Lake Chapter, A.B.A.T.E. of MN
Grumpy’s, St. Bonifacius, MN
May 3, 2014, 3:00 pm
Officers Present:Sergeant at Arms:
PresidentTodd RibaXFred Pawlek
Vice PresidentJim KosseXKimmer Gross
SecretaryPatty BarnesMichael ShinnX
TreasurerBecky HasslenXCousin SteveX
Chapter RepMike JencksXKeith KneeX
John Houston
Total number of members attending: 20, Guests: 0
Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance: 3:05 pm
Welcome to members and guests;President’s Remarks; Vice-President’s Remarks:
President mentioned one of the messages at Jazz’s class at ABATE U, Club vs, MRO, was to “try to keep positive”. He reiterated that message and said that as a Chapter we need to stay positive and leave the negative at home if we want to attract more members.
Vice Presidentthanked Smoker for overseeing the ABATE U hospitality room and everyone who brought food and helped with the clean-up. He also mentioned that if it weren’t for Lake Chapter there wouldn’t have been much on the auction; thanks to everyone who donated.
• Secretary’s report:
Michael Shinn made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the last meeting. Charm Bolgrean seconded. Motion passed.
• Treasures report:
For the FirstMonth Ending April 30, 2014
Started Marchwith $3,880.37
Memberships (March)$134.00
Donations collected in the ABATE U hospitality room $85.15
Total: $219.15
Deposit for Rockford Township Hall-Grounded Hogs Party 2015 $100.00
Silver Sponsorship for 2014 ABATE of MN State Rally $500.00
Postage for 1st Class Road Noise to State Rep for April - $2.00
Transfer to Food Shelf fund $19.27
Transfer to Toys for Tots fund 20.82
Transfer to MRF fund $22.53
Transfer to Motorcycle PAC of MN fund $22.53
ABATE U t-shirts for guest speakers Wayne and Sunshine $34.00
Total: $721.15
MarchEnding Balance $3,378.37
2014 ABATE U Chapter Challenge - $250.00
2014 ABATE U Hospitality Room - $200.00
2014 ABATE U food/supply allowance - $150.00
½ page ad in Road Noise for Spring Run - $45.50
Website hosting fee (Aug 2014) -$39.95
½ Page ad in Road Noise for Fall Run - $45.50
Reimburse Chapter Rep Hotel Room @ BOD - $240.00
2014 Member of the Year Membership & Plaque – TBD - $80.00
Products (up to $500.00) - $469.00
2015 Grounded Hogs Party - $900.00
Total: $2,419.95
Petty Cash: $50.00
MRF Donation Fund: $153.13
Motorcycle PAC of MN Fund: $22.53
Chapter Gambling Fund: $14.06
Food Shelf Fund: $19.27
Toys for Tots Fund: $20.82
Buddy Bear Fund $17.00
Grand Total: $3,675.18Spendable: $958.42
• Chapter Rep Report: There’s a new Chapter out of Grand Rapids – the Up North Chapter. They already have 73 members. Dial-A-Ride is looking for volunteers. Motorcycle PAC of MN had $800 in contributions and sales in the first quarter; Lake Chapter is a big contributor. The State Historian is resigning due to health issues so we need a new State Historian. The President mentioned that we also need a Chapter Historian. There are a lot of runs and events coming up, try to attend other Chapter’s events. Todd Riba, Dawn Riba, Janelle Morris, and Patty Barnes all earned Write to Ride rockers. Officer pins, name badges, and business cards were handed out.
Motion to accept Officer’s reports as presented – Dave Dibbmade a motion to accept the reports,Michael Shinnseconded. Motion passed.
COMMITTEE REPORTS (limited to 5 minutes maximum)
• Special Events(Becky Hasslen and Dave Clifton):
The Memorial Run will leave Tavern on Main in Hopkins at noon on Saturday, May 24th. There will be a pre-run to Fort Snelling leaving Tavern on Main at 9:45. Contact Todd if you want to go to Fort Snelling. The Spring Run will be on Saturday, May 31st, leaving Jacque B’s in Montrose at noon. Start thinking about a date and route for the Fall Run.
• Products (Holly Ruder and Danita McDowall): Two t-shirts and two patches that members had already ordered and paid for were inadvertently included in a bag of old products that were donated to the ABATE U auction. Lee Plante made a motion to spend up to $70.00 to cover the cost of the products that were accidently donated to the ABATE U auction, Dave Dibb seconded. Motion passed.
• State Rally(Jim Kosse): There will be an ATM on site this year. The bands will now point towards the Rally fire and the bar will be in the building closest to the Rally fire. Rally tickets are $25.00 through the end of June. Jim has sponsorship packets; for every $1,000.00 we bring in for sponsorships the Chapter gets two Rally tickets. The Memorial Run won’t be a group run any more, people can go to designated stops when they want to and get a stamp, and then turn in their stamps for a Rally pin. There will be a Blessing of the Bikes on Friday night. Security and Front Gate shifts are now three hours, we need people to sign up for our shifts. Marilyn wants to step down as Front Gate Chair; if anyone is interested in taking that position she will train you this year.
• Dial-A-Ride (Mike Edgett): No report available.
• Public Relations: (Mitch Backlund): Mitch handed out Motorcycle Awareness Month ribbons. She is sending letters to her local papers about Motorcycle Awareness Month and handed out a copy that people can use as a template to send to their local papers. Thanks to Ken Kalway and Schmitty for showing up at the Washout this morning. Seven people participated in the Ditch Pick-up this morning. It was decided to have the Camp Friendship Bike Show on Thursday, July 31st; leave Sturges Park in Buffalo at 5:30 to be at the camp at 6:00.
• Training and Education (Danita McDowell): There isstill one open spot for the BRC course and four open spots for the Civilian Police Training Course. If you’re interested please let Todd know ASAP, the Chapter will have to cover $225.00 if the spots aren’t filled.
- Membership (Janelle Morris): No report available.
Michael Shinnmade a motion to accept the committee reports. Steve Johnsonseconded. Motion passed.
LEGISLATIVE REPORTS (limited to 5 minutes maximum)
MRF Report: (Dawn Riba): This week President Obama released his ideal version of a transportation bill. The proposal has a specific provision that would allow the federal government to push a mandatory helmet law. Buried in the 350 page document is language that would amend current United States code, which provides the motorcycle safety money that would allow “the Secretary [of transportation] or the Secretary’s designee [to] engage in activities with States and State legislators to consider proposals related to motorcycle helmet use laws”. The draft is titled “Generating Renewal, Opportunity, and Work with Accelerated Mobility, Efficiency, and Rebuilding of Infrastructure and Communities throughout America,” or GROW AMERICA Act. Contact your Representative in the House and both of your Senators. In addition, contact the White House directly and let them know you are not pleased with the helmet use provisions of President Obama’s GROW AMERICA Act.
The United States Senate is seeking to end the unfair practice of federally funded motorcycle-only roadside checkpoints. SB 2078 would further prohibit the federal government from funding mandatory motorcycle-only roadside checkpoints. Representatives Bachman, Kline, Nolan, Paulsen, Peterson and Walz have signed on to House Bill HR 1861. At this point Representatives Ellison, McCollum and Senators Franken and Klobuchar have not signed on. Please contact your Representative and both Senators to thank those who have signed on and ask that those who have not signed on do so.
The United States Senate is addressing privacy concerns surrounding data event recorders in automobiles. Event Data Recorders (EDRs), commonly known as “black boxes” are almost standard equipment in all new cars and trucks. They record everything the vehicle is doing, or not doing at the time of a collision or other on road mishap. The boxes can record everything from speed and vehicle angle, to seat-belt use. U.S. Senators John Hoeven (R-ND) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) have introduced legislation, S.1925, to make the data recorder the sole property of the vehicle owner. Anyone else would need a subpoena to access the data. The data would also be available should the vehicle owner consent to data retrieval or for traffic safety research. Both MN Senators have signed on to this as has MN Representative Collin Peterson to the House bill HR 2414. Please contact Senators Franken and Klobuchar and thank them for their support and your Representative to ask that they sign on to this bill.
The MRF moved to their new office this week.
The NTSB Chair resigned. She wasn’t a friend, but also wasn’t an enemy.
• Legislative Report (Todd Riba):There’s not a whole lot getting done with the bills we want passed and with the bills we don’t want passed. ABATE is supporting the anti-profiling bill.
• Minnesota Motorcycle Safety Task Force: (Mitch Backlund): Surveys show that people would prefer to use state owned motorcycles for the ERC course. There’s a new safety campaign, KQRS’s Brian Zepp is promoting it. The next meeting is May 15 at 5:00 pm at St. Paul College.
Michael Shinn made a motion to accept the Legislative Reports. Steve Johnson seconded. Motion passed.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to and helped at ABATE U.
The Gearhead Get-together will be held in Maple Lake on the same day as our August 16th meeting. It runs from noon until 4:00 pm. We can set up a membership table; it won’t cost anything except whatever we want to donate. See Dave Clifton if you’re interested in helping out with a membership table. Dave Dibb made a motion to switch the August meeting to Delano Lanes and the September meeting to Madigan’s in Maple Lake. Charm Bolgrean seconded. Motion passed.
Lake Chapter will host the Southwest District meeting in September at the Son’s Clubhouse in Cokato.
Todd would like the Chapter to consider having a bike show; possibly something to consider for next year.
Jim has an idea for a promotional postcard that can be handed out or left at bars and dealerships – “we’re not anti-helmet, we’re anti-helmet law” with photos on one side, information on the other. A temporary committee was formed with Jim Kosse as Chair. They will report at the September meeting.
May 24th, Memorial Run, depart Tavern on Main in Hopkins at noon, pre-run to Fort Snelling leaving at 9:45 am
May 31st, Spring Run, depart Jacque B’s in Montrose at noon
June 7th, Chapter meeting at Norm’s in Buffalo at 1:00 pm. Ride to Smoker’s after for party and camping
July 12th, Chapter meeting at Kimmer’s in Big Lake at 2:00 pm. Special Events meeting at 1:00 pm. Party and camping after
July 31st, Camp Friendship Bike Show in Annandale, depart Sturges Park in Buffalo at 5:30 pm
August 16th, Chapter meeting at Delano Lanes in Delano at 3:00 pm
September 6th, Chapter meeting at Madigan’s in Maple Lake at 3:00 pm
Michael Shinn made a motion to adjourn, Steve Johnson seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 4:20 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Becky Hasslen
Michael Shinn made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the last meeting. Charm Bolgrean seconded. Motion passed.
Motion to accept Officer’s reports as presented – Dave Dibb made a motion to accept the reports, Michael Shinn seconded. Motion passed.
Lee Plante made a motion to spend up to $70.00 to cover the cost of the products that were accidently donated to the ABATE U auction, Dave Dibb seconded. Motion passed.
Michael Shinn made a motion to accept the committee reports. Steve Johnson seconded. Motion passed.
Michael Shinn made a motion to accept the Legislative Reports. Steve Johnson seconded. Motion passed.
Dave Dibb made a motion to switch the August meeting to Delano Lanes and the September meeting to Madigan’s in Maple Lake. Charm Bolgrean seconded. Motion passed.
Michael Shinn made a motion to adjourn, Steve Johnson seconded.
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