Faculty Forum minutesOctober 1, 2014
President– Dieter Steklis- started the meeting from Tech Park at 10:04
PRESENT: Brown, Brandy; Citera, Barbara; Czerkawski, Betul; DeLalla, John; Denno, Linda; DiRoberto, Kyle; Hill, Dawn; Johnson, Chris; Lutes, Todd; McGee, Inger; Orozco, Rick; Parra, Ada; Seder, Laurie; Steklis, Dieter; Tesch, Aaron; Torres, David; Trevino, Sandee; Woolfolk, Ana; Xu, Li; Shockey, Jim.
ABSENT:Arnold, Stephen; Kralovec, Etta (on sabbatical); Lunsford, Laura (on sabbatical); Wells, Kate.
GUESTS: Castelluccio, Brittany (ASUAS); Dent, Ike
Agenda Item / Discussion Items / Action / Person/sResponsible
Approval of Minutes / Submitted online for approval. / Approved / Dieter Steklis
Dean’s Report: / The branch review has been launched for UA South. Nov. 21st self-studies are due. A site visit will be in Jan. or Feb. Jim discussed and presented his layout of each responsibility for key individuals and format of review. / The chart plan will be sent to everyone by email. / Jim Shockey
Associate Dean’s Report: / Grant writer- is progressing and will start interviews next Friday.
The folders for emergency situations were shown and will be ordered to use.
Work with Cochise College is ongoing with Freeport- McMoRangrant.
UA Vitae consists of 5 members and is ongoing. / Barbara Citera
Standing Committee Reports & Action Items:
Curriculum / Technology-Oct. 29th next meeting on D2L site anyone invited.
“The motion is to create and use D2L, intended for face-to-face, online, hybrid, ITV and all other combinations of instruction to share needed information and resources to ensure students and faculty are successful.”
Personnel- Willbe able to bring current evaluations and guidelines to the next FF meeting.
Curriculum-October 8th deadlines for handing in changesfor Fall 2015 to Esther.
Wed Oct. 22 next Curriculum meeting / Motion:By Anna, to create and use the D2L “Student Extra Enroll” site as a one-stop shop for faculty and adjunct technology staff development. Aaron seconded.16 approved.
Consent motion: 3 items accepted. ETCV 561, RVCV 498H, FSHV 447C / Anna Woolfolk
Betul Czerkawski
Todd Lutes
Undergraduate & Graduate Reports / Undergraduate-Electronic report submitted- no questions
Graduate-Electronic report submitted – no questions / Chris Johnson
Betul Czerkawski
Instructional Infrastructure / The hiring of anInstructional Support Specialist– is moving along. The top 3 have been identified and phone interviews will be taking place.
The testing center has been updated and in compliance. Do we want to extend to other testing facilities as revenue?
Currently working with AZ Western on a grant.
Will be coming to everyone on how we could work with broad band width instruction. / Chris Johnson
Forum President-Elect Announcements: / UA South Foundation Awards: Nominations for Faculty and Adjunct recipients’ deadline to submit will be Oct 26 to the Foundation.
Travel and curriculum support is available from the foundation. / Dieter Steklis
New business: / Constitution and Bylaws committees consist of Aaronand Chris. Discussion followed where and how to have the information available. To have committees and memberships and rotation of members up on a website.
Nowhere in the bylaws does it state that the adjunct rep have voting rights in FF.
Ike: New software has been purchased, Clear Sea- Will allow connectivity into the ITV system for class use. Or can be used for conducting meetings from several locations at the same time without the use of ITV. There can be up to 25 members at one time participating in a single meeting. This can be used on any devices and set up by individuals between each other. There are 30 licenses available. / . Dieter will review the bylaws and send suggestions to Aaron to be reviewed for changes.
Motion: By Aaron to grant the adjunct representative a vote in FF for this fiscal year. Seconded by Chris. 17 approved
Adjournment: / 12:07
University of Arizona @ Sierra Vista Prepared by Deb Hoeft, Reviewed by Dieter Steklis