January 8, 2014


Randy Collins SRJC Spencer Andreis SVFRA

Jeff Holden Petaluma Dave Corrnelssen CSC Fire

Mike Parkes CalFire Mike Bates Rohnert Park

Jack Piccinini SRFD Wes Kitchel Sonoma County

Marshall Turbeville CalFire Darrin DiCarli Gold Ridge

Dan George BV/GR

I.  Call to Order: Chief Cornelsson called the meeting to order at 09:23.

II.  Self-Introductions: Due to the small size of the group intro’s were skipped.

III.  Presentation There were no presentations

IV.  Changes to the Agenda: There were no changes to the agenda.

V. Approval of the Minutes: Motion by Dan, second by Spenser. Unanimous approval

VI. Liaison Reports:

A.  Chiefs: No report. Chief Gossner will not be continuing in his capacity as liaison to the Chief’s due to his promotion. In his absence it was agreed Chief George will be the new liaison. Dan reported at the December Chief’s this group’s goals were adopted. He also on the CICCS review process for Div/Group will remain with the local Op area.

FPO's: No report.

B.  Marin TO's/Op’s: No report although is was agreed Joe and Ken will alternate attending the Marin TO’s and Jack and Jeff will alternate attending the Op’s meeting to keep the lines of communication open.

C.  CALFIRE: Mike reported that due to the drought conditions, they are going to staff the Santa Rosa station and the air attack base in Chico. Apparently fire season never ended. Petaluma will also remain staffed. The Bogg’s Mountain copter is also staffed.

D.  NBIMT: Jack reported they have not met. But they did get a new member to the team (Jeff Schach). .

E.  SRJC::Randy reported they graduated the fall academy last Friday and thanked those who attended. Chief Weber gave the keynote speech and also donated an Engine (a 91 Pierce Type I). They are still scheduled for the re-accreditation site visit next fall.

He shared the notice from State Fire Training of the discontinuance of providing hard copies of the student manuals for the CFSTES and FSTEP classes and that for most of the JC classes they will be having the students download the materials and print them on their own (a list of CFSTES courses being offered in the spring is enclosed as Attachment A)

He shared that they want to expand the Small Tool’s unit in the academy to include an aggressive chain saw component so students are better versed with power tools and more prepared to use chain saws when they get to the ventilation unit. To that end he asked if anyone has chain saws they wish to get rid of he will gladly take them.

Changes to FFI adopted by the State continue to be in-process. The biggest change remains the more aggressive testing requirements (35 hours).

VII. Old Business:

A.  LEXIPOL: No report.

B. 2014 Goals:

1. Tactical Options: Jack reported the changes he made to the document (attached) and

sent out to the group. He is seeking a work group to assist with refining the document.

Jeff indicated he will assist along with Jack and Andy Taylor. Mike Parkes indicated he

will assign a Cal Fire rep. to assist also.

2. MAD Drill: Darrin looked for confirmation on whether the group wished to incorporate the

Type III team to the drill. Jack indicated the next Team meeting is Monday and he will

confirm the level of their involvement. Darrin also asked what type of incident we wished

to pursue with an Active Shooter or Rail incident as the leading topics). t. After some

discussion, a consensus emerged to hold a rail incident near or on the Corda ranch with

Marin’s and SMART involvement with a May date. Mike and Todd volunteered to assist

Darrin with the project. The group will meet again prior to our next meeting to report

back. He ended by asking what kind of budget he has and was asked to return with a

draft budget at the next meeting.

3. Training Needs Assessment: Jack suggested there are many ways to approach this. The

consensus that emerged was to conduct a survey Monkey.

Jack asked for clarification on what everyone is doing for their Class B license. Spenser

shared the policy the group adopted with the list of trainers which has been posted to the

website. Several members indicated they are going the full B route


4. Strike Team/Active Status: Dave reported the Duty Officers will be meeting with Ken and

Dick to review last year’s activations on 0830 Jan 14 at the tower. He asked for some

assistance from this group in compiling a list following this meeting.

5. REDCOM Duty Officer: Spencer indicated that Bill Shubin will be assisting the group with

coverage in the near future and looking for others who will commit to the program.

Jack suggested at a future meeting looking at involving departments that have 24 hour

Battalion coverage. Dan added that we should also look more closely at the “Until

Deployed” criteria as well. A discussion regarding the new Engine Typing followed and the

potential to miss a deployment if not done in accordance with the guidelines.

6. Chief’s & Marin Liaison: Discussed above.

7. RIO/Ethics: Randy indicated he agendized the item to get direction if the group wished to

try to make a few dollars (if any) on the classes. It was agreed to make $500 for both

classes. Randy will adjust the fee accordingly.

VIII. New Business:

A. Web Site Update: Dave expressed interest in updating the website to include all the officer

information as well as updating the Active Status. Randy said he can update everything

except the Active Status component and asked the group to look at the site (particularly

documents over a year old) and let him know of necessary changes and he will update.


IX. Good of the Order:

·  Jeff shared they have an Active Shooter class on Wednesday March 20.

·  Randy shared the flyer for the F/T Fire faculty position that is currently open. The link to the job announcement is:

·  Mike recently conducted NIST Training based on the NIST/UL Flow Path study and shared it represents a significant change to structure fire operations and offered to share the information to anyone in the group.

·  Dave reported the equipment from the OTS grant is beginning to in. A discussion about increased coordination on grants ensued.

·  Marshall shared that there are a considerable number of communication changes are occurring and encouraged greater coordination with the DOAG group.

X. Adjournment: At 10:31 by Dave

Next meeting Feb 11h, 2014 at the SRFD TT.

Respectfully submitted:

Randy Collins, Secretary

January 8, 2013


State Fire Training Classes


COMMAND 1-A (Fire 204A Section #7892) Friday, Feb 7 & 21, 6-10

Instructor: Jack Piccinini Sat, Feb 8 & 22, 8-5 Sun, Feb 9 & 23, 8-5

FIRE COMMAND 1-B (Fire 204B Section #7526) Friday, March 7 & 14, 6-10

Instructor: Jack Piccinini Sat, March 8 & 15, 8-5 Sun, March 9 & 16, 8-5

COMMAND 1-C (Fire 204C Section #4133) Monday-Friday, 8-5

Instructor: Kim Thompson Location Cal-Fire west College

TRAINING INSTRUCTOR 1-A (Fire 200.1 Section #7889) Fridays Feb 21- March 21

Instructor: Ken Sebastiani 8-5

TRAINING INSTRUCTOR 1-B (Fire 200.2 Section #7890) Fridays April 11- May 9,

Instructor: Ken Sebastiani 8-5

DRIVER OPERATOR 1-A (Fire 241 Section #5233) Friday, March 28 & April 4, 6-10

Instructor: Sean Grinnell Sat, March 29 & April 5, 8-5 Sun, March 30 & April 6, 8-5

DRIVER OPERATOR 1-B (Fire 258 Section #5331) Friday, April 25 & May 2, 6-10

Instructor: Sean Grinnell Sat, April 26 & May 3, 8-5 Sun, April 27 & May 4, 8-5

FIRE MANAGEMENT (Fire 203 Section #8169) Mon-Friday Jan 13-17 8-5

Instructor: Jack Piccinini

PREVENTION I (Fire 201 Section #5212) Fridays Feb 21-March 14 8-5

Instructor: Paula Conner Petaluma Rm 230

INVESTIGATION IA (Fire 209 Section #5464) Mon- Friday May 5-9, 8-5

Instructor: Stan Fernandez Petaluma Rm 632


Registration: To register, go to: and follow the instructions. For questions, contact Linda Mercurio at 836-2906 or