Time: 1:30pm
Place: Coldwell Banker Realty Office
Anticipated Attendees: Board Members:Phil Sherwood, Bill Wertz, Becce Bettridge, Joanruth Bauman Assoc. Manager: Michele Mayer
- Approval of Minutes: 5/30/2014
- Guest to address Board: Maria Wertz
- Guest to address Board: Rock Sorenson
- Phil Sherwood
- Upcoming Annual Meeting Tuesday July 8, 1:00p.m. – 3:00p.m. Islander’s Bank Community Room.
- Prior to this meeting Michele will send out Annual Meeting announcement and invitation for input to all owners. Proxy Form must be included with this communication.
- What points/topics we Board members think should be covered in the State of the Association message
- Agenda Draft. The agenda will follow the prescribed format.(see Attached)
- Under President’s report(Suggested items to cover)
- State of Harbor Hill Condo Association:
- Review Financial Planning
- Present outline for care of property for next ten years
- Present tentative plan for 2015 budget and reserve contributions.
- Bill asked that a pic chart be used as it was last year.
- Note that Board will review current long-term financial plan and financial budget status in September and October on an annual basis. It seems premature to do this review prior to Annual Meeting.
- Reserve Study - 2015 and our plan for accomplishing that study. What does ownership want, spend money on outside firm, or declare ourselves qualified and do it ourselves?
- What does the Board want, and want to recommend to owners?
- Two questions
- What was done about resetting of the fiscal year? How did we handle this? Who owns #10?
- Vice-President’s report. (Suggested items)
- Spring and Fall Walks (Purpose and Progress)??
- Fretland lawsuit discussion??
- Other items???
- Treasure’s report: (What is needed?)
- Secretary’s report: Review of newsletters
- Manager’s Report(Suggested items)
- How you use your time on a monthly basis for the benefit of the Association?
- What we have done over the past 12 months, and what is on our plate for the coming year?This would be a more specific accounting rather than the general overview given by Phil in his report.
- Community effort to get landscaping back in good condition.
- As Phil writes, “Our message to everyone about where things stand WRT landscaping/grounds keeping & its multiple complications and nuances”
- Unsuccessful effort to hire new landscaper
- Effect of landscaping on sales?
- Election of Officers
- Joanruth’s one year term is up. Is she willing to serve a full 3 year time.
- Old and New Business will be discussed at June Board meeting
- After June 23 Board meeting
- Basic Agenda sent
- Bill Wertz- Vice President
- Investigation the status of judgment on Fretland.
- Joanruth Baumann - Treasurer
- Report given by VP Bill Wertz since Joanruth has been out of town.
- Checking
- Reserve Saving
- CD Reserve
- Becce Bettridge – Secretary
- Next E-newsletter.
- Introduction of New Owners
- Owners contributing in keeping our property looking well
- Other?
- Timing?
- Report on:
- Property
- Update on any “to-do” projects
- Bug extermination
- Report on Ant infestation
- Current status of mulch project
- Amount spent as 6/23/2014
- Amount of mulch and time needed to finish
- Working with Landscaper (Present plan)
- Becce will arrange to be on site as much as possible on the Friday’s that Ben’s crew works. She will arrange with Ben to share authority with him as to what the crew works on. When she will not be on site, she will communicate with Ben and Michele as to work that needs doing.
- Michele will talk with Ben about coming every other Friday for 3.5 -4 hours each time
- Board will continued to investigate new landscaper’s and review our situation come fall.
- NEW and upcoming BUSINESS
- Handyman. Steve Guttman
- Review results of:
- Michele to vetting him.
- Bill will check into what licensing and bonding actually means for workers on site.
- Phil will look into our bylaws says about hiring a non-insured workers.
- Next Board meeting
- Adjourned: