(SSWH 4, 5e, 7)

1.What were the results of the repeated invasion of the Germanic tribes and the fall of the Roman Empire?

Disruption of trade, decline in learning, ruralization of the population

2.Justinian’s Code consisted of what 4 works?

Digest, Institute, Novellae,

3.Why did Emperor Leo III ban the use of icons and religious images?

He felt icon supported idol worship & promoted superstition

4.Who was the first Russian to take the title of czar?

Ivan IV

5.What was the result of the division of the Christian Church during the early 11th century?

Roman Catholic Church (West) and Eastern Orthodox Church (East)

6.How did the Byzantine Empire influence the development of Russia?

By first accepting their political and religious views

7.What religion did the Byzantines and Russians share?

Eastern Orthodox

8.The Byzantine Empire was originally what part of the Roman Empire?

Eastern Roman Empire

9.What was the Hagia Sophia? Who built it?

Renowned church built by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century

10.How did Justinian’s Code establish the legal standard for the 900 years that followed?

It updated and justified existing laws and greatly influenced future canon and secular laws

11.What 3 areas did the Mongols conquer making the largest unified empire in history?

China, Russia, Central Asia

12.How was Genghis Khan a brilliant military strategist?

Spy networks, coordinated attacks, rapid communication, catapulting, damming, made army appear larger than it actually was

13.Who did Kublai Khan grant government positions to in China?

Mongols and foreigners

14.How did Marco Polo influence trade between China and Europe?

Marco Polo's book, first hand description of Asia and its wealth of resources made Europeans want to find an easier trade route to Asia. His book helped start the Age of Exploration.

15.Why was the Mongol Empire divided immediately after Genghis Khan’s death?

To make the land and people easier to manage

16. List the 4 khanates divided from the Mongol Empire?

Khanate of the Golden Horde, in Russia and Eastern Europe; the Ilkhanate in the Middle East; the Chagatai Khanate in Central Asia; and the Khanate of the Great Khan in Mongolia, China and East Asia.

17.What was Kublai Khan able to accomplish that no one else had 300 years prior to him?

Capture and unit China

18.How was Clovis responsible for bringing Christianity to the Franks?

His wife was a Christian and he became a Christian after winning in battle and was baptized upon his return.

19.What is a fief? What was it given in exchange for?

A fief is a land grant given to a vassal in exchange for military service

20.Knights were expected to defend what 3 masters?

Pope, king, his lady

21.Knights most commonly traded military service for what?

Land or money

22.What is canon law?

Laws that deal with issues under the authority of the Church

23.How did Charlemagne build such a great empire?

He introduced a jury system, encouraged education, expanded his empire through war, used local governments, standardized money and created a Christian kingdom as a secular ruler

24.What agreement or exchange was made between a lord and a vassal?

lords divided their land holdings among lesser lords, vassals, in exchange for their loyalty

25.Why was an interdict an effective weapon for the church against a king?

The Pope could control a king’s behavior by refusing church sacraments and Christian burials

26.How did the Concordat of Worms solve the power struggle between the Church and the Holy Roman Empire?

It settled the debate over lay investiture and recognized the right of the Church to appoint its own bishops and not the state.

27.Who was the first king to be crowned emperor by the Pope?


28.What is the difference between feudalism and the manor system?

Feudalism was a social order, hierarchy, and the manor system was the economic arrangement that supported feudalism.

29.List 3 groups of invaders that attacked Western Europe from 800-1000 AD?

Muslims, Magyars, Vikings

30.What was the significance of Charles Martel’s victory at the Battle of Tours?

It stopped the Muslim’s advancement into Western Europe and was a victory for Christianity

31.What war did Richard the Lionhearted lead?

The 3rd Crusade

32.Pope Urban II call for Christiansto recover the Holy Land from the Muslim Turks resulted in what series of wars? Crusades, The Holy Wars

33.Why did the English nobility force King John to sign the Magna Carta?

The people demanded constitutional law and a more democratic approach to government

34.How did the bubonic plague contribute to the collapse of medieval society?

It brought about disruption in trade because of decreases in population, and productionof food and goods. Little law enforcement and shortage of labor led to riots and revolts.

35.Why was the Battle of Hastings significant for William the Conqueror?

He took control of England after the victory

36.Which battle of the Crusades resulted in a victory for the Christians?

1st Crusade

37.Why was Parliament divided into 2 houses? List the 2 houses.

It began when landowners began taking grievances to Parliament and later wanted representation. House of Commons and House of Lords

38.Who fought the 100 Years War? What was the result?

Series of wars between England and France that resulted in loss of population, famine, plague,

39.Why was Joan of Arc accused of heresy?

They accused her of sorcery because she said she received visions from God

40.Who was Yaroslav the Wise? How did he get his name?

Russian czarwho established military and legal reforms and promoted Christianity