Are you or someone you know suffering from low mood or depression?

If so, this Breakthrough Depression Group

could be for you …

This 8-week programme is specifically designed to help combat depression by using a variety of psychological and wellbeing techniques.

These include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Counselling and Psychotherapy, Coaching, Mindfulness, *Group Interaction, Problem Solving, Visualizations, Relaxation Exercises and Self-Compassion with professional support.

(*You will not be asked to speak within the group if you do not wish to – your comfort is of the utmost importance.)

During this 8-week Programme, you will learn and practice:-

what causes depression

how your thoughts affect your emotions and behaviour

aboutyour Regulation Systems, and what is affecting them

the importance of, and how to increase self-awareness of negative thoughts, and multiple techniques to combat them

tools to stop the downward spiral, and to operate against the ‘pull’ of depression

practising within the busy mind

Mindfulness, to increase your concentration and ability to function

Positive Visualizations, Relaxation Exercises and Meditation

Problem-Solving and overcoming conflicts with others

to develop a more ‘rounded’ perspective

how to increase you motivation

devising achievable Weekly Plans to help you take steps forward

to implement the All-Over Picture of your Wellbeing:

self-compassion, self-care and general wellbeing practices

to helpin-between Group Sessions.

For further information:

Please go to


Tel: Deborah on 07889 310542

Deborah Blackburn is a qualified Counsellor and Psychotherapist, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Life Coach and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Level 2 Practitioner. She is a member of the National UK Therapists Register and AAMET (Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques), and has 8 years’ experience working with adults over the age of 18 years. She is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998, and all work carried out complies with the Act and its confidentiality requirements.

Breakthrough Depression Group Programme



Name ______Age ______DOB ______

Address ______

______Postcode ______

Home Tel ______Mobile ______

E-mail ______

Have you ever been diagnosed with a physical or mental illness eg fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, bipolar, anxiety, depression etc? If so, please give full details of what this is / these are, when this was / these were diagnosed and whether it / they are ongoing:

Are you physically able to walk up and down stairs?

Are you taking any medication, prescribed or bought over the counter? If so, please provide full details of name, dosage, what this is for and whether you take this as prescribed:

For risk assessment purposes, I need to know about any suicidal thoughts or attempts. Please state:

Have you ever thought about suicide? If so:

When was this?

What were your thoughts?

Did you ever act upon the suicidal thoughts? If so, what happened?

Please continue on next page …


Please tick appropriate box:

I………………………………………………… (please complete your full name) attach a cheque (payable to Deborah Blackburn) / cash or have paid by bank transfer.:

In the sum of £240.00 in full payment for the Programme


In the sum of £120.00 (50% deposit) for the Programme, and will pay £15.00 per week by cheque or cash at each Group Session.

If you require a receipt, please tick this box, and if the e-mail address you wish this to be sent to differs to your e-mail already provided on the previous page, then please complete the e-mail where you would like to receive this:

E-mail ………………………………………………

Polite notice –

Please note that if you do not attend the weekly Group Session, then unfortunately your deposit cannot be refunded. You will, however, receive the Programme Content at the next weekly Group you attend.

Please also note that only supportive, kind and compassionate behaviour will be encouraged in Group.