Good afternoon EFA representatives,

Thank you to everyone who came to the March meeting last Thursday! I hope that you found the information useful and engaging.

The following attachments are included in this email:

  1. The agenda
  1. The entire presentation
  1. The PSCC feedback form. (EFA representatives have been asked to use this form to document feedback they receive from their PSCC after their EFA presentation at meetings. It can be completed electronically, or you can bring a copy to the next EFA meeting.)
  1. Walk for One Promise flyer (this is the Pittsburgh Promise’s annual walk to raise awareness and raise scholarship funds).
  1. Allegheny County Legislative Forum on Education flyer (Members of our Board of Directors have asked us to extend this invitation to PSCCs, parents and community organizations. This event may be a good opportunity for those seeking more information on education legislation).

6.State Representative Dan Miller’s 4th Annual Children & Youth Disability & Mental Health Summit flyer

7.Information materials about the 2017 Pennsylvania Community on Transition Conference

Below is a summary of what occurred during the meeting:

The meeting began with representatives being able to engage with School Executive Leadership. After introducing themselves and describing their role, they participated in a question and answer session with attendees. The following District officials were present: Mr. Anthony Anderson (Deputy Superintendent), Mr. David May-Stein (Chief of School Performance), Mr. Kevin Bivins (Assistant Superintendent), Ms. Melissa Friez (Assistant Superintendent) and Dr. Wayne Walters (Assistant Superintendent).

Because they took questions from the audience, there was not a formal presentation for this segment of the agenda. Representatives can give a summary of what types of questions were asked, and the feedback given by leadership.

Next was a very detailed presentation about the Tripod Student Survey. Camara Watkins (Coordinator, Family, Youth & Community Engagement), Ellen Botkin (Coordinator, Data Systems Integration) and Tara Tucci (Director, Performance Management Systems) collaborated to give this presentation. (see attached Power Point presentation). They also stayed for an extended period of time after the meeting addressing specific questions from attendees.

Finally, LingaireNjie announced the kick-off date for the 2017 Parent Survey (see attached Power Point presentation).

Please note: Dr. Dara Ware Allen (Assistant Superintendent, Student Support Services) was originally scheduled to give a presentation on the updated Code of Student Conduct, but she was unable to come because of a last minute emergency. We will do our best to include her presentation at an upcoming meeting.


1.School Website Reminder

Access school websites at updated information on the PSCC (Parent School Community Council) – including the date and time for upcoming meetings and minutes from the previous meetings – and the monthly calendars.

2.Walk for One Promise

The Walk for One Promise will take place on April 29, 2017. Please see the attached flyer for details.

3.Allegheny County Legislative Forum on Education

Members of our Board of Directors have asked us to extend this invitation to PSCCs, parents and community organizations. This event may be a good opportunity for those seeking more information on education legislation. Please see the attached flyer.

4.State Representative Dan Miller’s 4th Annual Children & Youth Disability & Mental Health Summit

This event is free and open to the public, and will take place on March 22-24, 2017 (see attached flyer).

5.2017 Pennsylvania Community on Transition Conference

The purpose of this conference is to expand the capacity of schools, agencies and communities in promoting the successful transition of young/young adults with disabilities to post-school opportunities in employment, education and training (See attachment).

As a reminder, the next EFA meeting will take place on April 6, 2017 from 6 pm – 8 pm at Pittsburgh Science and Technology Academy.As always, dinner will be served at 5:30 pm, and there will be childcare for potty-trained children age 3 and above.