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Dixie Hollins High School 2017- 2018

Teacher: Mr. Frank Johnson, MAT School Website:

E-mail: Room: 224

Course Description: This course is an introduction to Sociology that will not go into too much specific detail about the different aspects of Sociology. The idea is to give students a general overview of Sociology. This course will explore social interactions across families, different cultures, religions, different races, education, economic status, and even behavior. We will take a look at scientific methods for conducting research in the field of Sociology. We will utilize technology in this course to compose assignments through the use of Microsoft Word. Students will be required to submit their work in a Word document to the website. Students may be required to give a presentation on a certain topic involving Sociology. Students will conduct Sociological research through the use of academic websites and peer- reviewed journals. This Syllabus will serve as a brief overview of the course. More information will come as the course proceeds throughout the year. All that I ask is that students show up to every class on time prepared, participate in classroom discussions, and demonstrate respect.

About the Instructor: I grew up in St Petersburg attending Boca Ciega High School and Dixie Hollins High School graduating in 1996. I worked as a mechanic for around 10 years at which time I began attending College and obtained my Bachelor of Arts in Criminology from the University of South Florida, St Petersburg in 2009. I began working in the AVID program (a program geared towards preparing students for college) at the beginning of graduate school. I also worked as a substitute teacher for two years and graduated with a Master of Arts in Teaching from the University of South Florida, St Petersburg in 2012. I have completed work with the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) Probation department, the Juvenile Detention Center, the Pinellas County Jail, the Pinellas County Adult Drug Court, and at AMI Kids Pinellas. I am currently in my fifth year of teaching with the Pinellas County School System. My first year of teaching was at Lakewood High School as a Self- Contained EBD Teacher/ Case Manager. My second year of teaching was at Boca Ciega High School as a Reading Teacher. My third year of teaching was here at Dixie Hollins as an English I teacher. My fourth year of teaching was also here at Dixie Hollins High as a 10th grade Reading teacher and a Sociology teacher. I look forward to working with students and families this year as we work together towards mastering the Florida Standards and Passing the FSA test together.

Research Paper: All students will select a topic to perform Sociological Research on. The research will be limited to a topic that can be researched within the population here at Dixie Hollins. Students will conduct their research much like Sociologists do in the field by gathering data through surveying other students. The final research paper will be due at the end of the semester. Much of the research will be conducted at home and on the students own time. I will try to secure computer lab time for research as much as I can here at school.

Mr. Johnson’s Sociology Research Paper Points Breakdown

I. RESEARCH PROPOSAL: Turn in proposal for research question. Must include a short paragraph explaining what your research question is and why you have chosen this question. Must be submitted to me at (course number 13124663) (password: password) in a Word Document titled “Research Proposal” with your first and last name and class period. (150 Points). Due ASAP

II. SURVEY RESEARCH: (150 Points) Students will create a written survey with Microsoft Word (Minimum of 15 questions) designed to collect data from their target sample to support their research. Students will submit an example of their survey to as “Survey Research.”

III. DIGITAL SURVEY RESEARCH: (150 Points) Students will create an online account with ( Students will create a digital survey with a minimum of 10 questions to support their research. Students will submit the link to their digital survey to ( by copying and pasting their link to the “Survey Research” assignment.

IV. Bibliography: Turn in the Works Cited Page with 8 different resources cited in APA format. Must be submitted to ( in a Word Document titled “Works Cited Page” with your first and last name and class period. Students will search the internet for “Peer Reviewed Journals,” reliable websites (.org, .edu, .gov, and .mil). Students will then utilize (Microsoft Word,, or to create their Bibliography in APA format (300 points). Due ASAP

V. INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH (ROUGH DRAFT). Complete and turn in Introductory Paragraph rough draft. This will be a 5-7 sentence paragraph giving an introduction to the research you will be conducting. The research question itself should be the last sentence in the introductory paragraph. Must be submitted to ( in a Word Document titled “Introductory Paragraph” with your first and last name and class period (150 points).

VI. DEFINITION PARAGRAPH: (OPTIONAL) The definition paragraph will define and explain any new terminology for the reader. Any acronyms that will be used must be written out and explained e.g. Dixie Hollins High School (DHHS). . Must be submitted to ( in a Word Document titled “Definition Paragraph” with your first and last name and class period (50 points)

VII. METHODS: Students will create a “Methods” section in which they describe the methods utilized to conduct their research. The following must be discussed: (population, sample, participants, any obstacles, Survey Research, Digital Survey Research, and Previous Research). The Methods section must be written in a Word document and submitted to ( (100 Points).

VIII. PREVIOUS RESEARCH: This section is where you will present the previous research you have found which supports your research. You will paraphrase the text and provide at least one in text citation per paragraph of paraphrased text. You may use no more than one direct quote per paragraph. There must be an in text citation after each direct quote. E.g. “General Strain theory is based upon the concept that average citizens will commit crime when given a certain circumstance” (Agnew, 2012). The previous research will be based upon what the authors say. There should be no opinion or discussion in the body paragraphs. Must be submitted to ( in a Word Document titled “Previous Research” with your first and last name and class period (300 Points).

IX. ABSTRACT: “Write a concise summary of the key points of your research. (Do not indent.) Your abstract should contain at least your research topic, research questions, participants, methods, results, data analysis, and conclusions. You may also include possible implications of your research and future work you see connected with your findings. Your abstract should be a single paragraph double-spaced. Your abstract should be between 150 and 250 words.” Please see this website for example:

The abstract must be submitted to ( in a Word document. (150 Points).

X. RESULTS: Students must present their findings in this section. There must be a chart included with all of the variables, questions, answers, point break down, explanation of how the data from the surveys were compiled. Must be submitted to ( (150 Points).

XI. SUMMARY/ CONCLUSIONS/ IMPLICATIONS OF ENTIRE PAPER: This section will include final thoughts on the research and how this research could possibly affect future research. Should future research be conducted? This is the part of the paper where you include your personal opinion on the research. Please submit in a Word document to ( (150 Points).

XII. FINAL DRAFT: This is the part where you compile all of the sections together into one research paper. Check for spelling, grammar, proper headings, titles, sub- headings, and format. Submit to ( (400 Points).

Behavior Change Project Outline

I.  Statement of Problem: Students will describe the undesired behavior that is being targeted to change in this section. In order to get a clear idea of the behavior students will describe in detail the specific observable behaviors that occur along with the targeted behavior to change in detail. (Minimum 1 Paragraph) (100 Points).

II.  Behavioral Definition: Students will choose a Replacement behavior to teach this individual to perform in place of the undesired behavior while using specific details. This definition should be very detailed and specific to what one may see and observe. (1-2 Sentence Minimum) (50 Points).

III.  Behavioral Measurement:

a.  Students will choose a pseudonym (a fictitious name to represent the person whose behavior is being changed.

b.  Students will give the replacement behavior / desired behavior a name or description of up to a word or a few words: SEE EXAMPLE IN PORTAL

c.  Students will create an operational definition of the desired behavior in very specific detail describing everything that will be observable when this behavior occurs (minimum 1 sentence).

d.  Students will describe the specific setting (location for the behavior to occur and be observed) the specific time of day and interval (how long will you observe the person and what specific time will you do so). (Time and interval must be the exact same for every day of observation).

e.  Students will create a chart to record the following data: Date, Occurrences (how many time the desired behavior occurs), Total (total number of occurrences for each day), and a comments section (to identify the 3 days of baseline data and each day the intervention is put into place with a few notes on the effect on the subject). SEE PORTAL FOR EXAMPLE

f.  Students will label and identify themselves as being the “Observer” under the above chart.

g.  Also, there will be a brief sentence below the above chart to describe the data in the chart (SEE EXAMPLE IN PORTAL).

(This section will be worth 300 points).

IV.  Environmental Analysis:

a.  This section will begin with a sentence describing specifically the behavior that needs to be increased (target behavior).

b.  Students will write a minimum of 1 paragraph describing “What happened BEFORE” the undesired behavior otherwise known as the Antecedent.

c.  Students will describe “What happened AFTER” the undesired behavior otherwise known as the consequence in a minimum of 1 paragraph. This section will be worth (150 Points).

V.  Hypothesis:

a.  Students will hypothesize or make an educated guess about what the function of the subject’s behavior is in a minimum of 3 sentences. (Access to Social Attention, Access to Something Tangible, Escape, or Self- Stimulation). This section will be worth (100 Points).

VI.  Intervention:

a.  What will be introduced into the environment to change the subject’s behavior? How will you meet the function of the subject’s behavior? What desired behavior will you teach them to take the place of the undesired behavior? (What will be the Replacement Behavior?). (Minimum 1 Paragraph). (100 Points).

VII.  Data Analysis:

a.  Students will discuss the collected data for each day in detail. What happened on each of the three days of baseline data collection (before the intervention is put in place)? What happened each day during the intervention? Minimum of 1 Paragraph. (100 Points).

VIII.  Generalization Plan:

a.  What type of system will be put into place so that the desired Replacement Behavior will continue to meet the function of the subject’s behavior after you have gone and are no longer there to reinforce the desired behavior (SEE EXAMPLE IN PORTAL)? Minimum of 1 Paragraph (150 Points).

IX.  Discussion:

Discuss the outcome of this Behavior Change Project. Did your intervention work? Why or why not? What could you have done better? What were some of the obstacles you faced completing these project? What did you learn completing this project? What would you suggest to me and my future students? (Minimum 1 Paragraph 150 Points).

***ALL of Mr. Johnson’s Sociology students will create a account.***


1.  Open your Firefox Browser

2.  Type “” into the address bar.

3.  Select “Create Account” in the top right hand corner of the web page.

4.  Immediately go to the bottom of the page and select “Student.”

5.  Enter your “Class ID” and “Class Enrollment Key” from below which corresponds with your respective class period.

6.  Enter your First and Last name.

7.  Enter a good working email address you have access to (Go to step 8 if you do not have an email address). (Skip step 8 and go to step 9 if you have an email address).

8.  Create a good working email address with or if you do not have one.

9.  Create a password that meets the password requirements listed on the web page.

10.  Enter your new password twice.

11.  Select a “Secret Question.”

12.  Type in a “Question Answer.”

13.  Select “I Agree- Create Profile.”

Class ID

Period 1: 15852526

Period 8: 15852566

Class Enrollment Key

Period 1: password

Period 8: password

Sociology Field Trip to the Pinellas County Adult Drug Court: I took 30 of my students to the Adult Drug Court here in Pinellas County. Judge Dee Anna Farnell runs the adult drug court. Judge Farnell does well involving students in the court process and gives students a good feel for the criminal justice system as well as many Sociological Issues involving the abuse of drugs and narcotics which we will explore in the classroom. The field trip will last an entire school day and will require a substitute and a bus. The cost of the field trip breaks down to about $12.00 per student to cover these costs. Please speak to me about the field trip if you are interested ASAP because it takes a lot to organize it. Additional fees may apply depending upon the amount of students that attend and whether or not we decide to have a pizza party when we return to the school for the last period. Chaperones: A parent or family member may attend the field trip as a chaperone if they are able to complete the required background check with our volunteer coordinator in the front office. I will need at least 2 chaperones to attend. Please see me ASAP