Management Information Service
Future work
The following are possible future areas of work as with previous service boards the total represents a volume of work larger than the available development capacity.
The service board is asked to review the following table and assign priorities to the work to be undertaken. When considering projects to prioritise the total number of day scheduled cannot exceed 150 worked days.
The effort of assessment is the expected work for the ITS MI team, where are other groups are listed in the resources required column there time is un-assessed, for internal groups they will be asked to verify the requirements and test the changes made for correctness.
Ref / Lead organisation(s) / Name / Summary / Resources required / Status / Effort assessment in worked days / PriorityHR / HR reporting / The work by the ITS MI team for phase 1 of the HR project is complete, currently the HR project team are exploiting the work completed as part of phase 1 with a planned pilot commencement date of July this year.
The second phase of the project plans to incorporate absence and sickness information into the Data Warehouse, allowing it to be included in the self service report suite for HODs and departmental administrators. / ITS MI Team
HR Project team / On-going / 30 days
AR MI&P / University Strategy Project 1.3 / The Research Dashboards have been well received and used extensively during the Research Planning meeting round. Feedback from these meetings and senior users have identified additional metrics to be include within the dashboards are:-
- PGR Student funding details
- PGR completion rates
- Research Income Margin
- Research publication metrics
AR MI & P HR Project team / On-going / 50 days
AR MI&P / Student five year head plan and load / The outstanding high priority items from the student planning workshop are the provision of transparent analysis of teaching load, the accurate processing of in year starters and leavers and year on year analysis of teaching load. / AR MI&P Group
ITS MI Team / Not started / 50 days
AR MI&P, SARO / Integration of planning and application data sets. / Currently the student five year head plan and applications data are not presented in a single report. This work would integrate the two sets of data presenting the targets with actual recruitment activity.
The proposal was developed as part of the student planning workshop but was not identified in the recent review as a priority item / ITS MI Team
AR SARO Team / Not started / 30 days
AR IO / International office reporting / The international office are requesting an extension to the admissions reputing used by SARO, adding a student’s country of domicile to the reports. / ITS MI Team
AR IO / Not started / 15 days
SARO / SARO Enhancements / SARO have developed a list of prioritised enhancements to the existing PG & UG reports. / ITS MI Team
AR SARO / Not started / 30 days
Space Management / Teaching Survey / A business case has been presented to the ARO directorate on the automation of the analysis of the annual teaching survey, / ITS MI Team
Space Management / Not started / 25 days
Increasing resource
The option is available to purchase external resource to progress projects, indicative rates are £450 per day for independent contractors and £ 1,000 for consultants, all prices ex-vat. There are risks associated with the use of external resources, particularly maintenance of the work completed, loss of knowledge and the need for Warwick staff to oversee any work.The use of external resources will require some support from Warwick staff to ensure work delivered can be maintained by Warwick staff and integrates with the work completed to date.