Autaugaville School- Mrs. Hardy-Room 314-Grade 8 Science-2016-2017

TEXTBOOK-Holt Physical Science-2005


·  composition book

·  3-ring binder with white notebook paper

·  blue or black ink pens, pencils

·  Supply donations: Please send at least one item: Paper towels, Kleenex, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes


·  Grading will occur on a variety of assignments, including class participation, writing assignments, worksheets, problem-solving labs, formal labs, quizzes, tests, and projects.

·  Quarter grades will be determined by the following scale: 65% major tests and projects, 35% class work (labs, quizzes, bell ringers) and homework. Final grade will be calculated: 40% for each semester and 20% for the final exam.

·  Grades will be recorded in INOW. Papers will be returned to you. Keep all returned graded papers (until that term is complete) to verify grades, if a question arises. Tests are kept in my files


90-100  A 60-69 D

80-89  B 0-59 F

79-70  C


Classroom rules (posted in the classroom)

1.  Be respectful to your teacher, your classmates, and yourself.

2.  Be on time and prepared for class.

3.  Participate in a way that adds to the class, not takes away.

4.  Follow the school rules. (refer to student handbook)

5.  Follow classroom and laboratory safety procedures.

Classroom consequences:

1st offense: Verbal warning, documented in discipline log

2nd offense: Detention (break detention and Classroom Behavior Form

completed) Parent contacted

3rd offense: Demerit Form, Parent contacted

4th offense: Referral

Classroom rewards

1.  Verbal praise

2.  Treats

3.  Good grades

4.  Phone calls home

5.  Other


Entering the Classroom

·  Students are to enter the classroom and prepare to begin the bell work assignment on the board. (sharpen pencils, get composition book and textbook, clear desk)

·  When the bell rings, all students should begin bell work. This is individual work and is done in the student’s composition book. There should be no talking. Attendance is taken at this time.

·  Quieting the class-I will stand before the class and raise my hand when I want the class to be silent.

·  Tardiness-If you are tardy, it is documented in the grade book. If you are tardy because of a teacher or other school related activity, then you must bring me a note when you come to class otherwise you will be counted tardy. Three tardy events count as one absence. This will effect semester exemptions.

·  Students will have assigned seating. Each student will have a number that corresponds with the desk number. Failure to sit in your seat will result in disciplinary warning and documentation.

·  Restroom passes will be given only in emergency situations. Excessive use of passes is documented and addressed. Students are expected to use the restroom in between classes and during break/lunch period.


·  Assignments are DUE at the beginning of the period within 5 minutes after the tardy bell rings. Please place these in the 8th Grade Science assignment bin

·  Daily work will be completed in a composition book.

·  Projects are to be written (or typed) legibly (NOT in all caps) in black or blue ink only.

·  Projects will NOT be accepted more than 1 day after due date and will drop 50% of the assigned grade.

·  Homework assignments are given to reinforce the topics discussed during class or to introduce a new topic. Assignments will not be given everyday and when given will be a short assignment. Occasionally students may have to complete classwork assignments at home.

Correct Heading is required on every assignment in the upper RIGHT-hand corner.

Name -

Grade 8 Science-Period #


Distribution/Collection Of Materials In Class

·  Class materials are distributed horizontally across rows by row captains.

·  Collection of materials are passed horizontally across rows to the row captains. Row captains will place materials in the Physical Science bin.

Makeup Work

For regular daily assignments (other than projects), you have as many days to make up the work as you have been "excused" for your absence. Projects are due on the assigned due date or the day you return from an absence.

REMEMBER: It is your responsibility to makeup tests and assignments without me reminding you.

·  Make-up assignments are located in the make-up folder at the front of the room.

·  Tests must be made up within one week after returning to school. (excused absences only)

Late -Work Policy

·  Daily classwork assignments - No credit given without excused absence.

·  Projects and all other assignments are not accepted late without an excused absence.

Laboratory Safety Procedures

·  It is imperative that all laboratory instructions and safety procedures be followed. Failure to adhere will result in suspension from laboratory activities. A safety contract with attached procedures is given to each student for review/discussion with the parent. Students are required to pass the laboratory safety test and return a signed laboratory contract before they can participate in laboratory experiments.

·  Tests/ Exam procedures

·  There will be no talking during a test. If you have a question, raise your hand. DO NOT CALL MY NAME. If you talk, you will be given a zero on the test/exam.

·  If you are caught cheating on a test, you will receive a zero and also be required to have break detention including developing an Action Plan. Use of a cell phone during a test is considered cheating.

·  On the day of testing you will be asked to remove any heavy outerwear. You may also be asked to space your desks or change your seat temporarily.

·  After you complete your test, place the test face down on your desk. Read your library book/science magazine until all testing is complete.

You are not allowed to leave your desk.

·  No restroom passes will be given during a test.

·  Ending of Class Period

·  The end of class will be signaled by the bell. Students are asked to remain seated until dismissed. I will instruct the ladies to exit first. Gentlemen will exit the room as they shake hands with me. Eye contact is also encouraged.


The objectives of the Science 8 Alabama Course of Study are addressed through the following units with an emphasis on real-world application:

·  Matter and its Interactions

·  Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions

·  Energy

·  Waves and Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer

Text message reminders of assignments and test dates will be sent to students and parents. To receive these messages, text to this number (334) 472-0113 and enter the following code as the “message”: @f302c

You will receive a reply instructing you to type your name and send the message.

I look forward to working with you and your child this year!

Please return the form below to Mrs. Hardy by August 15, 2016. Place this document in your 3-ring binder for future reference.

I have read and understand the policies and procedures for Mrs. Hardy’s Grade 8 Science class and have shared them with my parents.

Student's name: ______Period ______

Student's signature:______

Parent's/Guardian signature:

______Home Phone ______

Parent’s email address ______

Parent’s Cell Phone ______

Your e-mail address will provide me with a way of contacting you more easily. You may contact me by email.