Board: Helen Spence, Bob Wilson, Denny Holmes, Frank Wagner. Dave Bristol excused.
Staff: Dr. Woodyard, Dr. Rollins, Rene Castillo, Shannon Currier, Jessi Clark.
- Denny spoke with Shawn at Golden Villa. They are still working on the problem of the 20 foot easement causing the loss of 13 parking spaces. This is being worked on with the County. Denny will call Shawn tomorrow to see what we can do to help and offer to have the Board meet with the County if needed. To resolve this, the landowner may need to seek a variance from the County which will cause a time delay on when work on the site can start. If a variance is not granted, then other alternatives will need to be explored.
- Jessi presented the information she obtained from the attorney with regards to the list of terms from the landowner. We can pay a portion of the property tax if we are paying it as a bill to the landowner. The clause about returning the property to its original state if the building was removed should be okay. The attorney was also asked about the idea of giving the landowner the first right of refusal on the building if we could not continue to lease the land through three years. She thought this would be an okay alternative to the penalty clause. Jessi also spoke with Tim Sarmo at DOLA to make sure this is okay with the grant. Tim said that they will add into the grant contract a clause that if we do sell within a certain number of years, we will need to pay back a prorated amount of the grant.
- Jessi also presented information from Dave on the potential of selling the rental house. He will see if he can get an appraisal donated to us.
- Jessi and Rene presented their findings on the boarding house idea. Jessi checked with MesaCounty about zoning and their response was that it is a Town of Collbran decision. Jessi contacted the Town of Collbran was told she would receive a call back. The attorney was concerned on liability for the District and what the increase in liability insurance would be, as well as security for the patients, staff, and the other tenants. The attorney was concerned about our pharmacy licensing. Jessi checked with Palisade Pharmacy who didn’t think there was a problem, but would double check. The Service Plan was presented to refresh everyone’s memory as to what it says our services will be. Jessi also found the State Board of Health Regulations on boarding houses, but hadn’t reviewed them. Rene presented an estimate of renovation costs which were baseline at $17,000 without electrician or plumbing labor costs. Dr. Rollin’s had done some checking with some of the oil production companies, but could get no commitment or acknowledgement of need. Due to cost of renovation and uncertainty of need, idea was tabled.
- Drs. Woodyard and Rollins will draft a letter to the energy companies working in the area to solicit donations to help make up the $35,000 we still need.
Meeting adjourned at 1809.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Clark, secretary