EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/22/2007
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. / 6509.33_301-51
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fsH 6509.33 - federal travel regulation
/ Forest Service Handbook
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Washington, DC
fsH 6509.33 - federal travel regulation
Supplement No.: 6509.33-2007-5
Effective Date: June 22, 2007
Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) / Date Approved: 06/11/2007
Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this handbook was 6509.33-2007-4 to chapter 301.
New Document / 6509.33_301-51 / 36 PagesSuperseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date / id_6509.33-2006-6, 07/13/2006 / 34 Pages
301-51 - Incorporates direction previously issued in interim directive (ID) 6509.33-2006-6, which expires on January 13, 2008. Establishes code and captions for agency policy regarding the Government travel card.
301-51.84e - Changes “Assistant Director of Travel and Accounting Operations, Albuquerque ServiceCenter (ASC)” to “Assistant Director of Claims, Payments and Travel, AlbuquerqueServiceCenter, Budget and Finance (ASC-B&F).”
301-51.84f - Changes caption from “Travel Branch, Albuquerque Service Center (ASC)” to “Travel Branch, AlbuquerqueServiceCenter, Budget and Finance (ASC-B&F).” Adds a listing for processing travel card limit requests.
301-51.84h - Adds a completion date for the required yearly training of March 31 of each year. Also, replaces the training source from GSA to the USDA sponsored training through Aglearn.
301-51.86b - Replaces the Web site address for the GSA sponsored training with the Web site address for the USDA sponsored training through Aglearn.
301- 51.87a - Adds a listing of exemptions to the use of the travel charge card as well as a listing of union negotiated exemptions to the use of the travel charge card.
301-51.89 - Adds exhibit 05, an example of a 60-Day Delinquent Notice and exhibit 07, an example of a Salary Offset Notice. Deletes exhibit 05, Form FS-6500-207, Request for Increase Government Travel Card Limit. Deletes exhibit 06, an example of the Government travel charge card application.
(For further direction on organization and posting of parent text (white pages) see the Foreword to the Federal Travel Regulation beginning on page i.)
ORGANIZATION. The Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) is divided into chapters, parts, subparts (if applicable), sections, and paragraphs. The numbers 301, 302, 303, and 304 connote specific chapters of Title 41 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The number before the decimal point indicates the part within each chapter; the number after the decimal point indicates the section. For example 301-1.1 refers to:
301- 1. 1
Pages within each part are consecutively numbered beginning with Arabic number 1. Each page number is preceded by the part number; for example, the third page of Part 301-2 is numbered
2-3. Individual pages are identified by chapter in the running header.
TRANSMITTALS. Transmittals accompany parent text, Department supplements, and Forest Service supplements. File transmittals at the front of the Handbook in numerical sequence with the highest amendment or supplement number first. Group the transmittals in the following order by issuing Agency and unit level:
- Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) (white transmittals);
- Agriculture Travel Regulations (ATR) supplements (yellow transmittals);
- Forest Service Travel Regulations (FSTR) supplements (buff transmittals);
- Region, Station, or Area Supplements (blue transmittals); and
- Forest Supplements (green transmittals).
SUPPLEMENTS AND INTERIM DIRECTIVES. Post supplements to the parent text of the Federal Travel Regulation (white pages) at the end of each part (for example, at the end of part 301-1, 301-2, and so on) by color in the following order:
- Agriculture Travel Regulations (ATR) supplements (yellow pages);
- Forest Service Travel Regulations (FSTR) supplements (buff pages);
- Washington Office ID's (pink pages);
- Region, Station, or Area Supplements (blue pages);
- Region, Station, or Area ID's (pink pages);
- Forest Supplements (green pages); and
- Forest ID's (pink pages).
Table of Contents
301-51.8 - Government Travel Card
301-51.81 - Authority
301-51.82 - Objectives
301-51.83 - Policy
301-51.84 - Responsibility
301-51.84a - Chief of the Forest Service
301-51.84b - Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
301-51.84c - Director of Financial Management
301-51.84d - Director of Budget and Finance, Albuquerque Service Center (ASC-B&F)
301-51.84e - Assistant Director of Claims, Payments and Travel, Albuquerque Service Center, Budget and Finance (ASC-B&F)
301-51.84f - Travel Branch, Albuquerque Service Center, Budget and Finance (ASC-B&F)
301-51.84g - Cardholder’s Immediate Supervisor
301-51.84h - Employees
301-51.85 - Definitions
301-51.86 - Travel Card Procedures
301-51.86a - Travel Card Management Plan
301-51.86b - Training
301-51.86c - Risk Management
301-51.86d - Performance Metrics and Data Requirements
301-51.86e - Credit Worthiness
301-51.87 - Travel Card Use
301-51.87a - Exemptions to the Use of the Travel Charge Card
301-51.87b - Cash Advances
301-51.87c - Travel Voucher Reimbursement
301-51.87d - Travel Card Operations during National and State Declared Emergencies
301-51.87e - Deactivation and Reactivation
301-51.87f - Collection of Delinquent Payments from Employee Pay
301-51.87g - Suspension/Cancellation of Travel Charge Cards
301-51.88 - Employee Travel Card Application Requirements
301-51.88a - USDA Zero Tolerance Policy
301-51.89 - Exhibits
301-51.8 - Government Travel Card
A government travel card is an account established by a commercial financial institution (hereinafter, referred to as the “charge card vendor”) on behalf of agencies or individual agency employees to which the cost of purchasing goods and services for official agency business may be charged. For the purposes of this policy, the term “travel card”, “charge card,” or “card” means “government travel card” as defined in section 301-51.85.
Travel cards are issued as either individually billed accounts with individual liability or as centrally-billed accounts, wherein the government is liable for all purchases, including those that are the result of misuse or abuse. Misuse or abuse may result in disciplinary actions against employees. Vendor banks retain financial liability for fraudulent transactions.
301-51.81 - Authority
1. Title 31, United States Code (U.S.C), section 1111 (31 U.S.C. 1111). Provides rulemaking authority to improve economy and efficiency in the United States Government.
2. The Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act of 1982 (FMFIA) (Pub.L. 97-255 and 31 U.S.C. sec. 3512). Amends section 113 of the Accounting and Auditing Act of 1950 as to requirements for the performance of reviews of the systems of internal controls and the annual issuances of a statement (report) as to the adequacy of the agency's internal controls to the President and Congress. This Act also amends the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921.
3. Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act (41 U.S.C. 433 (b)(3)). Directs the Administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement to provide Government-wide procurement policy and leadership in the development of procurement systems of the executive agencies.
4. Chief Financial Officers Act (CFO) of 1990, as amended. Establishes a financial management leadership structure; requires long-range planning; requires audited financial statements for all trust and revolving fund operations; establishes a pilot project requiring Federal agencies to prepare and have audited agency-wide financial statements; and strengthens accountability reporting.
5. Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Circular A-123 and Appendix B(Revised April 28, 2006), Improving the Management of Government Charge Card Programs. Requires agencies to have an ongoing requirement to evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken to comply with the requirements of this policy. For example, agencies must periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the controls put in place to mitigate the risks of payment delinquencies and charge card misuse.
6. USDA Departmental Regulation (DR) 2300-001 “USDA Travel Card Regulation,” October 20, 2003. Provides Zero Tolerance policy and procedures that Forest Service employees must follow for official travel. The full USDA policy may be found at .
7. Travel and Transportation Reform Act of 1998. The Travel and Transportation Reform Act of 1998 (TTRA) requires Federal employees to use Federal travel charge cards for all payment of official Government travel; and, amended Title 31, U.S.C. to: establish requirements for prepayment audits of Federal agency transportation expenses, authorize reimbursement of Federal agency employees for taxes incurred on travel or transportation reimbursements, and authorize test programs for the payment of Federal employee travel expenses and relocation expenses.
8. Federal Travel Regulation (FTR), 41 CFR Parts 301-51, 301-52, 301-54, 301-70,
301-71, and 301-76. The FTR governs temporary duty travel allowances.
301-51.82 - Objectives
The objective of this policy is to provide guidance to Forest Service managers to ensure the accountability and effectiveness of their travel programs and operations by establishing, assessing, correcting, and reporting on internal controls related to the use of Federal travel charge cards. This policy emphasizes the need for integrated and coordinated internal control assessments that synchronize all internal control-related activities. In addition, the specific objectives of this policy are to:
1. Consolidate and update current governmentwide charge card program requirements and guidance issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), General Services Administration (GSA), Department of the Treasury, and other Federal agencies, as well as provide updates, new guidance, or amendments to existing guidance; and
2. Establish standard minimum requirements and suggested best practices for government charge card programs that may be supplemented.
301-51.83 - Policy
1. Execute the Travel Card Management Plan as follows:
a. Provide training on travel charge card management;
b. Implement risk management controls, policies, and practices for the travel charge card management program;
c. Maintain and report data and develop and report on performance metrics related to the travel charge card management program; and
d. Assess applicant credit worthiness prior to issuing a new travel card.
2. Incorporate this policy into the Travel Card Program in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-123 and Appendix B, Improving the Management of Government Charge Card Programs (Revised April 28, 2006). This policy will reduce the Forest Service's cash requirements by diminishing the need for travel advances and by improving internal control, cash management, and administrative procedures.
3. Maximize benefits to the Federal Government when using government travel charge cards to pay for goods and services in support of official Federal missions. The policies and expected benefits include, but are not limited to:
a. Reducing administrative costs and time for purchasing and paying for goods and services;
b. Ensuring the most effective controls are in place to mitigate the risk of fraud, misuse, and delinquency;
c. Improving financial, administrative, and other benefits offered to the government by government charge card providers and other entities, including maximizing refunds where appropriate; and
d. Using government charge card data to monitor policy compliance and inform management decision making for a more cost effective card program.
301-51.84 - Responsibility
301-51.84a - Chief of the Forest Service
The Chief, Forest Service has the authority and responsibility to:
1. Establish internal procedures to promote the use of the card and to monitor fraud, waste, and abuse of the travel charge card.
2. Ensure that Forest Service employees receive information on how the Travel Card Program operates; as well as on proper use and safeguarding of the travel card.
3. Convey the “USDA Zero Tolerance Policy” to all cardholders (DR 2300-001).
4. Conduct the Forest Service program in accordance with the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) and the GSA SmartPay contract.
5. Delegate the authority for this program to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). This authority may be further redelegated.
301-51.84b - Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
The CFO, or designee, has the responsibility to:
1. Coordinate with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) and ensure that the policy and procedures on the use of the travel charge card are understood by employees.
2. Serve as the liaison to the OCFO, contractor, and GSA on issues dealing with the program.
3. Promote standardization, centralization, and automation of the program throughout the Forest Service. Establish Forest Service wide operating limits for card usage for food, cash, and other expenses.
4. Minimize the establishment of centrally billed accounts.
5. Monitor and report on the Forest Service's employees' compliance in the use of the travel charge card.
6. Promote and maximize travel card rebates.
7. Provide annual Travel Card Program training to employees.
8. Submit required reports on data and performance metrics to the USDA, OCFO about the Forest Service travel card program performance. Refer to section 301-51.86d on Performance Metrics and Data Requirements and reporting.
9. Delegate the authority for management of this program to the Director of Budget and Finance, AlbuquerqueServiceCenter (ASC-B&F). This authority may be further redelegated.
301-51.84c - Director of Financial Management
The Director of Financial Management is responsible for developing and maintaining written Forest Service policies and procedures for the Travel Card Management Plan.
301-51.84d - Director of Budget and Finance, AlbuquerqueServiceCenter (ASC-B&F)
The Director of Budget and Finance, ASC-B&F, has the responsibility to:
1. Provide training on travel charge card management.
2. Implement risk management controls, policies, and practices.
3. Maintain and report data and develop and report on performance metrics. For example, travel card training, number of active accounts, charge card dollars spent, and number of administrative and/or disciplinary actions taken for card misuse.
4. Assess the credit worthiness of all new travel card applicants prior to issuing a card.
5. Designate employee(s) and alternate(s) in the Travel Branch, ASC-B&F, to administer the travel charge card program for the Forest Service, as Agency Program Coordinators (APC).
6. Delegate the authority for managing this program to the Assistant Director of Claims, Payments and Travel, ASC-B&F, except for approving travel advances in the case of extreme hardship. This authority may not be further redelegated.
7. Consider written requests for travel advance, on a case by case basis from employees who experience extreme hardship because they lost their travel charge card privileges. A written record of the basis for each approval or disapproval shall be maintained. A copy of approval shall be forwarded to the National Finance Center (NFC) for processing.
301-51.84e - Assistant Director of Claims, Payments and Travel, AlbuquerqueServiceCenter, Budget and Finance (ASC-B&F)
The Assistant Director of Claims, Payments and Travel, ASC-B&F has the responsibility to:
1. Ensure the Travel Branch, ASC-B&F; Agency Program Coordinators (APCs) are trained, adequately staffed, and aware of their program responsibilities.
2. Establish an administrative review process to provide due process to employees accused of travel card misuse and faced with collection of delinquent travel card balances via salary offset. Further, ensure that all examination and referral activity related to these events are properly documented to include any disciplinary actions taken.
3. Establish an annual reporting process including results of the Travel Branch monitoring activities and oversight of the travel card program. The annual report shall include performance trends and statistics on the agency’s implementation and use of the card.
4. Exempt any payment, person, type or class of payments, or type or class of Forest Service personnel from the use of the travel charge card. The Director must notify the General Service Administration (GSA) in writing within 30 days after granting the exemption, stating the reasons for the exemption. A copy of the exemption must also be forwarded to the Chief, or designee. Criteria for granting an exemption may be found in FTR 301-51.2 and 301-51.3.
5. Establish spending limits on travel charge cards according to the actual needs of each cardholder. The default limit should be set for all new cards unless Forest Service management can justify a higher amount. Additionally, all spending limits shall be reviewed annually with adjustments made as appropriate based on the review.
6. Maintain a Travel Card Management Plan in accordance with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-123 and Appendix B (Revised April 28, 2006).
301-51.84f - Travel Branch, AlbuquerqueServiceCenter, Budget and Finance (ASC-B&F)
The Travel Branch, ASC-B&F, has the responsibility to:
1. Issue a travel card with the default limit. Default limits are determined by credit scores and frequency of travel.
2. Request Department approval and monitor the use of centrally billed accounts (CBA) and the Government Transportation System (GVTS) account. The use of these accounts result in significant administrative costs. CBA accounts shall only be used for common carrier expenses related to emergency incident travel. The GVTS account shall only be used in the following instances: employee does not have a travel charge card, for foreign travel, and for non-government travelers. Ensure CBA monthly balances are reconciled and paid.
3. Provide a listing of the names of the coordinator(s) and alternate(s) and their mailing addresses and telephone numbers to the contractor/card issuer.
4. Provide eligible card applicants with a copy of the Forest Service specific guidance on the use of the travel charge card.
5. Complete sections designated for Forest Service information and authorization on the employee card account application. Refer to Government Travel Charge Card Application.
6. Maintain a secure central file for all current cardholders including: the signed Employee Acknowledgment Statements, copies of employee certifications, and a copy of the employee’s application. Refer to section 301-51.89, exhibit 06.
7. Regularly monitor contractor issued reports for potential travel card misuse and delinquent payments. Refer to section 301-51.89, exhibit 01. Review contractor’s reports to identify and take corrective action on employees who:
a. Are no longer employed with the Forest Service;
b. Violated the Forest Service Zero Tolerance Policy;
c. Had additional administrative restrictions placed on their accounts; or