Prequalification documents
Competitive dialogue
Competitive dialogue
No. 20xx/S XX-XXXX
(no.will be announced later)
Invitation to tender for
PPI innovation project
Intelligent hospital bed of the future
Central Denmark Region
Prequalification documents – Competitive dialogue
Invitation to tender for PPI innovation project
The intelligent hospital bed of the future–Contents
1.2Contracting entity
1.3Contact department and person
1.4User group
1.8Information meeting/presentation of invitation to tender
1.10Participation conditions/selection criteria
1.11Selection criteria
1.12Application and language requirements
1.13Submission of application
1.14Information on prequalification results
List of appendices
Tender Appendix 1General information
Tender Appendix 2Solemn declaration relating to Article 45 of the Public Procurement Directive
- 1 -Procurement and logistics department
Prequalification documents – Competitive dialogue
Invitation to tender for PPI innovation project
Intelligent hospital bed of the future
Central Denmark Region hereby invites interested Applicants to apply for participation in the tender for the PPI innovation project – the hospital bed of the future.
The tender is structured through the competitive dialogue tender form relating to public works contracts in accordance with the Public Procurement Directive[1].
The Regional Hospital of Randers has for a period of time worked with the regionally supported project "Mere tid hos patienten" ("More time with the patient"), the purpose of which is to change work processes and introduce new technological aids for everyday nursing, giving the staff more time to their core service – care of the patients.
This strategy requires a technological boost in terms of the current aids used at the hospital. In particular, the staff has emphasized the limited technological development of hospital beds over the past 30 years.
The Regional Hospital of Randers is carrying through a public-private innovation collaboration (in the following called PPI – in Danish: OPI) on the development of the hospital bed of the future. With this PPI project, the hospital wants to enter into an agreement on innovative and long-term collaboration with selected private enterprises to solve the above task.
The project has four overall objectives:
To develop the hospital bed of the future which matches the users' future needs, both in primary, secondary and private sector nursing.
To enter into long-term innovative collaboration with a group of private enterprises to solve the development task. Such collaboration must enhance the innovative force and competitive position of the participating enterprises, including the hospital.
The PPI form is a learning target meaning that the participating enterprises, the hospital and Central Denmark Region attain the required knowledge and motivation to carry through more PPI projects.
The Regional Hospital of Randers wants to purchase and use the developed products at a specified rate to be agreed upon the conclusion of a contract. Furthermore, Central Denmark Region in general wants an option to purchase and use the developed products
The prequalification documentswill be publishedat and following a preceding notice of invitation to tender published in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union no. 20xx/S xx-xx of xx.xx.20xx as well as the tender website of Danish Regions (Danske Regioner)
1.2Contracting entity
The contracting entity for this invitation to tender is:
Central Denmark Region
Skottenborg 26
DK-8800 Viborg
1.3Contact department and person
Central Denmark Region
The Regional Hospital of Randers and Grenaa
Skovlyvej 1
DK-8930 Randers NØ
Contact: Jacob Pedersen
Tel.: (+45) 89 10 33 24
The following should be indicated on all enquiries relating to this invitation to tender: "Invitation to tender for PPI innovation orject: Intelligent hospital bed of the future”,case no. 1-40-1-09."("Udbud af OPI Innovationsprojekt: Fremtidens intelligente hospitalsseng”,, Sagsnr. 1-40-1-09.")
All communication relating to this invitation to tender must go through Jacob Pedersen.
All communication between the Applicant and the contracting entity relating to this invitation to tender must be in Danish or English and must be in writing. Questions in the event of any doubts must be put in writing, cf. Section 1.9.
1.4User group
In the tender process, the contracting entity works with two different combinations of the user group.
In the prequalification, the user group comprises hospital representatives, external advisors from Midtlab and an external designer as well as representatives from the primary sector. This phase also comprises legal assistance. The user group will be responsible for the preparation of selection criteria and the evaluation of prequalification applications.
In the subsequent dialogue and contract phases, the user group will be expanded to include everyday users with a clinical background. The user group will, among other things, be responsible for the preparation of requirements specification, determination of award criteria and sub-criteria as well as the evaluation of tenders. Both the dialogue and contract phases will include legal assistance.
The Regional Hospital of Randers reserves the right to change the composition of the user group if necessary. This will, however, be done in consideration of the principle of equal treatment and the process as such.
The documents comprise:
1:These conditions and the following appendices:
Tender Appendix 1General information
Tender Appendix 2Solemn declaration relating to Article 45 of the Public Procurement Directive
2:Notice of invitation to tender – announcement in the Official Journal of the European Union
3:The project description
The Applicant should check that the Applicant has obtained all the documents in accordance with the list above.
The prequalification comprises questions and answers that will be published regularly on and in accordance with the schedule (see Section 1.7, page 4).
The Applicant is not allowed to change the published documents.
In the event of any disagreement between the documents available from the contracting entity's website and the Applicant's documents, the documents published on the contracting entity's website will take precedence.
Applications will as far as possible be handled confidentially but the contracting entity's confidentiality commitment must naturally be set aside to the extent that the contracting entity is required by legislation to disclose information to a third party.
The Applicant should notice that the documents in this prequalification, including applications received, are covered by the legislation on access to documents. In the event that the contracting entity is requested to grant access to documents, the Applicant will be heard before the contracting entity decides which parts of the tender documents that may be excluded from such access.
In any circumstances, the contracting entity will be entitled and obliged to grant access to the extent stipulated by legislation.
02.10.2009 / Date of electronic submission of notice of invitation to tender02.10.2009 / Date of publication of notice of invitation to tender in the Official Journal of the European Union and on and
02.10.2009 / Date of publication of notice of invitation to tender on and
09.10.2009 / Information meeting/presentation of invitation to tender, cf. Section 1.8.
30.10.2009, at 2.30 p.m. / Questions for the prequalification may be asked on an ongoing basis with a deadline
10.11.2009, at 12.00 a.m. / Deadline for receipt of applications
Week 46 / Review of applications
Week 47 / Decision on which Applicants go through to the dialogue phase
Week 49 2009 – week 6 2010 / Dialogue phase
Week 8 – 13/2010 / Tender phase
Week 16 / Expected announcement of award of contract and rejection of tenderers (start of stand-still period)
Week 18 / Expected conclusion of contract
Week 20 / Expected contract start
The Regional Hospital of Randers reserves the right to change the above deadlines after 20.10.09. Deadlines after this date should therefore be seen as indicative.
1.8Information meeting/presentation of invitation to tender
The contracting entity will hold a meeting on 09.10.09, at XXX at the Regional Hospital of Randers where the contracting entity will present the invitation to tender and it will be possible to ask questions. The information meeting will focus on the tender process and the formalities in relation to the submission of tenders in the form of the application for the prequalification.
Intent to attend the information meeting must be notified to the contracting entity's contact no later than on 08.10.09, cf. Section 1.3 on page 3.
Information meeting minutes (with any questions and answers and other generally relevant information from the information meeting) will be published in anonymous form on on 15.10.09 at the latest.
It should be noted that it will not be possible to ask questions relating to the prequalification documents, as questions must be submitted in writing, cf. Section 1.9 below.
The contracting entity encourages the Applicant to ask clarifying questions in the event that the Applicant is in doubt about requirements, contract terms or the prequalification documentsas such.
In the event that the Applicant finds that there are significant inexpediencies in the prequalification documents, the Applicant is particularly encouraged to notify the contracting entity thereof in which case the contracting entity will consider changing the relevant matter if possible within the legal framework of the invitation to tender.
The contracting entity prefers that questions are listed, stating the place in the documents to which the question relates.
Questions must be submitted to the contracting entity per e-mail, cf. Section 1.3 on page 3.
Questions received by the contracting entity no later than at 12.00 a.m.on30.10.2009will always be answered.
Questions received after this time will also be answered unless the nature of the question makes it excessively troublesome to give an answer within six days of the end of the prequalification deadline.
Questions received later than six days before the end of the application deadline will not be answered.
All questions and their answers will be published regularly in anonymous form and no later than on 30.10.2009 on and After this date, questions and answers will be included in the prequalification documents.
The Applicant is also encouraged to keep informed about this invitation to tender on and
1.10Participation conditions/selection criteria
The Applicant must submit the documents stated below in Sections 1.10.1 – 1.10.3 in connection with the submission of prequalification application.***
Applicants failing to submit the information stated below will not be considered.
The same applies if the submitted information shows that the Applicant does not meet the contracting entity's minimum qualification requirements stated in the notice of invitation to tender.
Applications can also be made by combinations/teams/groups of enterprises.
No special requirements apply to the legal form of such combination, but in the event that several tenderers submit tenders together, they must appoint a responsible supplier to represent all the tenderers.
1.10.1Personal matters
- Information on the group's/enterprise's as well as participating enterprises' legal form and ownership (general description of the enterprise).
- Information on the group's/enterprise's collaboration/agreement when forming a combination of enterprises or a team.
- Information on representatives for the group/enterprise, i.e. who is the group's/enterprise's contact.
1.10.2Financial capacity
Using the information stated below, the Applicant must render it probable to the contracting entity that the Applicant has the financial capacity that is required to solve the task:
- Solemn declaration on unpaid due debt to the public sector (Public Procurement Directive, Article 45(2) (e) and (f) and compliance with the Public Procurement Directive, Article 45(2) (a)-(c). The declaration may be enclosed as Tender Appendix 2, completed and signed (see page 11).
- Audited and adopted financial statements for the past two years from the legal entity submitting the tender.
- Information on product and general liability insurance
- Information on percentage share of the annual product development costs
In case of combinations/teams/groups of enterprises the information above should be stated for each individual enterprise.
The contracting entity reserves the right before entering into the contract to demand a service certificate from the Danish Commerce And Companies Agency (Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen), max. 6 months old, or another form of valid documentation stating that the tenderer is not in Art. 45 (2), (a)-(c) and (e)-(f) of the Public Procurement Directive.
1.10.3Technical and/or professional capacity
Using the information stated below, the Applicant must render it probable to the contracting entity that the Applicant has the technical and professional capacity that is required to solve the task:
- Reference lists for similar orders or development tasks within the past three years stating the extent of such tasks
- Information on the enterprises' product development organisation
- Documented know-how within product development and the delivery of equipment for the health care sector
- Documented participation in development projects in the form of brief descriptions of the most relevant and related projects in relation to the invitation to tender
- Documented project management and implementation competences
- Information on competences within user-driven innovation – preferably documented through previous and relevant projects
- Documented experience of developing and approving products for the health care sector – including handling of standards and testing of non-approved products
- Information on the Applicant's subsuppliers and network (not included in the combination of enterprises or the group) and considerations on involving them in the projects
- Experience of handling fund applications
- Information, if any, on experience and results in connection with user-driven innovation
In case of combinations/teams/groups of enterprises the above information should be stated for each individual enterprise.
1.11Selection criteria
Among the suitable and compliant applications Central Denmark Region will select at least 3 and no more than 5 enterprises to submit tenders.
The selection of the enterprises that will be encouraged to submittenders will be based on an assessment of the information presented about the economic and financial capacity of the enterprises, cf. Section 1.10.2, and the technical and professional capacity of the enterprises, cf. Section 1.10.3, with the main emphasis on the latter.
Central Denmark Region will thus select the 3-5 enterprises that seen in the light of the proposed task and the wish to have the best possible competition can offer the best and most wide-ranging competences and at the same time an adequate financial capacity to carry out the proposed task."
The contracting entitywants to prequalify at least 3 and no more than 5 applicants.
If the number of applicants fulfilling the conditions for participation and the selection criteria is lower than the minimum number, thecontracting entity can continue the process by encouraging the applicant(s) with the necessary capacity to submit tender(s).
1.12Application and language requirements
Applications must be written in Danish or English.
1.13Submission of application
The application must be submitted in the following copies:
- One signed original paper copy
The contracting entity would prefer the application to be submitted in the following additional copies:
- 1 paper copies marked "Copy" comprising a copy of the total application with appendices, cf. above.
- One USB containing the total application. Each USB must bear the Applicant's name and the text: "Application for PPI innovation project" (in Danish: "Ansøgning vedrørende PPI Innovationsprojekt").
- The Applicant is responsible for ensuring that the USB content is correct and identical to the written/electronic documents submitted. If not, the paper version will prevail.
Please submit the application in a closed envelope/package containing all the documents and clearly marked with the following text:
Ansøgning vedrørende OPI InnovationsprojektSagsnr. 1-40-1-09
Må ikke poståbnes
The application must be submitted or handed in personally to:
Region Midtjylland
Regionshospitalet Randers og Grenå
Skovlyvej 1
DK-8930 Randers NØ
Att:Jacob Pedersen
Applications must be received at the above address no later than at 12.00 a.m. on 10.11.2009.
Applications received after this time will not be considered. The Applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is received on time.
Applications cannot be submitted by e-mail.
1.14Information on prequalification results
With a view to prequalification, all Applicants will as quickly as possible and at the same time be notified of the Applicants which the contracting entity intends to prequalify.[2]
This notification will be submitted by e-mail to the e-mail address stated by the Applicant in Tender Appendix 1. Please note that the notification will only be submitted electronically.
- 1 -Procurement and logistics department
Prequalification documents – Competitive dialogue
Invitation to tender for PPI innovation project
The intelligent hospital bed of the future–Contents
Tender Appendix 1
General information
1.1 / If the Applicant has an internal reference number/tender number to be used in connection with this invitation to tender, please state such number.
1.2 / The Applicant must state the Applicant's name, address, CVR no., telephone number, fax number and e-mail.
Please note that after receipt of the tender, the contracting entity will notify the Applicant by e-mail using the e-mail address stated here.
1.3 / Name of the enterprise's contact in connection with this tender and preferably the direct telephone number, mobile number and e-mail of this person.
1.4 / Information or elements in the application to be excluded from access to documents based on business considerations, cf. Section 1.6, page 4, of the Tender Conditions.
1.5 / Supplementary information, if any.
Name of enterprise
Stamp, if any
- 1 -Procurement and logistics department
Prequalification documents – Competitive dialogue
Invitation to tender for PPI innovation project
The intelligent hospital bed of the future–Contents
Tender Appendix 2
Solemn declaration relating to Article 45 of the Public Procurement Directive
Solemn declaration on unpaid due debt to the public sector and compliance with Article 45(2)(a)-(c) of the Public Procurement Directive
In accordance with Section 1(1) of consolidated act no. 336 of 13 May 1997, the Applicant must state the extent to which the Applicant has unpaid due debt to the public sector.
Debt to the public sector shall, cf. Section 2(2) of the consolidated act mentioned above, comprise taxes, duties and social security contributions in accordance with Danish law or the law of the country in which the Applicant is established.
The undersigned enterprise hereby solemnly declares that the enterprise does not have unpaid due debt to the public sector which exceeds DKK 100,000 at the time of submitting the tender.
The undersigned enterprise hereby consents to the contracting entity checking the above information by contacting the mentioned relevant debt collection authorities such as e.g. the municipal debt collection office and the Danish tax authorities (Skat).
Under Article 45(2) of the Public Procurement Directive, any supplier may be excluded from participation in a tender procedure where that supplier is involved in one of the situations mentioned in the article.