UNOFFICIAL COPY AS OF 11/07/20181998 REG. SESS.98 RS BR 1562

A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in sympathy with the family of Adrian Reynolds and other families throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky who have lost loved ones needlessly while incarcerated.

WHEREAS, Ann Reynolds, the mother of Adrian Reynolds, and the Reverend Richard Reynolds, cousin of Adrian Reynolds, are to be commended as outspoken Christian witnesses to their community of the important role families play as the primary advocate for those who have been placed in custody of the state; and

WHEREAS, the Federal Bureau of Investigation should be commended for initiating its own investigation of the arrest of Adrian Reynolds and his death in the struggle with five corrections officers at the Jefferson County Jail; and

WHEREAS, Louisville Police Chief, Doug Hamilton, is to be commended for initiating an internal affairs investigation; and

WHEREAS, there is nothing more important to good race relations in Kentucky than that public officials demonstrate through their actions their commitment to truth and mercy, the two cardinal pillars of justice; and

WHEREAS, in order for justice to prevail, public officials must demonstrate their commitment to truth by undertaking the kind of professional investigations which pass the litmus test of public confidence in the integrity of the process; and

WHEREAS, Commonwealth's Attorney, David Stengel, should be commended for initiating a criminal investigation into this matter; and

WHEREAS, Jefferson County Coroner, Dr. Richard Greathouse, should be commended for his professionalism in conducting a thorough autopsy of Adrian Reynolds;


Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

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UNOFFICIAL COPY AS OF 11/07/20181998 REG. SESS.98 RS BR 1562

Section 1. The House of Representatives of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky urges the office of the United States Attorney in Louisville, Kentucky, and the United States Attorney General to take swift action to prosecute those responsible for the death of Adrian Reynolds should the Federal Bureau of Investigation determine that such prosecution is warranted and that Adrian Reynolds' civil rights were violated under the color of law.

Section 2. The House of Representatives of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky urges the Director of Jefferson County Corrections, Ron Bishop, to initiate an internal investigation into this matter.

Section 3. The Clerk of the House of Representatives is hereby directed to transmit copies of this Resolution along with a roll call vote of those co-sponsoring this Resolution, and a cover letter from the sponsor of this Resolution to the Honorable Janet Reno, Attorney General of the United States, 10th and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20530; to the Honorable Michael Troop, Office of the United States Attorney, 510 West Broadway, 10th floor - Bank of Louisville Building, Louisville, Kentucky 40202; to the Honorable E. Douglas Hamilton, Police Chief, Louisville Police Department, 633 West Jefferson Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202; to the Honorable Ronald L. Bishop, Chief, Jefferson County Corrections, 730 West Main Street, Suite 300, Louisville, Kentucky 40202; and to Mrs. Ann Reynolds and Mr. Richard Reynolds, c/o St. Stephen Baptist Church, 1008 South 15th Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40210.

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