Cabarrus County Schools AIG and ScholarsPlacement Criteria – 2014-2015 School Year
6th / 7th / 8thAIG Criteria
Continued Placement
from previous year in AIG / Must have:
___ 5th grade EOY ELA/Math average of 85+
Or AIG Program Team Recommendation / Must have:
___ 6th grade EOY ALPS/AMPS average of 85+
Or AIG Program Team Recommendation / Must have:
___ 7th grade EOY ALPS/AMPS average of 85+
Or AIG Program Team Recommendation
New Nominations / Must have 3 out of 4 of the following:
__5th grade EOY ELA average 85+
__5th grade Reading EOG score 90+%
(or other nationally normed achievement test)
__93+% on nationally normed aptitude test
__Teacher recommendation / Must have 3 out of 4 of the following:
__6th grade EOY ELA average 85+
__6th grade Reading EOG score of 90+%
(or other nationally normed achievement test)
__93+% on nationally normed aptitude test
__Teacher recommendation / Must have 3 out of 4 of the following:
__7th grade EOY ELA average 85+
__7th grade Reading EOG score of 90+%
(or other nationally normed achievement test)
__93+% on nationally normed aptitude test
__Teacher recommendation
New Nominations / Must have 4 out of 5 below:
__5th grade EOY Math average 85+
__5th grade Math EOG score of 90+%
(or other nationally normed achievement test)
__5th grade Reading EOG score of 76%
(or other nationally normed achievement test)
__93+% on standardized aptitude test
__Teacher recommendation / Must have 4 out of 5 below:
__6th grade EOY Math average 85+
__6th grade Math EOG score of 90+%
(or other nationally normed achievement test)
__6th grade Reading EOG score of 76%
(or other nationally normed achievement test)
__77+% on Orleans Hanna Algebra Prognosis
__Teacher recommendation / Must have 4 out of 5 below:
__7th grade EOY Math average 85+
__7th grade Math EOG score of 90+%
(or other nationally normed achievement test)
__7th grade Reading EOG score of 76%
(or other nationally normed achievement test)
__77+% on Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test
__Teacher recommendation
Non-AIG Scholars Criteria
All 6th Grade Nominees Must Meet the
Scholars Criteria below: / 7th Grade Continued Placement
__ALPS/AMPS Scholars EOY 85+ average / 8th Grade Continued Placement
__ALPS/AMPS Scholars EOY 85+ average
ALPS Scholars
New Nominations / Must have 3out of 4below:
__5th grade EOY ELA average 85+
__5th grade Reading EOG score of 85%
(or other nationally normed achievement test)
__ 85+% on standardized aptitude test
__ Teacher Recommendation / Must have 3 out of 4 below:
__6th grade EOY ELA average 85+
__6th grade Reading EOG score of 85%
(or other nationally normed achievement test)
__85+% on standardized aptitude test
__Teacher Recommendation / Must have 3 out of 4 below:
__7th grade EOY ELA average 85+
__7th grade Reading EOG score of 85%
(or other nationally normed achievement test)
__85+% on standardized aptitude test
__Teacher Recommendation
AMPS Scholars
New Nominations / Must have 4 out of 5 below:
__5th grade EOY Math average 85+
__5th grade Math EOG score of 85+
(or other nationally normed achievement test)
__5th grade Reading EOG score of 76%
(or other nationally normed achievement test)
__ 85+% on standardized aptitude test
__ Teacher Recommendation / Must have 4 out of 5 below:
__6th grade EOY Math average 85+
__6th grade Math EOG score of 85+
(or other nationally normed achievement test)
__6th grade Reading EOG score of 76%
(or other nationally normed achievement test)
__Orleans Hanna Aptitude Test score of 77+%
__ Teacher Recommendation / Must have 4 out of 5 below:
__7th grade EOY Math average 85+
__7th grade Math EOG score of 85+
(or other nationally normed achievement test)
__7th grade Reading EOG score of 76%
(or other nationally normed achievement test) __IOWA Algebra Aptitude score of 77+%
__Teacher Recommendation
*ALPS- Advanced Language Program Grades 6-8*AMPS- Accelerated Math Program Sixth/Seventh/Math 1 (2/4/14)