The process described below relates to students who are applying for extra time on the grounds of a physical disability or chronic illness.

The university’s regulations regarding the awarding of long term applications for extra time are detailed in “Information about applying for a long term concession for extra time in examinations”, available on this website. Please read that document in conjunction with this one.

The steps to follow in applying for a long term concession for extra time.

1. Register with the Disability Service

The first step in making your application for extra time is to come in person and register with the Disability Service.

·  First Term registration deadline: 20 March

·  Second Term registration deadline: 20 August

When you come to register you will be directed to the member of staff with whom you need to meet. Please have all medical documents relating to your disability at hand. Accommodations other than extra time will be arranged at the Disability Service. If you wish to apply for an extra time concession there is a further step. See below.

2. Book an appointment with a medical doctor at the Student Wellness Service (Tel. 021650 1020)

In most cases, after registering with the Disability Service and meeting with a member of our staff, students with physical disabilities or chronic illnesses who wish to apply for extra time will need to book an appointment with a medical doctor at the Student Wellness Service. You will need to take the following documentation with you to this appointment:

·  The official long term extra time application form. You will complete this during your appointment with the relevant staff member at the Disability Service.

·  The medical documentation that supports your application for extra time.

3. The process followed once a medical doctor at the Student Wellness Service has approved your application.

All relevant documents are then submitted to Ms Nqubeko Hlekwayo, at Student Records, Level 4, Masingene Building on Middle Campus (, Tel. 021 650 5663). She will forward the application to the committee that makes the decisions relating to the awarding of time concessions. Once Ms Hlekwayo has been informed of the outcome she will contact you immediately via email. Your official notification will be attached to that email. It can take a number of weeks for this process to be completed. Please ensure that you save your official notification in a safe place. You will need it from time to time in the course of your studies at UCT.