
Northern Territory legislation requires investigators to promptly notify the Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) of any adverse or unexpected events that impact on animal wellbeing (refer to Clauses 2.2.28 “Investigators, teachers and animal facility managers should promptly notify the AEC of any unexpected, adverse events that may impact on the wellbeing of an animal in their care” and 3.1.12 “Investigators and teachers must make reports to the AEC as requested, including prompt notification of any adverse or unexpected effects that impact on animal wellbeing (see 2.2.28)”, of the NHMRC Australian Code of Practice). In addition, when an animal dies unexpectedly, or euthanased due to unforeseen complications, a post mortem must be performed by a person with appropriate qualifications an/or experience, and the AEC should be notified promptly (Clause 3.3.24, of the NHMRC Australian Code of Practice for the use of Animals)

Example of adverse or unexpected events may include:

  • Death of an animal or group of animals that was not expected or listed on your Animal Ethics Application form; examples could be,during a surgical procedure, during anaesthesia, following a procedure or treatment, or any instance of an unplanned or expected death.
  • Adverse events following a procedure or treatment that was not expected and/or changes in normal living conditions or environment. Examples of signs that may develop include but not restricted to, diarrhoea, vomiting, respiratory difficulty, collapse, abdominal swelling, and rapid weight loss. Some environmental examples may include cyclone, bushfire, flooding, vandalism, power black out or continuous extreme temperatures.
  • A level of pain or distress that was not predicted during the planning of the project.

Chief Investigator/Teacher: ______

Project Title: ______

AEC Approval Number: ______

Species: ______

Date and time of incident: ______

Location: ______

Number of animals involved: ______

Any other animals at risk: ______

Please describe the circumstances surrounding the death/s (procedures performed within 7 days, environmental or diet changes etc). Please detail what precautions have been taken to prevent further occurrences.

Outcome of Incident

Outcome of Incident / Yes / No / Number of Animals
Unplanned death
Unplanned euthanasia
Procedure/experiment terminated / Date:

In the Event of a Post Mortem

Name of person conducting the post mortem? ______

What is the relationship of person conducting the post mortemof this study? ______

Please provide a copy of the post mortem report with this notification.

Reported by:______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Please forward this form to the:

Executive Officer,

Animal Ethics Committee,

Fax 08 8946 7066 or

Office of Research and Innovation,

Charles Darwin University,

Darwin NT 0909.

Telephone: 08 8946 6498


For Office Use Only

Date Received:

Charles Darwin University Animal Ethics Committee Notification of Unexpected Animal Death or Adverse Event 1

Approved 2/10 Meeting 23/4/2010 1