Bellingham High School Music Program
Drum Major/Section Leader Application
Please complete this application and return to Ms. Forte by Friday, June 17, 2016.
Drum Major Candidates: you must do 3 things to apply:
1. Submit this application by Friday, June 17, 2016.
2. In-class conducting auditions will be held in class.
3. Drum Major finalist interviews TBD after conducting auditions, scheduled individually.
Section Leader Candidates:
1. Section leader candidates will only submit this application by June 17th (no audition).
Name: ___________________________________ Instrument/Voice Part: _______________ Grade: ______
I am applying for: ___ Drum Major ___ Section Leader ___ Both
1. Why would you like to be a section leader/drum major?
2. What qualities do you believe you have that qualifies you to hold this position?
3. What are some things that a section leader/drum major should do that does NOT involve playing your instrument/singing?
4. How will you balance outside activities, like sports or jobs, and section leader/drum major responsibilities?
5. Do you currently study with a private teacher?
6. What are your strengths as a player and member of this ensemble (musical and non-musical qualities)?
7. What are your weaknesses as a player and member of this ensemble (musical and non-musical qualities)?