CES Music Lesson Plan
Grade:K / Lesson:
rhythm/beat, write a melody, high/low / Date:
Nov 14-27, 2017
National Core Arts Standards:
MU:Pr4.2.Ka - With guidance, explore and demonstrate awareness of music contrasts (such as high/low, loud/soft, same/different) in a variety of music selected for performance .
MU:Cr1.1.Kb - With guidance, generate musical ideas (such as movements or motives).
Materials Needed:
❖“Week 15, K” flipchart
❖Hickory, Dickory Dock laminated sheets
❖boomwhackers / Student Objectives/Essential Question:
I can:
●Show rhythm and beat
●Write and play a melody
●Show low and high
When do sounds have a beat? When do sounds make a melody?
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Play calm.com while students are coming in. Review I can statements and essential question.
Activity 1 (10 min) / Rhythm vs. Beat (Hickory, Dickory, Dock)
●Divide class in half. Pass out rhythm sheet to one group and beat sheet to other group. Lead one group at a time to follow along with either beat or rhythm images with their finger.
●Pick up sheets and pass out combined rhythm/beat sheet one per partner. Instruct one partner to follow along with
rhythm images and one to follow along with beat images.
Activity 2 (15 min) / Write/Play a melody with boomwhackers
●Review fruit rhythms with students.
●Show Music K-8 Do-re-mi video. Refer back to essential question before starting activity.
●Emphasize - Melody = 1) pitch + 2) rhythm
●Select a students to create their own melody selecting fruit rhythms and so, mi, or la pitches. Students can drag the correct color box to match the related boomwhacker. Pick 4 students to demonstrate playing melody with boomwhackers on the floor. Pass out other boomwhackers for groups to play along.
Activity 4 (5 min) / High/Low
Play Music K-8 video for high and low.
Lead students to sing the song. Review the difference between high notes and low notes. If time allows, play interactive game.
Activity 5 (10 min) / Firefly High/Low game
Closure (5 min) / ●Review essential questions:
●Hand out good class note/rock star w/ certificate
Assessments: / Teacher will observe students as they demonstrate objectives during activities for high and low and playing pitches.
1st / Lesson:
musical songs / Date:
Nov 14-27, 2017
National Core Arts Standards:
MU:Re7.1.1 With limited guidance, identify and demonstrate how personal interests and experiences influence musical selection for specific purposes.
MU:PR5.1.1a With limited guidance, apply personal, teacher, and peer feedback to refine performances.
MU:PR4.3.1 Demonstrate and describe music’s expressive qualities (such as dynamics and tempo).
Start Rehearsals on stage on 11/27
Materials Needed:
❖Sheet music for songs
❖“Week 15, 1st” flipchart / Student Objectives/Essential Question:
I can:
●sing with others
●Show high and low
Essential Question: “How can I sing high notes?”
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Play calm.com while students are coming in.
Review I can statements and essential question.
Activity 1 (10 min) / Rehearse “When I Look at Santa” song
Activity 2 (10 min) / Rehearse “Merry Christmas Time” song
Activity 3 (5 min) / Rehearse “The Sugar Plums” song
Have students echo phrases rhythmically without pitches and then add pitches.
Activity 4 (5 min) / Rehearse “St. Nick At Night”
Activity 5 (5 min) / Review Hip Hop Reindeer song
Activity 6 (5 min) / Rehearse “Christmas is Coming” song
Have students follow with motions
Closure (5 min) / ●Review essential question:
●Hand out good class note/rock star w/ certificate
Assessments: / Teacher will observe students as they demonstrate objectives during activities for singing performance songs .
2nd / Lesson:
Musical songs; rhythm / Date:
Nov 14-27, 2017
National Core Arts Standards:
MU:Pr4.2.2b - When analyzing selected music, read and perform rhythmic and melodic patterns using iconic or standard notation
Materials Needed:
❖“Week 15, 2nd” Flipchart
❖Sheet music “This Little Light of Mine” & “Woke up This Morning”, “Kumbaya”
❖djembes / Student Objectives/Essential Question:
I can:
●Sing with others
●Count and play correct rhythms
Essential Question: “What role did music play in the Civil Rights Movement?”
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Take attendance.Review I can statements and essential question. Play calm.com while students are coming in.
Activity 1 (5 min) / Rehearse “Woke Up This Morning”
●Remind students about Civil right movements and Martin Luther King Jr.’s role. Question students about last week’s material.
●Have students warm up voice first, then rehearse song.
Activity 2 (5 min) / Review “Kumbaya”
●Play song for students
●Demonstrate rhythm and have students echo in phrases.
●Demonstrate pitch and have students echo in phrases.
●Identify soloists for the verses
Activity 3 (10 min) / Introduce Follow the Drinking Gourd
Discuss history of the song
Have students echo pitches in phrases.
Activity 4 (15 min)
Week 13, 2nd / Djembe tic-tac toe rhythm
- Show John Jacobson video on playing djembes.
- Have students clap each rhythm pattern before passing out djembes.
- Select students to pass out djembes placing along edge of mat, not in front of students.
- Once everyone is seated, have students pick up djembes and place between their legs with space between the instrument and the floor. Demonstrate.
- Remind students to play “at the right time.” Instruments will be taken away if they don’t follow directions.
- Play background track for students to play rhythm patterns.
- Divide students into 2 teams and assign one with “X” and one with “O”.
- One student at a time will select a rhythm pattern on the board. If rhythm pattern is played correctly, that team gets their “X” or “O.” First one to get tic-tac-toe wins that round.
Activity 3 (5 min) / Rehearse “This Little Light of Mine”
●Identify soloists for verses (2 per class).
Closure (5 min) / ●Review essential question:
●Hand out good class note/rock star w/ certificate
Assessments: / Teacher will observe students as they demonstrate objectives during activities for showing correct rhythms, and learning songs for musicals
3rd / Lesson:
Beat vs. rhythm / Date:
Nov 14-27, 2017
National Core Arts Standards:
MU:Cr1.1.4b - Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms, melodies, and accompaniment patterns) within specific related tonalities, meters, and simple chord changes.
MU:Re9.1.4a - Evaluate musical works and performances, applying established criteria, and explain appropriateness to the context, citing evidence from the elements of music.
Materials Needed:
❖“Week 15, 3rd” Flipchart
❖Music Express Aug/Sept 2017 student magazines / Student Objectives/Essential Question:
I can:
●Show the difference between beat and rhythm
●Count and play rhythm patterns
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Play when students enter. Take attendance. Review I can statements and essential questions.
Activity 1 (10 min) / .Beat vs. Rhythm
●Play video first -
●Review rhythm vs. beat with “You’re a Grand Old Flag” with students. Have students patsch steady beat on legs and then clap rhythm.
●Divide class in half with one side showing rhythm and the other side showing beat.
●Repeat and have students sing while patsching steady beat on legs.
Activity 2 (20 min) / Djembe tic-tac toe rhythm
- Show John Jacobson video on playing djembes.
- Have students clap each rhythm pattern before passing out djembes.
- Select students to pass out djembes placing along edge of mat, not in front of students.
- Once everyone is seated, have students pick up djembes and place between their legs with space between the instrument and the floor. Demonstrate.
- Remind students to play “at the right time.” Instruments will be taken away if they don’t follow directions.
- Play background track for students to play rhythm patterns.
- Divide students into 2 teams and assign one with “X” and one with “O”.
- One student at a time will select a rhythm pattern on the board. If rhythm pattern is played correctly, that team gets their “X” or “O.” First one to get tic-tac-toe wins that round.
Activity 3 (10 min) / Can’t Stop This Feeling”
●Review song and movie using student slides
●Discuss music terms/vocabulary and point out in the score
●Work on pitches with echoed phrases.
Closure (5 min) / ●Review essential question:
●Hand out good class note/pick rock star for prize
Assessments: / Teachers will observe students as they demonstrate objectives during rhythm activities and singing with others.
4th & 5th / Lesson:
Baroque music; Bach/Handel/Vivaldi / Date:
Nov 14-27, 2017
National Core Arts Standards:
.MU:Re7.2.4a - Demonstrate and explain citing evidence, how responses to music are informed by the structure, the use of the elements of music, and context (such as social, cultural, and historical.
MU:Re9.1.4a - Evaluate musical works and performances, applying established criteria, and explain appropriateness to the context, citing evidence from the elements of music.
MU:Re7.2.5a - Demonstrate and explain citing evidence, how responses to music are informed by the structure, the use of the elements of music, and context (such as social, cultural, and historical.
MU:Re9.1.5a - Evaluate musical works and performances, applying established criteria, and explain appropriateness to the context, citing evidence from the elements of music.
Materials Needed:
❏Bach’s Fight for Freedom movie / Student Objectives:
I can:
●Evaluate Baroque music
Essential Question: “How is the music from the 1700s and 1800s different from today’s music?”
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Play when students enter. Take attendance. Review I can statements and essential questions.
Activity 1 (10 min) / Have students share what they have learned so far about Bach’s music and ways that it is different from today’s music.
Activity 2 (15-30 min) / Bach’s Fight for Freedom
●Finish movie
Activity 3(5-15 min) / Show videos about Baroque music
Quaver’s music Baroque period:
Video of children’s choir singing Handel’s “Hallelujah”:
Closure & exit (5 min) / ●Review student objectives
●Hand out good class note/rock star
Assessments: / Teachers will observe students as they demonstrate objectives during activities for describing Baroque music.