Вопросы иностранцы
- Conception of reception. Proprioceptiv pathway. Syndromes of disorders on different levels.
- Exceroceptiv pathway. Syndromes of disorders on different levels.
- Central paralysis. Syndromes of disorders of the central motor neuron.
- Peripheral paralysis. Syndromes of disorders of the peripheral motor neuron.
- Syndromes of lesion of the spinal cord on upper cervical level CI – CIV.
- Syndromes of lesion of the spinal cord on the level of cervical nodules CV – DI.
- Syndromes of lesion of the spinal cord on the trunk level.
- Syndromes of lesion of the spinal cord on the lumbar nodules level.
- Syndromes of lesion of the epyconus and conus medullaris.
- Cerebellum. Syndromes of lesion of different parts of the cerebellum.
- Syndrome of half lesion of spinal cord on different levels.
- Olfactory nerve. Methods of investigation, symptoms lesion.
- Optic nerve. Anatomy. Methods of investigation, symptoms of lesion.
- Oculomotorius nervs.Methods of investigation, symptoms of lesion.
- Trigeminal nerve. Anatomy. Methods of investigation, symptoms of lesion.
- Syndromes of half lesion of medulla oblongata.
- Auditory nerve. Anatomy. Methods of investigation, symptoms of lesion.
- Caudal group of cranial nerves. Anatomy. Methods of investigation. Symptoms of lesion.
- Bulbar and pseudobulbar paralysis. Criterias its differention.
- Symptoms of lesion of the one half of midbrain
- Symptoms of lesion of the one half of pons.
- Symptoms of lesion of the one half of medulla oblongata.
- Symptoms of lesion of the internal capsule and thalamus.
- Symptoms of lesion of the lumber fifth and the sacral first vertebras.
- Brain cortex. Localization of functions in the brain cortex.
- Gnosis and praxis. Classification, different kinds of these disorders.
- The function of speech. Give the characteristic of speech abnormalities. Aphasias.
- Syndromes of lesion of the left frontal lobe of the brain.
- Proprioreception. Its ways and centers. Syndromes of disorders.
- Syndromes of lesion of parietal lobe of the brain.
- Syndromes of lesion of occipital lobe of the brain.
- Brain covers. Meningeal syndromes.
- Syndromes of lesion of posterior horn of the spinal cord.
- Syndromes of increase of intracranial pressure. Diagnosis.
- Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of temporary disorders of cerebral circulation.
- Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of haemorrhage insult.
- Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of the subarachnoid haemorrhage.
- Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of ischaemic insult.
- Basic and differential therapy of the acute disorders cerebral circulation.
- Diseases of the vegetative nervous system (Kvinc's oedema, Meige's disease).
- Chronic disorders of cerebral circulation. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Medico-genetic consultation. Aids and tasles of caring of this consultation.
- Meningococcal meningitis. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Myasthenia. Classification, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Otogen’s meningitis. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Cerebral arachnoidites. Classification, clinical picture and treatment.
- Epidemic encephalitis. Clinical forms acute stage of the disease.
- Tick-borne (Far-Eastern) encephalitis. Clinical stages, diagnosis and treatment.
- Epidemic encephalitis. Clinical forms of chronic stage of the disease.
- Secondary encephalitis. Clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment and prophylactic.
- Poliomyelitis. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Classification, diagnosis and treatment and prevention.
- Acute disseminate encephalomyelitis. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Neurosyphilis, clinical forms. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Clinical picture, different diagnosis and treatment.
- Multiply sclerosis. Classification, clinical picture, different diagnosis and treatment.
- Hyperkinesies. Classification, clinical picture, different diagnosis and treatment.
- Pallidostrial system. Syndromes of its lesion.
- Demielinizational polineuropathy (Guillain-Barre, diphtheric, chronic). Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Neuralgia, neuropathy of trigeminal nerve. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Progressive muscular dystrophies (Dushen's, Erb-Rot's). Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Migraine. Classification, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Convex arachnoiditis. Classification, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Epilepsy. Classification of epileptic attacks, diagnosis and treatment.
- Epileptic status.Clinical picture, emergency.
- Meniere's disease and acute vestibulopathy. Different diagnosis and treatment.
- Vegetovascular dystonia. Vegetovascular attacks.Clinical picture and treatment.
- Current presentations about neurosis. Neurasthenia. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of the extramedullary tumours.
- Classification of tumours of the brain.
- Common symptoms of tumours of the brain.
- Dislocation syndromes of tumours of the brain different localization.
- Local symptoms of tumours of frontal lobe of the brain.
- Local symptoms of tumours of temporal lobe of the brain of the left hemisphere.
- Local symptoms of tumours of parietal lobe of the brain.
- Local symptoms of tumours of occipital lobe of the brain.
- Local symptoms of tumours of hemispheres and vermis cerebellum.
- Uptodate methods of diagnosis in neurology and neurosurgery.
- Tumours of terminal parts of spinal cord.Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Tumours of the fourth ventricle. Classification, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Classification of tumours of spinal cord and vertebral column.
- Intramedullary tumours of spinal cord. Stages of clinical development of the disease.
- Classification, pathogeneses and pathanatomy of closed brain injury.
- Neurogenic amyotrophies (Verdnig’s-Hoffman’s, Kugelberg’s-Velander’s, Scharco-Mary’s).
- Syndrome of contusion of the brain. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Syndrome of compression of the brain. Factors, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment tactic.
- Hepato-cerebral dystrophy. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Tumours of hypophysis. Clinical picture, diagnosis and peculiarity of treatment.
- Family spastic paralysis of Shtrumple. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Traumatic subdural hematoma. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Classification of traumatic damages of the spinal cord and backbone.
- Definition of spinal shock. Clinical picture of spinal shock.
- Hydrocephaly. Classification, etiology, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Tumours of pontocerebellaris angel. Stage of the clinical current, diagnosis and treatment.
- Tumors of the brainstem. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Tumours of the cauda equine and terminal filament. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Brain abscesses. Classification, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Vertebrogenic pain syndromes. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Arterial aneurysms of the brain vessels. Stages of the clinical current, diagnosis and treatment.
- Carotid - cavernous fistula. Etiology, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
- Arteriovenous aneurysms of the brain vessels. Etiology, clinical picture, and treatment.