2016/17 UWF Internal Auditing & Compliance Strategic Goals
UWF Strategic Priority / Goal / Measurement / Status1 / 1.1Foster student learning and development… / Provide experiential learning by employing/mentoring undergraduate and graduate students in auditor positions for them to gain valuable career experience. / Number of student employees and number of hours worked by student employees/interns
Number of students mentored
Number of presentations given to student groups
2 / 3.1Develop, cultivate... sustain network of mutually beneficial community partnerships / Enhance McAudit product and share/partner with other institutions. / Number of institutions provided product demonstrations.
3 / 3.1Develop, cultivate... sustain network of mutually beneficial community partnerships / Enhance Compliance Database product and share/partner with other institutions. / Number of institutions provided product demonstrations.
4 / 3.2Advance... quality of life in the region through partnerships with citizens, businesses, organizations and communities UWF serves
3.3Expand community awareness, visibility and support of UWF… / Participate in UWF campus-wide initiatives, committees for community projects, (e.g., Day of Caring and the United Way), etc. Create office initiatives such as Toys for Tots, Ronald McDonald House, USO, Hand to Paw, Argo Pantry, and nursing home donations. / Number of staff participating, by event, in campus-wide initiatives/committees
Number of initiatives IAC led/participated in (e.g. # Argo Pantry, USO, Hand to Paw, Toys for Tots, etc.)
5 / 4.1Support and sustain high quality services and infrastructure… / Continue enhancement of compliance function for UWF.
Deploy compliance database to at least 20 departments. / Number of departments with compliance database loaded
Number of training sessions and demonstrations.
Number of compliance liaisons formally identified.
6 / 4.1Support and sustain high quality services and infrastructure… / Review/reevaluate PCard continuous monitoring and identify enhancements. / Report prepared documenting the review and any changes made to the process
7 / 4.2Recruit, support, retain… high-quality staff
4.3Maximize the acquisition and deployment of resources / Secure permanent funding for PCard auditor position. / Recurring funds for PCard auditor(s) position
8 / 4.2Recruit, support, retain… high-quality staff / Maintain high quality continuing education and career development by providing continued opportunities for education, and involvement in professional related workshops, seminars, professional associations and group memberships. / Number of opportunities provided and amount of participation by staff; number of CPEs per auditor.
9 / 4.3Maximize deployment of resources... continuous improvement / Complete 8 audits, 35 PCard audits, and more than 10 consulting projects noting the workflow within departments/areas by effectively using the newest technology available. / Number of audit reports,
Number of PCard audit reports
Number of MAS (consulting) projects,
Number of hours on audits and MAS
Number of audit recommendations (findings)-internal audits and PCard audits
10 / 4.3Maximize deployment of resources... continuous improvement / Perform annual risk analysis and develop a risk-based work plan. / Approved work plan for 2017/18.
11 / 4.3Maximize deployment of resources... continuous improvement / Acquire, design, and launch a Hotline (acquisition cost <15K). / Date Hotline launched
Cost of acquisition and annual service agreements.
12 / 4.3Maximize deployment of resources... continuous improvement / Convert paper files to electronic (permanent, topical, auditor general, investigative). / Number and type of files converted.
2016/17 IAC Strategic Goals-established May 10, 2016 at staff retreat