Indoor Venues (Form 3)
This form will open as ‘read only’, save it to your PC before and after you have entered the details
ITEM / NOTESAudience Profile
What is the expected number of people attending the event?
What is the age range of the audience?
What is the expected behaviour of the audience (can previous information be sought)?
Is the venue suitable for persons with disabilities? Complete Form 6 / yn
Suitability Of The Venue
Does the venue hold an Entertainments Licence?
(Request hard copy) / yn
Is the site large enough to cope with the production infrastructure and backstage requirements including hospitality and welfare? / yn
What is the estimated maximum capacity of people who can attend the venue, when all facilities and services have been provided at the venue? / yn
Will noise generated pose a nuisance to residents or neighbouring venues? / yn
Does the venue hold a public liability insurance certificate (request a copy)? / yn
Geographical Location
Proximity to hospitals and emergency facilities?
Will the site offer adequate public transport links? / yn
Are there major roads within the vicinity of the site? / yn
Fire & Emergency Evacuation
Are emergency evacuation procedures available (request hard copy)? / yn
Are there designated emergency routes and/ or assembly areas? / yn
Has the venue a suitable fire alarm in place? / yn
Are there suitable numbers of exits provided? / yn
Are exits clear, visible and unlocked? / yn
Is emergency lighting provided? / yn
Has suitable signage been erected? / yn
Is suitable fire fighting equipment available in public areas? / yn
If upholstered seating is provided by the venue, request a copy of the fire test certificate for British Standard 5852 Parts 1 and 2 / yn
If any curtains, drapes or other textile hangings are provided for the event, request a copy of the fire test certificate for British Standard 5852 / yn
Is an inspection by the BBC Fire Risk Management Team required? / yn
Stage And Associated Infrastructure
Does the venue supply appropriate dressing rooms? / yn
Are fire extinguishers supplied in the dressing rooms (1 extinguisher for every three dressing rooms)? / yn
Can the stage support the loads of the production equipment and personnel? / yn
Are steps and walkways to the stage suitable and kept clear? / yn
If barriers are provided will they be sufficient for the expected audience? / yn
Is there adequate ventilation in the venue for the release of pyrotechnic/ smoke effects?
(If required, the local authority must give their consent prior to the event) / yn
If rostra are to provided by the venue have they suitable barriers to protect from falls from height? / yn
Are suitable welfare facilities provided for the artists and production staff? / yn
If the production dress the venue, is asbestos present?
(Ask to see the asbestos register) / yn
Is seating provided at the venue, if not seating must comply with the Designers' Guideline - non standard audience seating configurations detailed on the Gateway site. Local Authority consent may be required.
auidance/non_standard_seating.html) / yn
OB facilities
Is there suitable access and parking for OB vehicles? / yn
Is there sufficient space for safe cable runs? / yn
Is there a requirement to fly cables? / yn
Is there a requirement to alter structures for cables? / yn
Is there a secure area for OB equipment to be set up and stored? / yn
If the venue supplies electricity to the production, request a copy of the 5 yearly inspection certificate for electrical installations. / yn
Has the venue a suitable waste management system? / yn
Does the venue supply a suitable water supply? / yn
Parking Facilities
Is adequate parking available for production vehicles (will emergency exits be blocked, will vehicles pose a risk to the public)? / yn
Is adequate parking available for the public? / yn
Privacy Notice
Personal information collected for the purposes of [this checklist] will be used to identify [those at risk, and those involved in controlling risk, from this or similar activities and to fulfil the BBC’s obligations under Health and Safety policy and legislation]. It will be retained for up to [6][1] years after [the expiry of the activity]. It may be shared with other organisations, including our agents and contractors, with whom [the risk or the control of risk is shared].
Safety Event Indoor Location Recce Checklist8th March 2012
[1] Advisable to check the Corporate Retention Schedule for the appropriate retention period