MountHollyPlanning Commission

Regular Meeting Minutes

April 16, 2006

7:30 p.m.

Mount Holly Town Office

Members Present: Peter Smith, Millicent Johnson, Annette Lynch, Steve Howard, Greg Decker

Others Present: Minga Dana, Mary Nortunen, Raymond Nortunen

  1. Meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Peter Smith, chair.
  2. Minutes approved for March 20, 2006.

Old Business

  1. Wiener Subdivison: (Approved 2006, Jan 16). Revised deed restrictions and covenants were received and accepted. Motion to request Sue Covall add the attachments to the deed including the date of acceptance of such was made by Steve Howard, seconded by Greg Decker. Motion was carried.
  1. Beardmore Subdivision: tabled as no representation was present.
  1. Pelsue Subdivision: Steve Howard recused himself from participation in discussion. The sketch plan needs to be based on a complete survey before a hearing can be scheduled.
  1. Angela Stefanopoulos subdivision: A review of the presented sketch plan revealed that there were some items still missing from the subdivision check list. Peter Smith is to notify the necessary parties.
  1. Affordable Housting Grant: Annette Lynch gave an update of the process to date. Bids were received from Crane Associates and Mad River Research. Steve Howard made a move to accept the bid from Crane Asso., seconded by Annette Lynch and so moved.
  1. Planning Grant: Town Plan update: A proposal was received from Crane Associates only. Millicent Johnson made a motion to accept their proposal, seconded by Greg Decker, and so moved.
  1. Discussion was held regarding using the Mt. Holly Chit Chat as a distribution medium during the Town Plan/ Affordable Housing process, with an offer to the editor to cover the cost for town-wide distribution. It was decided to bring this up to the Selectboard for their input.

9. Subdivision Regulation: Discussion was held briefly on where to go with these at this time. No action taken.

New Business

  1. Building Registration Forms Received:
  2. Josh McKenzie: 1753 Old Turnpike Road. Addition to kitchen/dining room.
  3. Richard and Betty Hurd, 771 Rt. 155. Remodel house
  4. Vernon Beauchain, 2089 Rt. 103 South. Wood shed
  5. Minga Dana, Straight Rd. New construction
  6. Daniel DeNardis, Chalet Drive. New construction.
  7. Steve Howard has been appointed RRPC Alternate and Greg Decker has been

appointed Transportation Council Representative by the Select Board.

Information Items

  1. Subdivision Fee: $150. per lot created. E.g. dividing a 20 acre lot into three 4 acre lots for sale and keeping the remaining 8 acres for yourself, creates 4 lots
  2. CVPS-Sawyer Hill line relocation
  3. OkemoMountain hearing recess.

Other Business:

15. Planning Commission Rules of Procedure: tabled

Adjournment: Steve Howard made the motion to adjourn, Annette Lynch seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 9:58pm.

Next Meeting: May 15, 2006 at 7:30pm at the Town Office

Respectfully submitted: Millicent R. Johnson, recording secretary