Oklahoma CASA Association

Competitive Grant Instructions: Operations, Expansion, Sustainability, Start-up

Grant Period: October 1, 2017 – September 30, 2018

Award Amount: see criteria below

Who Can Apply?

  1. Member CASA programs in Oklahoma that meet the requirements set forth in the Policy for Membership and Funding.
  2. Program must maintain 15 active cases. “Active” means that a volunteer must be court appointed and working that case. (Cases served by staff or cases referred to the program but not court- appointed to a volunteer are not considered active cases.)
  3. Must meet criteria established for the grant category.

Types of Funding Requests:

  1. Expansion- To actively expand services outside current organizational structure and staffing. (i.e. expansion into an additional county or addition of staff to expand within current service area)
  2. Sustainability- To sustain service levels if operating at capacity
  3. Operations- For programs that expanded into a new service area effective July 2016.
  4. Start-up – For new programs who have obtained 501(c)3 status in the past year and have MOU with courts in their jurisdiction.

Attachment: MOU with courts if expanding into a new service area or a start-up.


Reviewers will consider the completeness of the application and:

  1. Extent of unmet need;
  2. Existence of clearly stated attainable goals supported by measurable tasks and activities;
  3. Presentation of a proposed budget that directly relates to proposed activities and is explained and justified in the narrative; and
  4. Past performance with Oklahoma CASA grants funds.

Submission Process:

Applications and attachments must be submitted via email to by July 21, 2017. Please send confirm receipt OR contact office at time of submission to confirm receipt. The burden is on the local program to ensure electronic receipt of application.

General Requirements by Section:

1.Cover Sheet: Program information and brief proposal.

2.Program Information

A.Program Overview: this is your opportunity to give reviewers who currently have no knowledge of your program an overview (i.e. history, growth, service areas, and service levels, etc.) to be kept to a ½ page maximum.

B.Statement of Need: Describe the current circumstances and why funds are needed to expand or sustain your program, kept to a ½ page, maximum. (For Operational Grant, include what new areas your program expanded into on or after July 1, 2016, status of that expansion, including funding received, date of MOU with court, etc.

3.Organizational Information.

A. Staff Chart

a.Case Management Staff Chart: state staff member, job title, hours worked per week, number of volunteers supervised and number of cases supervised on a given day.

b.Administrative/Other Staff Chart:state staff member, job title, and hours worked per week.

*Note: In the instance a position has split responsibilities, they would be listed in both sections: example – under Case Management Staff: Vol Coord 1 .75 FTE 22 vols 27 cases and under Administrative Staff: Vol Coord 1 .25 FTE

c.Volunteer Supervision and Standards: Based on National Standards of 30 volunteers (on up to 45 cases) to one FTE (full time equivalent) Advocate Coordinator/Supervisor position, check the box that best describes the program’s current staffing.

B. Revenue and Expenses: List revenue and expenses for FY 2016, 2017, and projected for 2018.

4.Purpose of Grant.

  1. Proposed Project: Describe the proposed project. Relate project to the statement of need and how the project will help meet the unmet need in your service area. Sustainability of current service levels is an appropriate project.
  2. Proposed Budget: Fill in amounts requested in each category
  3. Budget Narrative:
  4. Describe specifically how funds for each category will be used. For example:

Rent: $6000

$500/month X 12 months = $6000

  1. Goals and Objectives: Goals and Objectives should be specific for the project proposes, measurable, and include activities with target dates, etc.Refer to Appendix A for format.


"The goal is where we want to be. The objectives are the steps needed to get there."

Goals are general guidelines that explain what you want to achieve. They are broad statements, typically with words such as increase, decrease, etc.

Objectives define strategies or steps to attain the identified goals. Unlike goals, objectives are specific, measurable, and have adefined completion date. They are more specific and outline the “who, what, when, where, and how” of reaching the goals.

Tasks or Activities are additional steps outlining how objectives will be completes.


-Goals and objectives are simple and measurable

-Should not contain extraneous words or description

-If your goal is a paragraph or contains more than one sentence, simplify!

-Only report goals that are specific to the proposed project.

The following example is the format Oklahoma CASA will be accepting. In addition, the format for goals and objectives requested will be necessary for your grant reporting.

EXAMPLE Goals and Objectives:

Goal #1: To educate the community on its responsibility to abused and neglected children.

Objective 1.1: To give 10 community presentations to clubs, civic groups and other organizations by 9/30/18.

  1. To contact local groups, etc. regarding the possibility of speaking engagements and to provide speakers as needed.

Objective 1.2: To utilize social media to reach citizens in our service area with information about what CASA is and does, as well as being a volunteer.

  1. Will make weekly posts on social media to create a following.

Objective 1.3: To recruit 25 potential CASA volunteers by 9/30/18.

  1. To have 5 ads/articles printed in publications.
  2. To utilize local TV or radio stations for public service announcements or interviews as appropriate.
  3. To provide volunteer applications and information packets to all who inquire about being a CASA volunteer.
  4. To spend $500 in paid advertisements announcing training opportunities on social media by 9/30/18.

Goal #2: To increase the number of CASA volunteers available for court appointment to deprived cases.

Objective 2.1: To train and screen 15 CASA volunteers by 9/30/18.

  1. To screen potential CASA volunteers through background checks, personal references and staff conducted screening interviews.
  2. To provide 2 or more sessions of training for potential CASA volunteers.
  3. To provide a minimum of 12 hours of continuing education in-service to CASA volunteers.

Objective 2.2: To provide 55 active CASA volunteers to act as court appointed special advocates by 9/30/18.

  1. To serve 90 children through court appointments as provided through Title 10.
  2. To conduct a full and independent researching of each of the 75 cases for court.
  3. To provide the court with written information and recommendations based on the best interests of 90 children.
  4. To monitor the progression of 90 children through the court system and to ensure that court orders are being implemented.
  5. To explore and develop potential resources for each of the 90 children to facilitate early family reunification or alternative permanency planning.