Measuring and Ordering 1.MD.1, 1.MD.2
Students will work through 3 stations:
1)Ordering construction paper strips – Students place the strips in order from shortest to longest or longest to shortest and record the colors next to the appropriate terms on the record sheet.
2)Measuring real-world objects – Students use color tiles and large paper clips to measure the lengths of 3 objects.
3)Ordering tape strips – Students measure the lengths of 3 sections of tape.
Teacher Directions: (Lesson 1)
Station 1: Cut 3- one inch width construction paper stripsin different colors at 3 different lengths, for example, 3inches, 6 inches, 9 inches long.
Station 2: Collect 3 objects- science book, unsharpened pencil with eraser, and dry erase marker
Station 3: Tape 3 sections of tape on the floor that are different lengths and different colors, for example, red- 5 inches yellow- 7 inches blue- 12 inches. Tape the lines so that they are not parallel or beginning at the same point.
Teacher Directions: (Lesson 2)
Station 1: Station 1: Cut and tape together 3- one inch width construction paper strips 24 inches, 32 inches, 29 inches long in different colors.
Station 2: Tape 3 sections of tape on the floor: For example, red- 28 inches yellow- 17 inches blue- 31 inches. Tape the lines so that they are not parallel or beginning at the same point.
Observational Checklist
- 1.MD.1 Order objects by length.
- 1.MD.2 Measure Length
I=Student needs instruction and is not yet able to achieve this objective.
P=Student needs more practice on this objective, but is beginning to understand.
A=Student is ready to apply this objective to various situations.
Directions: Observe students completing the objects. Write the date in the box when students are able to order and measure the objects.
Objective #1: 1.MD.1Order Objects by length / Objective #2: 1.MD.2
Measure length
Student / I / P / A / I / P / A
Student Record Sheet
Directions: Put the colored strips in order by size. Record the colors next to the correct description.
Longest Color: ______In Between Color: ______
Shortest Color: ______
Student Record Sheet
Directions: Record the length of objects using color tiles and large paper clips.
Science BookColor Tiles______Large Paper Clips______
Unsharpened Pencil with Eraser
Color Tiles______Large Paper Clips______
Dry Erase Marker
Color Tiles______Large Paper Clips______
Student Record Sheet
1)Circle which tool you are using to measure length.
2)Write the color of the strip that is the longest, the shortest and the strip in between.
3)Then record your measurement to justify whether you labeled each longest, shortest, or in between.
I measured the length with: Color Tiles Large Paper Clips
Longest Color: ____________units
In Between Color: ______
Shortest Color: ______
112/27/2018 4:31 PM