Questions from the Q & A session for the ALF RFA orientation call- 08/17/09 (20 States participated in call)
- How did AMCHP select the 4 recommendations chosen in the RFA?
The CDC recommendations were chosen based on their utility and relevance to the adolescent population.
- How should the recipients classify this money for invoicing purposes (i.e. seed money or grants)?
This is money to support your activities and meetings. Let AMCHP know what works best for you in terms of your administrative process. We want to makes sure to ease the process on your end.
Note: All travel is coordinated through AMCHP.
- How do adolescent males factor into ALC efforts in terms of target population?
Males are important population regarding preconception health efforts and can be included in the implementation of any of the CDC recommendations
- The RFA says that States can choose one or more of the recommendations to implement. Is it better to choose one recommendation?
The number of recommendations chosen depends on the applicant and their approach. Some applicants may want to combine recommendations that they feel are related in some way. Use your state specific data to guide your approach.
- Does AMCHP consider the size/geographic location of the states as a factor in the selection process?
We would like to include a range of states because we feel that there are lessons and useful knowledge that can be obtain from diverse states.
- Are there any plans to repeat this ALC on preconception health at a later time?
Whether or not this ALC is repeated is based on the need of the states and availability of funding.
- Should applicants focus on addressing reproductive health specifically or health promotion in general?
Either of these strategies is appropriate. The approach chosen should be based on the needs of your state.
- Will there be information and resources from the ALC provided publicly so that those states not selected can access these materials?
Yes. Resources and other ALC related materials will be posted on AMCHP’s website. On this website you will find webinars, lessons learned, reports from the state teams.
- How is evaluation incorporated into the ALC process?
AMCHP will be evaluating ALC activities by getting participant regarding webinars, in person meeting and follow up information. Activities undertaken by the states should also be implemented. It is important when designing action your action plan that you ask yourself “how are we going to know if we’re successful”. Action plans should include some useful and relevant measures by which success can be measured.
- What if the education designee cannot travel or the position is vacant?
Applicants may choose another person deemed to be appropriate to fill this role and reference this in their application.
- Are there examples of other AMCHP ALC initiatives?
Yes. These examples can be found here (ALCs are also referred to as Action Learning Labs):
Perinatal Disparities Action Learning Lab report
Women and TobaccoAction Learning Lab: The Project Process and Products
The Perinatal HIV Action Learning Labs: Summary Report (2006)
- What is the length of the in person meeting?
The in-person meeting is tentatively scheduled for 2.5 days, however this may change based on the needs assessments that we receive from selected states. Previous ALC meetings have ranged from 2 to 3 days.
- November 11th is a federal holiday.
The dates can be changed slightly…maybe the 11th will be a travel day.