January 30, 2011

As you know, the Gospel of Matthew was written to the JEWS to present Jesus as KING OF THE JEWS. I keep everything in this gospel with Israel in mind. It is in that gospel that Jesus said in chapter 24. ”as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it also be in the days of coming of the Son of Man”. As far as I am concerned in my studies of prophecy when using Matthew, I try to think in terms of Israel in the latter days, not so much the Church. I realize that there are multiple applications, however, in this case I think we need to separate our thinking.

In seeking that which we are all watching for, I was “given in my mind” the message of the 120 years that I have written to you about. Your response is appreciated and so, in answer to your own work identifying the 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy including the “covenant with many” on October 29, 2008, I have been taken with your work. I, myself, have searched diligently since I was saved in 1953, after which I have spent much time and energy in the area of prophecy. I love it. It is my passion, if one can call it that (my wife thinks so). I have searched very earnestly since 1988, as I believed Edgar Whisenant was onto something really big. I know that he was used to give the world a wake up call. I had hoped then for the rapture. You can be sure that I have prayed about your email asking the Lord if I could provide further insight and well, this is what I am impressed to share with you.

It seems to me that if the “sign of Noah” for Israel in these days would be the same count of years, i. e. 120 that Noah experienced from God’s announcement to him to build an ark to worldwide destruction, then 120 years could be the sign for this generation also. In other words, 120 years of 360 days each totals 43,200 days in both instances. In our day, there are exactly 43,200 days from the founding of the Jewish state by Theodor Herzel until the end of the 1,335 days of Daniel’s prophecy. This seems to be the so-called “smoking gun” count that proves where we are today. This means that the Kingdom is near for THEM, NOT US. The end date of December 7, 2015 which is preceded by the most awful tribulation period of 75 days plus 1,260 days, called in the scriptures “the GREAT TRIBULATION”, a time such as never has been before nor will ever be again. (There were 75 more days added by the angel in Daniel 12). The first destruction of the world of Noah was by water in a great flood. The second time in this world of modern Israel, destruction will be by fire, probably nuclear fire. God said it, therefore it will be so.

But, there is possibly another sign given in Genesis, and that is the time Noah spent in the ark. YHWH spent a goodly amount of scripture space to inform us of the time Noah and his family was in the ark after He told them to enter it. From that time until his feet once again touched terra firma was exactly 365 days, or one solar year.

The scripture is clear to divide that year into counts of time from one event to another. When Noah entered the ark, the solar year was 360 days. The conditions on the earth were much better than today with our violent weather and hot and cold days and nights. Further, the orbit of earth around the sun was circular, not elongated as it is now. This gave ideal weather throughout. But whatever happened to disturb the planet also changed the orbit to create a 365.24219 solar year in the year that the ark was afloat. The change did not, however, affect the lunar cycle. It remained 29 ½ days, just as now.

In calculating the time that Noah and his family were in the ark, the following footnote found in the Schofield Reference Bible and confirmed in John Whitcomb’s book “The Genesis Flood” and Henry Morris’ book “The Genesis Record” is reproduced below. It is found on page 13 in his Bible and, of course, in Genesis chapter 7.

“The flood began in the 600th year, 2nd month, 17th day of Noah’s life (7-11). It rained 40 days and nights (7:12);

the waters continued to increase (7:18), reaching their highest point on the 150th day (7:24), which figure includes the 40 days of 7:12. The ark rested somewhere in the mountain range known as Ararat (i.e. Armenia, 8:4) on the 7th month, 17th day (i. e. 74 more days). There followed 40 days before Noah sent out the raven (8:6-7), and three periods of 7 days related to the the three releasings of the dove (8:8-12), compare v. 10 “yet other seven days”). Thus far there are 285 days. The period between the removal of the covering of the ark (601st year, 1st month, 1st day, v. 13) and the third sending forth of the dove is 29 days (deduced by comparing 8:13 with the date of entering into the ark, 7:11). Finally, a comparison of 8:13 with vv. 14-16 indicates a further 57 days wait before Noah and his family went forth to the dry earth, or 371 days in all, which figure agrees when 7:11 is deducted from from 8:14….12 months of 30 days plus 11 days. (The Jews count both the beginning and ending day of a sequence). But the actual elapsed time was exactly a solar year. This is established by multiplying the 12 months of 7:11 and 8:14 by the 29 ½ days which comprise a lunar month. The total is 354 days. Add 11 days (17th to 27th of the second month, 7:11 and 8:14)….a total of 365 days, one solar year.”

I believe that it is entirely reasonable to think that YHWH meant for us to lay this 365 day count over the final year leading up to the revealing of the man of sin, the abomination that makes desolate. There is good reason for this, I believe.

As you know there are two Hebrew years. These are the civil year and the sacred year. The first of these occurs on the Jewish Feast of Rosh Hashana called New Year. The second occurs 14 days prior to the Feast of Passover (Pesach) each and every year. The new year corresponding to 2011 in the civil count for Jewry began last September, but the sacred new year for 2011 has NOT YET BEGUN. It actually starts April 5 at sundown this year. But, Noah and his family ENTERED THE ARK 7 DAYS BEFORE THE 40 DAYS OF RAIN, i. e. 7 days before the 365 days began. Therefore, including the first call into the ark, the total count is extended to 372 days, and appears in the table below:

Call into the ark…………………………………………………..7 days

Rain upon the earth……………………………………………..40 days (sudden destruction 1st day)

Adrift on the waters ………………………...…………………110 days

Landing on Ararat………………………………………………74 days

Waiting for the recession of water raven sent out………..……40 days

3 doves sent 7 days apart………………………………………...21 days** (3 periods of 7 days)

Third dove returns with olive twig; 22 more days expire……..22 days**

Final wait for dry land…………………………………………..57 days

Exit day…………………………………………………………….1 day

Total days……………………………………………………… 372 days (7 plus 365)

Ron, I think that just as the 120 years works from Theodor Herzel’s founding to Israel’s Kingdom, this 372 days count may work in the year just before the man of sin arises as the abomination that makes desolate. When applied, the timeline divided according to scripture record looks like this:

Apr Apr May Sep Nov Jan Jan Feb Apr Apr

5/6 12/13 22/23 9/10 22/23 1/2 22/23 13/14 10/11 11/12


The year, 2012 is a leap year. This may throw the count off 1 day all the way back to 2011 since only ¼ of a day is assigned to each of the 4 years leading up the the leap day. This is just a convenience of the calendar. The Jewish calendar gives April 18/19 as the Feast of Passover (Pesach) this year. This means that Nisan 1, which is 14 days prior to Pesach, or April 5/6 this year. From this date to April 11/12, 2012 is, guess what?…372 days!

A perfect overlay of the timeframe of Noah’s year onto 2011-2012 yields a most interesting result. I don’t know what occurs or may occur on the different dates based on the above time line, if anything. I this that this is probably a major event schedule for Israel in 2011-12. But I do believe the rapture may well be either April 5/6, or April 12/13, 2011. Also, I wonder if leap year in 2012, which affects this may be one reason that we won’t know the day or hour, let alone the 24 time zones and the 2 days on earth.


And, Lord bless your work.


Gerry Almond

**These are deduced figures as explained in Schofield’s note. Alternately they could be 14 and 29 days signifying a slightly different event in each case. The total, however, is the same….1 current solar year count.