Licence Agreement
Non-exclusive use from time to time of church premises
Name of Congregation:Agreement made
Between the Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Q.) (hereinafter called "the Church')
And: / (hereinafter called "the User")
Of (address):
Description of premises to be used
Purpose of use
Single use (date): / (times):
Ongoing use (dates): / (times):
Note: Licence Agreement will lapse 12 months from the date of the Agreement. Should the use be ongoing after this time, a new Licence Agreement should be entered into.
Terms of Paymentand/or / $
- The parties agree that for the consideration above referred to the User and the User's servants and agents and all persons duly authorised by the User will have the use of the premises for the period or periods and for the purpose described above.
- TheUser will not do or allow any act, or make or allow any omission which will cause damage to the premises or its contents, nor conduct any activity in breach of any statute or the regulations of any Federal, State, local or public authority and, in particular, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Copyright Act 1968, the Noise Abatement Act 1978 (as amended), the Ordinances and the by-laws of any Local Authority relating to the emission from premises of noise, or which is prohibited by the by-laws of the Uniting Church.
- The User will keep the premises in a clean and tidy condition and as they were at the commencement of use by the User and will provide adequate supervision to ensure the safety of the premises and those using them and will leave the premises securely closed and locked.
- The User will pay to the Church the costs of any damage or loss to the premises or its contents which arises as a result of the use of the premises by the User.
- The User will indemnify and hold indemnified the Church from and against all actions, suits, proceedings, costs, claims, expenses, damages and demands what-so-ever which may be taken, prosecuted or made against the Church or incurred or become payable by the Church for or on account of use of the premises by the User or on account of loss of life, injury or damage to persons or property suffered or sustained by any person or body howsoever caused whilst on the premises on behalf of the User or at request or otherwise pursuant or incidental to the use of the premises by the User.
Nothing in this clause will limit the Church's liability or responsibility for its acts, omissions or negligence to the extent the Church causes or contributes to the loss or damage. - The User must, before use, provide the Church with a Certificate of Currency which details the User's public liability insurance policy covering a limit of liability not less than $5,000,000. Please note that a copy of the Policy will not suffice as only a Certificate of Currency can be produced by the insurance company if the premium has been paid.
- If this agreement is for an on-going use, it may be terminated in relation to any future use of the premises upon either party giving seven (7) days written notice to the other PROVIDED HOWEVER that the User will remain liable for any licence fees owing to that date and, except where the agreement is determined by the Church without default on the part of the User, the User will also remain liable for any licence fees payable in respect of the period of use for which the User has reserved Church premises.
- The User will pay in addition to the Licence Fee the amount of GST payable (if any) by the Church in relation to the supply.
Signedby the parties hereto on the date herein before mentioned.
Signed by the said User / Consent of Congregation/DepartmentSigned for and on behalf of the Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Q.)
User: Please return signed Licence Agreement and Certificate of Currency to the Congregation/Department.
Congregation/department: Please forward signed Licence Agreement and Certificate of Currency to Uniting Church Legal Services, GPO Box 674, Brisbane. 4001.
Licence Agreement Non-exclusive use from time to time of church premises (version 2)