. After an introduction to geography, students study each major region of the world. For each region, students learn about the importance of the physical geography and its impact on the region’s development. Students study cultural aspects of each region and examine the influence of geography on the cultural development of each region.
Units of Study:
1Connecting Themes
2 Cultural and Physical Geography
3 Africa and Southwest Asia
4 Asia
5 Europe and Russia
6 Latin America
7 United States and Canada
8Australia and Oceana
Student Expectations
Students are expected to perform at their highest possible level, and they are to follow the teacher’s instructions at all times. They should only work with other students during group assignments as designated by the teacher. Students are not to talk or collaborate on tests, quizzes, or any individual assignments. Failure to follow these instructions will result in a failing grade on that assignment along with parental notification.
Classroom Rules
- Students are expected to follow the Richmond County Board of Education Code of Conduct.
- Students are to be seated in their desk when the tardy bell sounds.
- Students are to bring all materials to class.
- No eating, drinking or chewing gum in class.
- No talking in class without permission from the teacher (Raise your hand to be acknowledged).
- Students are to be appropriately dressed and groomed at all times.
- Students are to be respectful and courteous to everyone in the classroom.
- All assignments must be turned in on time. Points will be taken off for all late assignments. Students who are absent from school have five days to make up any missed assignments (this applies to excused absences only). If the absence is unexcused, the student will not be allowed to make up the work.
- Students will work in groups at various times and will be expected to be respectful to all group members and be willing to cooperate in order to complete tasks.
- The student will be given a verbal warning
- The student will be counseled individually regarding behavior and steps to improve it.
- The teacher will contact the parents regarding the behavior.
- The student will receive detention (the steps of the detention process will be followed including follow-up detention for repeated offenses).
- The student will be referred to the office.
Classroom Materials
- Textbook--- My World Studies/ Pearson
- A one inch three ring binder
- Notebook Tabbed Section Dividers
- Class Notes Section
- Vocabulary Section
- Map Section
- Graded Assignments
- Loose leaf Notebook Paper
- Blue or Black Ink Pens
- Colored Pencils
- Highlighters
Wish List: Hand Sanitizer and Kleenex
The students will be graded on tests, quizzes, group projects, research papers and classwork.The final grade will be calculated as followed:
- Tests- Dates will be announced and given usually a week in advance: 45%
- Quizzes- will be announced and unannounced randomly: 30%
- Classwork-- All graded assignments not designated as quizzes or tests: 20%
- Homework – Will mainly consist of current events (guidelines will be given in writing later) along with some other written assignments. Most homework will be study assignments. THE STUDENTS ARE EXPECTEDTOSTUDYEVERY EVENING IN SOCIAL STUDIESIN ORDER TO SUCCESSFULLY GRASP AND RETAIN THE INFORMATION AND CONCEPTS BEING TAUGHT. 5%
Group Projects- may be assigned as group or individual assignments
** These assignments will be weighed as test or quiz grades and will be determined at the time the assignment is given.
Grading Scale: A= 90-100
B= 80-89
C= 75-79
D= 70-74
F= 69 and below
We have read the course syllabus for Ninth Grade Social Studies and are fully aware of the expectationsand requirements for successful completion of this course.
Student Signature______Date______
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
Please share contact information below.
Parent/Guardian Name ______
Home Number______
Work number______
Cell Number______
E-mail Address______
Parent/Guardian Name ______
Home Number______
Work number______
Cell Number______
E-mail Address______