



The objectives for English 9 are to introduce in-depth reading and analysis of a variety of genres, while honing the writing skills and vocabulary of the student in preparation for his/her continuing high school career. Review of grammar, mechanics, and usage will be followed by two tests covering the parts of speech and parts of the sentence. Upper level grammar instruction will occur after this assessment.


Areas of reading will include short stories, novels, poetry, non-fiction, and drama. Most of these works are located in our textbook, Elements of Literature, although some novels will need to be purchased by the student. The novels read during the freshman year will be chosen from, but are not limited to, the following:

Animal Farm

A Christmas Carol

Fahrenheit 451

The Watsons Go To Birmingham

Of Mice and Men

Until We Meet Again

Novels read outside of class and used for silent sustained reading on selected Fridays should be from the college-bound reading list and from a variety of literary categories. Opportunities to check these books out of the library will be provided periodically.


Late work is highly discouraged during the first nine weeks and will not beaccepted starting with the second nine weeks. Long term assignments and papers are NOT accepted late. Ample time is given for these and a lack of planning and/or organization will not be rewarded with a time extension. These assignments will include but are not limited to: research papers, short typewritten papers, dialectical journals, novel study questions, and character lists. In the case of absence, major assignments and tests, which are announced with ample time for study or completion, will be due or taken upon the day of the student’s return. Missed group presentations will be submitted in typewritten formthe day of the student’s return. Extended illness will be allowed the time defined by district policy.

All missed quizzes and tests will be made up before or after school, never during class. It is the responsibility of the student to make an appointment for such make-up sessions. These make-ups will not be allowed after one week's delay. It is also the student’s responsibility to determine any work missed during absence by contacting his/her homework buddyin advance. Vocabulary assignments and tests occurring on a weekly basis will be due/taken on the due date even in the event of absence one and/or two days prior to said due date. Vocabulary lists are available online or through a classmate. Therefore, absence on the date the assignment is made is not acceptable for failure to submit the completed assignment. Homework is due at the beginning of the hour and will not be accepted after that time. Definitions for the vocabulary list are due every Monday; vocabulary tests are every Wednesday. In this electronic age, there is no excuse for being unaware of assignments. Friend's telephone contacts, friend's email contacts, and homework questions through email to my address after hours are all available for access. Same day response is not guaranteed.


Grading scale will be according to district policy and will be computed from performance in the following categories:

Unit Tests

Writing submissions

Grammar Test


Cornell Notes


Completion Grades


Semester Final15%


The goal of Distinguished Graduate, if desired, is a goal that must be pursued beginning now. The guidelines for this achievement can be found in the curriculum guide. A secondary goal greatly encouraged is the award of the Distinguished Service Graduate.


Bonus points are rare and announced in advance. Primarily, such opportunities will come in the form of attendance at announced drama department productions. Students are encouraged to remain consistent in the submission of assignments on the due date.


All submissions, when typing is not required, must be made in black or blue ink. No abbreviations, personal pronouns or slang terms are allowed in any assignment submitted in writing, unless otherwise instructed. Formal writing guidelines will always be followed for this class and will utilize the proper MLA format. The student needs to be prepared for numerous submissions to be made in typewritten form. Computers are available before, after school and during lunch in the media center, in the evenings at the high school media center or at the public library. If access to a computer is difficult, diligent planning will be necessary on the part of the student. The request for late submission due to printer problems will not be acceptable. The student may email an attachment to a friend or bring the document on a flashdrive to print in the media center. Money for printing copies must be brought in that event.

The MLA handbook, Starting From Scratch, is provided in the classroom or either of the media centers and on-line. It is also available online. Any submission which is typewritten must be submitted in proper MLA format. After initial instruction to this formatting procedure, incorrectly formatted papers will be refused.


Notebook section dividersare encouraged. Sections should include grammar, vocabulary, literature notes, and research paper notes, and returned papers. The planner to be used should provideample space for notes, due dates, and submission requirements. Some type of organizational device is required.


Flashdrive for projects and research

Black pens

Red pens

Sticky notes


Notebook paper

Glue stick, occasionally

Poster board, occasionally and announced in advance

3x5 cards for vocabulary are optional

Adhesive tabs

Occasional class supply donations

Water bottle for daily hydration

(*A selected class my periodically need the use of tennis shoes.)

Highly recommended but not required is the purchase of the vocabulary book:500 Key Words for the SAT , by Charles Gulotta. This will be the resource of weekly vocabulary tests for the entire year. A limited number of these books are available for check-out but only on a one-night-at-a-time basis. A copy of one is also available in the media center.

Dissemination of Information:

Assignments are posted daily on the board and are to be written in the agenda, use, of which, is required. Numerous occasions will occur when instructions and assignments will be given verbally. It is imperative that these also be recorded in the agenda. Every time an absence occurs, the student should call for assignments from friends. Oftentimes, assignments will be emailed to students through the grade book function. Therefore, it is essential that email addresses for parents and students be accurate and updated when changed.

Budget constraints will necessitate the limit of providing copies of all information to the student. Major instructions will be displayed for the student to record in a notebook, and a master copy will be displayed for those students who would prefer to make a Xerox copy in the media center. When the new website is completed, I will attempt to upload important copies to the web.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated in any form. The student is expected to submit required homework assignments, tests, papers and projects which reflect the student’s own best effort. The use of another student’s work or the internet as one’s own will be subject to policy defined in the student handbook. Periodically, a student will be asked to submit typewritten papers on-line through a program called TurnItIn. This software screens for plagiarism from a variety of sources including current student submissions.Therefore, it is essential that the student prepare for access to a computer whether that is in the media center, at home, or at the public library.

THE STUDENT WILL RETAIN THIS SYLLABUS in his/her file or notebook for reference


I have read and understand the syllabus for English 9.


Student Name PrintedDateSignature

I am aware that I now need to ensure that my email and my student's email, if applicable, are correct on parent portal so that we may receive mass emails from the instructor.


Parent’s Signature