WilmarUnionSchool District
Certificated Job Application Form
(Note: This form may be handwritten in ink or typewritten.)
City, State, Zip Code ______
Position for which you are applying: ______
Where did you hear about this job? Edjoin___, Craigslist____, Newspaper____, other:______
A complete application must include the following information:
- A cover letter addressing your qualifications and reasons for interest in the position
- Completion of this application form
- A resume, including references (may be different than writers of recommendation)
- Copy of your valid California credentials
- A minimum of three letters of recommendation
Credentials now held
Type of credential______Expiration date______
Type of credential______Expiration date______
CLAD/BCLAD imbedded ______or separate credential/certification ______
For each question below answered “yes,” explain in writing the circumstances and attach to this application.
Have you ever been dismissed or asked to resign from any permanent position?Yes___ No___
Have you ever received a letter of non-reelection from any probationary position?Yes___ No___
Are you now the subject of any inquiry or disciplinary action with any alleged misconduct? Yes___ No___
Has your credential ever been suspended or revoked?Yes___ No___
Is any adverse action now pending against any credential you now hold?Yes___ No___
Have you ever been convicted of anything other than a minor traffic violation?Yes___ No___
Most Recent work history
School name and locationDatesContact/SupervisorPhone
Continue on next page
College/University education (copies of official transcripts are not required but appreciated)
School name and locationDates attendedDegreeMajor
I hereby certify that all foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. My signature below authorizes Wilmar Union School District to check my references and investigate all statements herein recorded. I release Wilmar Union School District from all liability for making such inquires as well as all persons and organizations reporting information regarding this application. I understand that any omission or false statement made by me on this application, or any supplement to it, or on any other employment document, is sufficient grounds to deny me employment or to discharge me should I become employed.
WilmarUnionSchool District is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The Board Policies prohibits discrimination in regards to race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, national origin, ancestry, or physical handicap.
* * * *Use an additional page or the space below if more information is relevant.* * * *