Chapter 4- Managing Mental and Emotional Health

Lesson 2 Understanding Emotions

·  Feeling a full range of emotions is a sign of emotional health

An Emotional Spectrum

·  Emotions can be pleasant and unpleasant

·  Emotional Spectrum- is a set of emotions arranged by how pleasant they are

·  Pleasant emotions make you feel comfortable

·  Unpleasant emotions make you uncomfortable

Recognizing Emotions

·  Recognizing your emotions is not always easy. Sometimes you feel many different emotions at one time

·  When feeling different emotions at once, start working on the smaller emotions and then work towards the bigger ones

Know Your Triggers

·  Triggers- Situations, people and specific events that cause a person to feel an emotion

·  Triggers effect people in different ways

·  Understanding your triggers can help you avoid unpleasant situations

Lesson Review 1-4

Lesson 3 – Expressing your Emotions

Warmup- vocab

·  Many people feel better after expressing their emotions

·  All emotions, even unpleasant ones, can be a healthy part of life.

·  Expressing unhealthy emotions in healthy ways can make you feel better


·  Expressing emotions in healthy ways allows you to communicate them to other people.

·  Communicating with people can help you figure out why you have certain emotions

·  Communicating with other people allows them to get to know you and your needs as well

Communication Skills

·  There are healthy and unhealthy ways to communicate your emotions.

·  First step to effective communication is to know what you want to say

·  Body Language- expressing emotions with the face, hands, and posture….give off the right signals

·  Active Listening- is not only hearing but also showing that you understand what a person is saying

Creative Expression

·  Creative ways to express emotion. ….drawing, painting, making sculptures, writing or playing music, dancing, acting, making films, writing

Unhealthy Emotional Expression

·  Sometime people express emotional problems in unhealthy ways…

·  Expressing emotions in ways to hurt people physically or emotionally is wrong.

Lesson 4 Coping with Emotions

Self Esteem

·  Is a measure of how much you value, respect, and feel confident about yourself

·  Being confident and happy with one’s self is a sign of high self esteem

·  People who have high self-esteem have a positive view on life.

·  You can improve self- esteem by finding activities in which you are successful

Time to Think

·  Negative Thinking- is focusing on the bad side of a situation

·  Positive Self Talk- thinking about the good parts of a bad situation

Talking with Someone

·  Simply talking about emotional problems can make you feel better.

·  If the person has experienced similar emotions he or she may have helpful advice.

Defense Mechanisms

·  They body reacts to unpleasant situations with a natural response called stress

·  Automatic behaviors used to reduce uncomfortable stress.

·  2 types of Defense Mechanisms….Mature or Immature

·  Mature- relieves stress honestly and directly

·  Immature- helps you ignore or postpone dealing with stress.

Influences You Can Control

·  You can reduce stress by maintain good, physical, social, mental, and emotional

·  When your overall health is stable, your mental and physical responses to stress are less severe.

·  If you encourage positive emotions and reduce your level of stress you can have great emotional health

Lesson 5 Mental Illness

Bellringer- What do you think causes mental illness?

What is Mental Illness

·  A mental illness is a disorder that affects a person’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors

·  Nobody knows what causes the changes in brain chemistry, some are born with disorders and some develop over time.

·  Medicines can help treat mental illness by balancing the brain’s chemistry, therapy can help also


·  A mental illness that affects a person’s mood is called a mood disorder

·  Depression- a mood disorder in which a person is extremely sad or hopeless for a long time.

·  People with depression can become sad or hopeless for no reason

·  The most dangerous part of depression is suicide

Bipolar Mood Disorder

·  A mood disorder in which a person has depression sometimes and mania other times.

·  Mania is an excited mood or state with tons of energy

·  People may also hallucinate and have delusions


·  Mental illness that affects thoughts and behaviors

·  It causes people to hallucinate and have delusions

·  Causes people to be frozen in one position at one time

Anxiety Disorders

·  Causes extreme nervousness, worry, or panic….examples= panic disorder, OCD(obsessive compulsive disorder)

·  Phobia- is a strong abnormal fear of something