Held at Trinity Methodist Church Hall 4th August 2009
In attendance:
Justin Atkin - Chair
Hazel Bell – Stallingborough Parish Councillor
Colin Bulger-NELC (invited speaker ref CEW)
Phyllis Butterworth - Chair of Town and Parish Council Liaison Committee (as Observer)
Brian Duke - Community rep + Treasurer
Shane Linford- Oasis Academy
Jane Mansfield – Secretariat
Hannah Mckinnon - Habrough Parish Councillor
Elaine Norton – Community Rep
Neil Pattison – Humberside Police
Morris Prior – Immingham Town Council
Gordon Smith – Community Rep
Councillor S.Swinburn – NELC Ward Councillor (1St hour)
Debbie Woodward- NELC
Anneka Everitt – Humberside Fire and Rescue
Ray Patterson-Community Rep
Cllr Oliver- NELC Ward Councillor
Janet Cowan- Extended Schools Co-ordinator
Liam Pearson – Young People’s Rep
JA opened the meeting by welcoming Colin Bulger, Phyllis Butterworth, Morris Prior and Debbie Woodward
Community Engagement Week: 7th -12th September 2009
- Framework- CB opened by explaining that the intention this year was to hold five different weeks of engagement across the five neighbourhood management areas, rather that just hold one week for the entire borough as done in previous years.
- Community Involvement- The longer term plan is that these weeks will be lead by the community, however as ‘One Voice’ is still in the developmental stages, the Immingham, Stallingborough and Habrough engagement for this year has been agency lead, however feedback from ‘One Voice’ will be taken into account for future events during the evaluation process which will then inform how CEW is planned in other areas.
- Week of Action- dovetailing alongside the CEW will be a Week of Action organised by Safer Communities Partnership this will involved a range of engagement and enforcement activities.
- Publicity- Channel 7 will be filming various events throughout the week and supporting media coverage.
- Aim of Process- Not to take but to engage and inform local people on activity carried out over the past year and to provide communities with an understanding of how they can start to influence services.
- Location for main events will be Immingham Resource Centre and Civic Centre-commencing with
- Big Breakfast- Monday 7th Sept 2009- (IRC)
- Launch of ‘One Voice’ followed by Question Time- (CC) starting at 6.30pm -7.30pm for the launch event, with Question Timefollowing on at 7.45pm.
GS- asked whether similar events were planned for Stallingborough and Habrough- CB replied by saying nothing was planned for CEW but could possibly long at arranging a similar event at a later date.
SS- Expressed that there need to be a process which enabled lesson learnt to be shared with others including ward councillors.
CB- suggested that once evaluation of CEW completed, the findings be shared with ‘One Voice’.
- JM- reported that the Fire Service will also be involved during CEW and majority of their activity will be based on safety advice, particularly focusing on the high rise flats, following the recent fire in London.
- CB- Explained that VANEL were also involved in supporting these weeks.
JM to arrange
Previous minutes
- MP asked for confirmation that the Civic Centre is to be used as the postal address for ‘One Voice’. JM advised yes. MP asked for details to be circulated to members
- EN asked whether list of group contact details had been set out. JM confirmed that it had and still waiting for confirmation from some.
- NP advised misspelling of his name. JM apologised
- JA said JC had not been present at last meeting either
- With these amendments MP proposed as correct. JM to circulate
Treasurers Report
- Treasurer’s update- NP asked when bank account will be in place, all agreed that as soon as constitution had been agreed then the bank account could be set up.
Committee Structure
JA went through list of potential nominations; and advised of responses.
- Only I responded + confirmed – Rev Dan Haylett. JM to contact to confirm
- Limited responses from them. William Harty from E-factor + Zack from the Mayflower responded positively. Agreed that JM to contact
- JA advised ref SHP interest in being part of the group. Others i.e. NP + EN agreed saying that would play an important role. JA advised that had spoken to SHP they did not believe that it is appropriate for them to hold a business rep position. A discussion followed where some asked whether SHP should be invited to hold a position in their own right, others expressed a concern over their lack of knowledge about them + their role. Agreed that JA to contact + ask for a rep to attend next meeting in order to give overview + insight into the organisation + its activities. NP raised the point that there were other Social Housing Providers in the area. JM advised that believed that they met as a group so maybe could share info within this if they become part of OV to ensure that all tenants of RSLs are represented. DW advised that important role to play as are a member of the Immingham AAG
- Concern raised over the lack of response from Concoco. JA/JM to follow up
- Confirmation that Janet Cowan- Extended Schools Co-ordinator will become the education representative. JM to advise
- Habrough Friendship Group and Evergreens have been selected as the two older people representative groups. JM to send invites
- There were five different groups expressing an interest in joining the committee, for which there are only two places. Based on this the committee decided that the most appropriate means for dealing with this was to elect the two groups through a voting process. The two groups which gained the most votes were the Motor cycle Project and the Immingham Guides. JM to contact.
- MP acknowledged work of members of the sub group for the hard work and effort put into developing the constitution. JA said that it was a good example of how effective a sub group could be
- JA wanted to clarify the position about voting rights of each group. A discussion took place and finally a vote was held on whether all committee representatives, other than agencies would have the right to vote (providing they are residents of the area and had declared any specific interest etc if necessary) Vote carried 9 voted for + 2 abstained. GS advised issue of Chair having a vote needs clarifying in constitution. JA to undertake
- MP asked for clarification around publicity of meetings and whether they are open meetings. It was agreed that the meetings should be open meetings, with the public having an allocated time limited agenda item to raise matters/concerns, however when there was a need to vote on a particular matter this was limited to members of the committee only. It was also agreed that details of future meetings and the agenda should be displayed on a website and in public locations.
- JA commented that the constitution needs to be accessible to the general public and should be freely available.
- GS commented that if all meetings are to be open to the public, then the constitution needs to reflect this i.e. include a definition of the interpretation of an open meeting. JA to undertake
- All agree that this was an evolving process and that nothing had been set in stone and if necessary could look to review process in six months or at the AGM. However Standing Order section could also be removed. JA to action
- JA to make the necessary amendments to the constitution, reflecting the above issues and all to sign off at the next meeting.
- JA thanked everyone for all the work they have done to support the development of OV
- MP circulated a paper giving feedback on work already undertaken in relation with the Community Payback Scheme.
- JM reminded all of the need to start promoting the good work taking place in order to gain some quick wins and raise the group’s profile.
- JA asked whether it was possible to get a copy of the JD for the Area Co-ordinator.
- Ref Neighbourhood Manager/Co-ordinator JM advised that it is very unlikely that NELC will be able to provide administrative support to the group in the long term.
- EN is taking the lead for the LOGO competition. JA to source possible prizes.
- GS mentioned that he was looking to represent the group at the Crime and Justice Extended Dialogue meeting on 11th August
- EN updated on the skate park. Young People have set up a face book account on which to date they have gained over 2000 in support. ITC + SHP heavily involved, EN to take the lead and NP to identify officer to support
- BD advised that secured £1000 through Community Crime fighters. Is looking at notices for the Lamp posts etc. JM to provide NELC contact details
- SL advised ref the Boxing Project. Immingham Forward have been leading on this. £5,600 of funding is currently in their bank account, however as soon as OV gets a bank account set up the funding will be transferred. However in order to be able to obtain every item of equipment another £2400 of funding is required. Launch is on 19th Sept + all welcome
- NP advised ref temporary promotion of SL. All wished him well + looked forward to meeting + working with his replacement
- JA has contacted new principal at Oasis + agreed with support of SL that pupils there can help with website etc
- Ref CEW sub group of JA; JM; EN; BD; GS; to be set up to plan etc + feed back
Date + Time of next meeting
Meetings to be held on the 1st Tuesday of every month, venue of meetings to alternate between Immingham, Stallingborough and Habrough.
Next meeting Tuesday Ist September 2009, Habrough Village Hall, at 6pm.