Savary Island Committee Meeting
Date: Mar. 5, 2011
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
By Conference Call
Area A: Bryan Miles, Beverly Mossman, Linda Feil
Area B: Carolyn Jackson, Kim Wall, Sherryl Yaciansky
Area C: Bud Graham, Michael Burns
Absent withRegrets:Sharon Feduniak
The Chair called meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
1. REVIEW THE DRAFT AGENDA: No additions. Motion to approve the Agenda by Linda Feil, 2nd Michael Burns.
Note: In the Feb. 5th Minutes, the date of the AGM is noted wrong. It is not going to be on June 28th. It is in the first week of July. We have two dates tentatively booked. The AGM is either on July 6th or July 8th. The dates for the remaining 2011 meetings will be published on the ASIC websiteas follows;
Saturday April 2, 2011
Saturday May 7, 2011
Saturday June 4, 2011
** AGM on either July 6 at 10:00 a.m. or July 8 at 11:00 a.m., 2011 **
Saturday August 6, 2011
Saturday September 3, 2011
Saturday October 1, 2011
Saturday November 5, 2011
Saturday December 3, 2011
2. ADOPT THEMINUTES OF THE FEB 2011 MEETING: Moved by Bryan Miles, 2nd Carolyn Jackson.
3. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE FEB 2011 MINUTES: Item 4.1 There was to be a Summary of the D&O policy circulated. Information was sent to the Chair for review but has not yet been circulated to the Directors.
4.1 Report of Governance Committee:
Recommendations for internal governance were discussed. One proposal outlines ASIC Priorities and delegated responsibilities,Charters of the roles of officers and committees, and a Matrix of Issues by priority and assignee.
An alternate proposal suggested 3 items for our main focus; Waste Management, Main Road, and Malaspina Grand Plan and has one past director along with 2 new directors for each sub-committee and one director from each area (A, B, and C) on each committee. This proposal provides for a longer-term Director to work with the new Directors on each sub-committee. It also requires a larger issue, such as Transportation, to be broken down into more specific priorities.
Reports available upon request.
Both proposals were debated
Qualities from both proposals were recognized. Concerns about workload were raised and the need for an alternate/assistant for some positions was discussed.
It was pointed out that Proposal One is a checklist for prioritizing after we have a master plan in place. The sub-committees will decide on what issues are the priorities and what work needs to be done.
It was pointed out that there are more than just the 9 Directors willing to do work on committees as there are interested persons across the island outside of SIC.
Also, a two-hour SIC meeting once a month can’t handle working on all of the information. Three-area representation on each major committee was agreed to be important.
The requirement for sub-committees reporting back to the SIC Board of Directors with recommendations and not making decisions independent of the Board is laid out in the Charter for Proposal One.
A concern was stated in regards to the Chair not being on any committee but instead being in an overview position for the work of all the committees
Motion by Bud Graham to adopt Proposal Oneas a framework with 4 over-arching committees for ASIC which are: the Transportation Committee, the Island Services Committee, the Governance Committee, and the Communication Committee,
The Directors are encouraged to step forward to provide the leadership for these 4 respective committees. Clarification: This is a motion about the Matrix of Issues by priority and assignee, with the Charters being a separate Motion, 2nd Bryan Miles. 7 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 silent on the vote.
Motion by Michael Burns to approve the Charters for Roles and Responsibilitiesfor each of the 4 over-arching committees and officers, 2nd Bryan Miles. 7 in favor, 2 opposed.
Note: March 15th, 2011 (10 days) was agreed upon as an acceptable time-frame for those who have concerns and want to recommend changes to the Sub-Committee Charters.
4.2 ASIC Priorities:
4.2.1 Identification of Table Officers:
- President/Chairperson:Bud Graham.
- Vice President:Sharon Feduniak.
- Secretary: Sherryl Yaciansky, with Sharon Feduniak in the Assistant/Advisory role for the Secretary.
- In the absence of a Treasurer, Bud Graham will take on interim responsibility.
4.2.2 Committee Assignments:
- Chair of Transportation Committee: Carolyn Jackson.
- Chair of Community Services Committee: Bud Graham.
- Chair of Governance Committee: Michael Burns.
- Chair of Communications Committee: Kim Wall.
Motion by Bryan Miles for the above-noted leadership for each of the 4 committees, 2nd by Michael Burns.
Discussion: Expressions of interest were received from SIC Directors for sub-committee member positions. Each of the 4 Sub-Committee Chairpersons will recruit their own committee members.
5.1 FINANCE: CAROLYN JACKSON - Balance: $4111.38 Petty Cash $59.53. A USB flash drive was purchased.
5.1.1 BUSINESS NUMBER INFORMATION: Everything has now been received.
5.1.2 D&O SUMMARY: Already discussed under Section 3 of these Minutes.
5.2 DL 1375: BUD GRAHAM - The Sahlin’s have applied through the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to subdivide DL 1375 into 4 parcels ranging in size from 22 ha to 40 ha in area.This subdivision and the associated requirements for development permits were considered by the PRRD Planning Committee on February 22nd. The Planning Committee deferred the matter to their next meeting on Tuesday March15thwhile they attempt to resolve some outstanding concerns; the matter of the authority and/or discretion of the MoTI Approving Officer, responses from the Ministry of the Environment to questions about their rolein securing protection for the ecological values on this property, and to await what the Court of Appeal’s decision will be about the original court order.
5.3 BC HYDRO COMMUNITY ENERGY PLAN: CAROLYN JACKSON - The Community Information Meeting dates have been changed and are published in the Savary Island News. The meeting in Vancouver is on March 31st at the Vancouver Public Library Main Branch from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. The meeting on Savary Island is on April 9th at the Firehall from 10:00 am to 1:30 pm. The most recent correspondence from PRRD is that they are going to provide BC Hydro with their assessment list.
5.4 BEACHED PONTOON VESSEL: CAROLYN JACKSON - We’ve obtained the entire funding. Barge removal will happen within the next few weeks. The ILMB is kicking in $15,000 to$17,000. The scrap value is $7800 to $10,800. The PRRD will give up to $6,700 from the Waste Management budget, not out of Area AGrant in Aid money.Carolyn Jackson was able to attend the PRRD’s meeting to clarify and give further information. The date for removal has been extended to March 27th, dependent on weather and tides. Contracts will be written up, insurance documents filled out, etc. for the contractor to get started ASAP. The contract was awarded to a local Powell River contractor using other local businesses.
5.4.1 Correspondence received - An email was recently received from an ASIC member regarding the barge removal project and will be replied to as follows; This matter has been on SIC’s agenda since 2004 and the Regional District at that time refused involvement, as well as any other government bodies. Information about this matter has also been provided for SIC’s AGM in recent years and there have been no negative comments, so SIC has followed through with this project to obtain approvals and funding.
5.5 BOTTLE DEPOT RELOCATION: BUD GRAHAM – A proposal has been submitted to the Ministry of Environmentfor a community service site on a portion of Lot 2681 along Savary Island Lane. The land is held by the MoE, but there is apparently a relationship with Nature Trust who was a previous owner of that land, requiring the MoE to consult with Nature Trust. There is a meeting set up for March 15th in Victoria to discuss the Bottle Depot Relocation Proposal. Bud Graham will be attending.
5.6 ROADS: CAROLYN JACKSON – Clint Monson, Area Manager for MoT, stated on March 1st thathe hadapplied for additional funding in the April 1st budget tocontinue with the gravelling ofVancouver Blvd. Further discussion ensued.
6.1 FUNDRAISERCALENDAR ADVERTISING: MICHAEL BURNS – A plan with pricing and prospects was put together. Unfortunately, a copy of last year’s calendar or a proof copy of this year’s calendar could not be obtained to show prospective advertisers what they were going to be getting. While there is believed to be interest to advertise in our calendar that may be worth a few thousand dollars, we will not be able to organize that in time for this year’s calendar.
6.2 AGM DATE: CAROLYN JACKSON – We currently have two dates tentatively booked, July 6th and July 8th. We need to find out when the SIPOA and SILT meeting dates are before finalizing our AGM date.
7. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn by Carolyn Jackson, 2nd by Michael Burns.Adjournment at 11:35 a.m.
NOTE TO THE MINUTES: Subsequent Events (by email):
- Motion by Bud Graham that Bryan Miles replaces Bud Graham as the Chair of the Community Services Committee, 2nd by Sharon Feduniak.
- Motion by Bud Graham to accept Carolyn Jackson as Treasurer for the remainder of the term, 2nd by Sharon Feduniak.
- Motion by Carolyn Jackson to amend the Charters so that the Treasurer only does Finances. Fundraising coordination, revenue opportunities and collection could be another committee or Ad Hoc. Also that the cheque signing authorities for SIC be as follows; Carolyn Jackson as Treasurer, with Directors Bud Graham, Sharon Feduniak, Bryan Miles as additional signees for banking purposes as 2 signatures are required on cheques. 2nd by Sharon Feduniak.
Internal Governance Matters
March 4, 2011
ASIC Colleagues
In our initial meeting I proposed that we give serious focus and consideration to our organization to ensure we are effective and accomplish as much as possible.
In the 60 days before our last meeting we had time to become familiar with the issues and gain a sense of the background and capabilities of our fellow members.
Following our meeting February 5th the Chairman and I agreed that I would talk to as many members as possible to attempt to achieve consensus on organization and priorities. We characterized this as our internal governance.
I circulated drafts to you all and had discussions with all the elected people and a number of outside and former participants.
The knowledge of the issues among the returning directors and others is impressive. This is a great base for us to rely on going forward.
The mode of operation of the committee up to the present has been largely individual action by a few motivated members who wrestled with the issues at hand. Most agreed that broader involvement by all members in a planned and organized fashion would produce more wins and better outcomes. The experience of most of us in our other lives is that planning, clear delegation of responsibility and accountability produce the best outcomes.
What I heard from many of you was that dealing with all issues and action by all nine members in a two hour meeting once a month was not effective. There was support for delegation of tasks to committees with empowered leaders who could analyze, consider and recommend action to the board and then carry out those actions.
There was full agreement on the identification of the issues facing us and the need for organization to reach solutions.
The intent of the recommendation is to group the issues and therefore tasks into groups of issues that are interrelated. Charters for each position and committee were developed reflecting this. All major plans and actions of the officers and committees are subject to board approval.
The table officers Pres., Vice Pres., Secretary, Treasurer and Communications Committee would cover the tasks relating to the internal workings of the committee. These are tasks that are essential to the functioning of the group.
The three other committees were designed to deal with all issues in their assigned charters. Committees would decide on the priorities, enlist committee members, do the analysis of solutions and make recommendations to the board.
Subsequent to my round of meetings both Carolyn Jackson and Sharon Feduniak have circulated ideas as to priorities and their preferences regarding membership on the committees. These are thoughtful ideas however based on the concept laid out above these would be properly directed to Officers and committee chairs who would work with the President and their committees to consider these suggestions and make decisions on those matters.
I think there is consensus that we cannot deal with micromanagement of issues or committee business at the board level. Success will come by delegating responsibility to committees and positions.
I recommend we adopt this general structure and urge committees and officers to get on with the work required to bring useable recommendations to the board for approval and action.
Mike Burns
Member ASIC
Report on internal Governance Matters
This report recommends adoption of the following items;
- Letter to ASIC directors re process of recommendation
- ASIC Priorities and delegated responsibilities
- Charters of the roles of officers and committees
- Matrix of Issues by priority and assignee
Respectfully submitted,
Michael C. Burns
- Transmittal letter
March 4, 2011
ASIC Colleagues
In our initial meeting I proposed that we give serious focus and consideration to our organization to ensure we are effective and accomplish as much as possible.
In the 60 days before our last meeting we had time to become familiar with the issues and gain a sense of the background and capabilities of our fellow members.
Following our meeting February 5th the Chairman and I agreed that I would talk to as many members as possible to attempt to achieve consensus on organization and priorities. We characterized this as our internal governance.
I circulated drafts to you all and had discussions with all the elected people and a number of outside and former participants.
The knowledge of the issues among the returning directors and others is impressive. This is a great base for us to rely on going forward.
The mode of operation of the committee up to the present has been largely individual action by a few motivated members who wrestled with the issues at hand. Most agreed that broader involvement by all members in a planned and organized fashion would produce more wins and better outcomes. The experience of most of us in our other lives is that planning, clear delegation of responsibility and accountability produce the best outcomes.
What I heard from many of you was that dealing with all issues and action by all nine members in a two hour meeting once a month was not effective. There was support for delegation of tasks to committees with empowered leaders who could analyze, consider and recommend action to the board and then carry out those actions.
There was full agreement on the identification of the issues facing us and the need for organization to reach solutions.
The intent of the recommendation is to group the issues and therefore tasks into groups of issues that are interrelated. Charters for each position and committee were developed reflecting this. All major plans and actions of the officers and committees are subject to board approval.
The table officers Pres., Vice Pres., Secretary, Treasurer and Communications Committee would cover the tasks relating to the internal workings of the committee. These are tasks that are essential to the functioning of the group.
The three other committees were designed to deal with all issues in their assigned charters. Committees would decide on the priorities, enlist committee members, do the analysis of solutions and make recommendations to the board.
Subsequent to my round of meetings both Carolyn Jackson and Sharon Feduniak have circulated ideas as to priorities and their preferences regarding membership on the committees. These are thoughtful ideas however based on the concept laid out above these would be properly directed to Officers and committee chairs who would work with the President and their committees to consider these suggestions and make decisions on those matters.
I think there is consensus that we cannot deal with micromanagement of issues or committee business at the board level. Success will come by delegating responsibility to committees and positions.
I recommend we adopt this general structure and urge committees and officers to get on with the work required to bring useable recommendations to the board for approval and action.
Mike Burns
Member ASIC
II. ASIC Priorities and delegated responsibilities
In our follow-on discussions from the January meeting we have scanned all the material we have been given and accessed. From this we have set out a list of issues that appear to be on the ASIC table. These have been classified into four categories;