Diamond R-IV School
Regular Hospitality Room 7:00 p.m. 02/14/08
Kind of Meeting Place Time & Date
Bill Buening, President Neil VanLue
Bryce McDermott, Vice President
Trish Greenwood, Treasurer
Lisa Matthews
Randy Tuter
Mark Mayo, Supt.
Julie Prewitt, Sec.
Item Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Bill Buening.
**Motion by Lisa Matthews and second by Trish Greenwood to adjourn and move to high school gymnasium.
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by President Bill Buening.
**Motion by Bryce McDermott and second by Randy Tuter to accept MSBA Contract for Superintendent Search. Motion carried 6-0.
**Motion by Trish Greenwood and second by Randy Tuter to approve minutes with corrections. Amendments include: January 23, 2007 special meeting-second motion should be Lisa Matthews to go into closed session and **Motion was made by Randy Tuter (not Bill Buening) to adjourn. February 7, 2007 on calendar modifications correction should be motion carried 5-0.
The bill list was reviewed. **Motion by BryceMcDermott and second Randy Tuter to pay bills as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
**Motion by Lisa Matthews and second Randy Tuter to accept the financial statements as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
Reports Trish Wilson presented a written report on the High School. Ms. Wilson congratulated the five wrestlers that qualified for state! She also wanted to congratulate Lindsey Gilbert, Kim Spencer, Sam Enayati and Krystal Morgan for making the All State Academic Team.
Danny DeWitt submitted a written report for the Middle School.
Melissa Massey presented a written report on the Elementary School. She reported on the Artist in Residency, Ann Meese, which came and created a painting so students could see the process of her artwork. She also acknowledged the fourth grade spelling bee winner, Natalie McClosky.
Rita Coburn was present and reported on the Special Education Improvement Grant. She also updated the board on the projects she is currently working on.
Larry Doennig presented the 2008-2010 AYP District Improvement Plan. **Motion by Lisa Matthews and second by Trish Greenwood to accept District Improvement Plan with changes of page 67 third paragraph should read: “In Critical Issue I, Student Achievement, the district will add its current Objective 1.1 and its related strategies and activities.
Harold Bridges submitted written reports for Maintenance and Transportation. Mr. Bridges passed out information on the bid openings for excavation and cement work for bleachers.
Board Meeting-Regular
February 14, 2008
Page 2
** Mr. Bridges also passed out bus bids. The board scheduled a special meeting for Wednesday February 20, 2008 to review bids.
Larry Cunningham submitted a written report. Mr. Cunningham went to the seed meeting for Football and we have moved up to Class 2.
Superintendent Mark Mayo introduced Neil Yust of IPT (Industrial Physical Therapy). Neil presented information to the board on Physical Capacity Profile which offers testing programs that can result in a significant reduction of work related injuries and associated costs. **Motion by Bryce McDermott and second by Trish Greenwood to enter a contract with IPT. Motion carried 6-0
Calendar Mr. Mayo presented the board with a start date for the 2008-09 school year of August 18, 2008.
**Motion by Randy Tuter and second by Bryce McDermott to set 08-09 school start date for August 18, 2008. Motion carried 5-1 with Lisa Matthews voting no.
PAT Vicki Wright with Parents as Teachers presented a review of her program. PAT has doubled in size this year with 40 families currently enrolled. Vicki presented a power point presentation showing the many different activities PAT provides.
Mr. Mayo presented letters of resignation from Julie McCallum and Stephanie Keck. **Motion
By Bryce McDermott and second by Trish Greenwood to accept Julie McCallum’s resignation letter as Elementary Teacher with thanks. Motion carried 6-0.
**Motion by Lisa Matthews and second by Beth Nickolaisen to accept Stephanie Keck’s resignation letter as Elementary Teacher. Motion carried 6-0
Letter of thanks was presented to the Board for the use of the HS facilities from the Youth Wrestling Program. Letter of thanks was also presented from the Jinks family for the sympathy flowers sent.
Parent presentation was made regarding concerns of faculty and staff in the Elementary Building.
OPAA Food Service Contract for the 2008-2009 school year was presented.**Motion by Trish Greenwood and second by Randy Tuter to accept contract for 2008-2009 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
Mr. Mayo presented engagement letter from DAVIS, LYNN & MOOTS, P.C. **Motion by Lisa Matthews and second by Trish Greenwood to approve engagement letter. Motion carried 6-0.
Technology Preston Wright, Technology Coordinator presented a bid from Utopian Systems for new security cameras. He also discussed different estimates for TV’s. **Discussion was tabled.
Public The public was given an opportunity to comment.
Closed **Motion by Lisa Matthews and second by Trish Greenwood to go into closed session. Approved 6-0 by roll call vote: All members present voting yes. 9:10 p.m.
Board Meeting-Regular
February 14, 2007
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Open 12:03 a.m.
Mr. Mayo presented recommended pay salaries as follows:
Mrs. Massey-increase of $2500 to make salary $57,500
Mr. DeWitt-increase of $5500 to make salary $57,500
Ms. Wilson –increase of $2500 to make salary $62,500.00
**Motion by Trish Greenwood and second by Lisa Matthews to accept recommendation to pay salaries as listed. Motion carried 6-0.
At 12:05 a.m. **Motion made by Bryce McDermott and second by Lisa Matthews that the meeting adjourn. The motion carried unanimously.
Julie Prewitt, Board Secretary
Diamond R-IV School
Closed Session Hospitality Room 2/14/08 9:10
Kind of Meeting Place Time & Date
Bill Buening, President Neil VanLue
Bryce McDermott, Vice President
Trish Greenwood, Treasurer
Lisa Matthews
Beth Nickolaisen
Randy Tuter
Mark Mayo, Superintendent
Julie Prewitt, Secretary
Mr. Mayo reviewed the evaluations of the building level principals.
M. Massey **Motion by Trish Greenwood and second by Bryce McDermott to extend a contract to Melissa Massey as elementary principal for the 2008-09 school year.
Approved with 6 yes votes Bill, Bryce, Trish, Lisa, Beth and Randy
D. DeWitt **Motion by Randy Tuter and second by Lisa Matthews to extend a contract to Danny DeWitt as middle school principal for the 2008-09 school year.
Approved with 6 yes votes Bill, Bryce, Trish, Lisa, Beth and Randy
P. Wilson **Motion by Randy Tuter and second by Trish Greenwood to extend a contract to Patricia Wilson as high school principal for the 2008-09 school year.
Approved with 6 yes votes Bill, Bryce, Trish, Lisa, Beth and Randy
Open **Motion by Trish Greenwood and second by Bryce McDermott to return to open session.
Approved with 6 yes votes Bill, Bryce, Trish, Lisa, Beth and Randy
12:03 a.m.
Julie Prewitt, Board Secretary
Diamond R-IV School
Special Hospitality Room 5:30 2/20/08
Kind of Meeting Place Time & Date
Bill Buening, President Lisa Matthews
Bryce McDermott, Vice President
Randy Tuter
Mark Mayo, Supt.
Julie Prewitt, Sec.
Item Meeting was called to order at 5:35 by President Bill Buening.
Bid Neil and Bryce were asked to not participate due to conflict of interest.
Harold Bridges recommended accepting the bid from Swadley Construction in the amount of $14,850.00 for concrete work of new bleachers. **Motion by Randy Tuter and second by Beth Nickolaisen to hire Swadley Construction for concrete work. Motion carried 4-0
Harold Bridges recommended to accept bid from K&B Excavating with a minimum amount of $1200.00 but not to exceed $1800.00 for the excavation of the area at the location of the old bleachers. **Motion by Beth Nickolaisen and second by Trish Greenwood to hire K&B Excavating for excavation of location of old bleachers. Motion carried 4-0
Neil and Bryce rejoined the meeting @ 5:50 p.m.
Harold Bridges presented bus bids from Allied Bus Sales, Midwest Bus Sales and Central States Bus Sales. He reviewed comparisons of the three companies on out-right purchase, lease purchase, straight lease, or walk away lease. Harold recommended the purchase of one used bus and the lease of three busses from Central States (walk away lease option). **Motion by Bryce McDermott and second by Trish Greenwood to lease 4 busses from Central States. Three busses will be 71 passengers and one will be a lift bus. Motion carried 6-0
Audit Mr. Mayo presented the Financial Audit from DAVIS, LYNN & MOOTS, P.C. for review.
**Motion by Trish Greenwood and second by Bryce McDermott to accept financial audit. Motion carried 6-0.
Adjourn **Motion by Trish Greenwood and second by Randy Tuter that the meeting adjourn. The motion carried unanimously. 6:20 p.m.
Julie Prewitt, Board Secretary