Program: Maintenance Management Certificate Program Assessment Coordinator: Christopher Schearer
Department: Educational Outreach Accredited/External Org: N/A
Program Description and Schedule:
This certificate program is designed for Maintenance managers, plant engineers, building managers, and any other individual who receives maintenance reports for their organizations. The program addresses the new and on-going issues of concern to maintenance professionals who take back to their organizations a broader base of knowledge in many areas of maintenance. The curriculum consists of four seminars. Students who successfully complete all four seminars will receive the Certificate in Maintenance Management. Each class in the curriculum is offered as a stand-alone two-day seminar. Not all classes are offered each term. The certificate program consists of a total of 60 (6 CEU’s) contact hours. Each class is 1.5 CEU’s
Core Classes: The core class which all students must complete to earn the certificate are: How to Design & Implement a Superior (Predictive/Preventive) Maintenance Program (SMP), How to Manage Maintenance for Results (MMR), Improving Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Control (IMP), and Management Skills for Maintenance Supervisors (SMS).
Student Learning Outcomes for the Maintenance Management Certificate Program
- By the end of the Maintenance Management Certificate Program the student will be able to define 17 key indicators used to evaluate the maintenance goals of an organization.
- By the end of the Maintenance Management Certificate Program the student will be able to describe the criteria used for managing maintenance planning, scheduling, and control.
- By the end of the Maintenance Management Certificate Program the student will be able to analyze when and where to employ predictive/preventive maintenance.
- By the end of the Maintenance Management Certificate Program the student will be able use life cycle costing (LCC).
- By the end of the Maintenance Management Certificate Program the student will be able to plan an effective preventive maintenance program
- By the end of the Maintenance Management Certificate Program the student will be able to evaluate software used for maintenance scheduling and control.
- By the end of the Maintenance Management Certificate Program the student will be to use progress and exception reports to improve maintenance productivity.
- By the end of the Maintenance Management Certificate Program the student will be able to use qualitative and quantitative measures to appraise and improve maintenance planning, scheduling and control.
- By the end of the Maintenance Management Certificate Program the student will be able to define an effective maintenance plan,
- By the end of the Maintenance Management Certificate Program the student will be able to define barriers to good communication.
- By the end of the Maintenance Management Certificate Program the student will be able to design and implement a 10 phase PIP (Productivity Improvement Program) to improve maintenance performance.
- By the end of the Maintenance Management Certificate Program the student will know how to conduct a maintenance opportunity study.
- By the end of the Maintenance Management Certificate Program the student will be able to plan realistic predictive and preventive maintenance standards and controls.
Maintenance Management Certificate Program: Curriculum Alignment of Student Learning Outcomes:
Design & Implement a Superior (Predictive/Preventive) Maintenance Program / How to Manage Maintenance for Results / Improving Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Control / Management Skills for Maintenance SupervisorsSTUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES
A / I E R
B / E / E / E
C / I E R
D / I E
E / I E / I E / I E / I E
F / I
G / I E
H / I E / IE
I / I E / E / I / I E
J / I E / I E
K / I E
L / I E / I E
M / E / I / I
I-Introduced E-Enriched R-Reinforced
Evidence/Artifacts used to assess Student Learning Outcomes
Direct and
Indirect / Expected
Measures from Methods or Instruments / When and Where will the Methods / instruments and data be collected
A / Written activities /oral presentations/ / Pass No Pass / Written assessments/and or oral presentations are conducted at the end of the instructional period. (SMP)
B / Written activities /oral presentations/ / Pass No Pass / Written assessments/and or oral presentations are conducted at the end of the instructional period. (SMP,MMR,SMS)
C / Written activities /oral presentations/ / Pass No Pass / Written assessments/and or oral presentations are conducted at the end of the instructional period. (SMP,IMP,SMS)
D / Written activities /oral presentations/ / Pass No Pass / Written assessments/and or oral presentations are conducted at the end of the instructional period. (SMP)
E / Written activities /oral presentations/ / Pass No Pass / Written assessments/and or oral presentations are conducted at the end of the instructional period. (SMP,MMR,IMP,SMS)
F / Written activities /oral presentations/ / Pass No Pass / Written assessments/and or oral presentations are conducted at the end of the instructional period. (IMP)
G / Written activities /oral presentations/ / Pass No Pass / Written assessments/and or oral presentations are conducted at the end of the instructional period. (IMP)
H / Written activities /oral presentations/ / Pass No Pass / Written assessments/and or oral presentations are conducted at the end of the instructional period. (IMP,SMS)
I / Written activities /oral presentations/ / Pass No Pass / Written assessments/and or oral presentations are conducted at the end of the instructional period. (SMP,MMR,IMP,SMS)
J / Written activities /oral presentations/ / Pass No Pass / Written assessments/and or oral presentations are conducted at the end of the instructional period. (MMR,SMS)
K / Written activities /oral presentations/ / Pass No Pass / Written assessments/and or oral presentations are conducted at the end of the instructional period. (SMP)
L / Written activities /oral presentations/ / Pass No Pass / Written assessments/and or oral presentations are conducted at the end of the instructional period. (MMR,SMS)
M / Written activities /oral presentations/ / Pass No Pass / Written assessments/and or oral presentations are conducted at the end of the instructional period. (SMP,MMR,SMS)
Dissemination of Information over the 5 year period of this plan.
Who will Analyze the Data / When, where, how will the results be disseminated to stakeholdersSTUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES
A / Instructors will submit grades at the end of each class to the Program Coordinator (PC) / CEUs awarded for the program are recorded by the UNLV Registrar’s Office on a permanent Continuing Education transcript. Educational Outreach will maintain a file for each class for a period of five years. PC will submit grades to the Professional Development Center (PDC) who will store the results, which will be available for review.
B / Instructors will submit grades at the end of each class to the Program Coordinator (PC) / CEUs awarded for the program are recorded by the UNLV Registrar’s Office on a permanent Continuing Education transcript. Educational Outreach will maintain a file for each class for a period of five years. PC will submit grades to the Professional Development Center (PDC) who will store the results
C / Instructors will submit grades at the end of each class to the Program Coordinator (PC) / CEUs awarded for the program are recorded by the UNLV Registrar’s Office on a permanent Continuing Education transcript. Educational Outreach will maintain a file for each class for a period of five years. PC will submit grades to the Professional Development Center (PDC) who will store the results
D / Instructors will submit grades at the end of each class to the Program Coordinator (PC) / CEUs awarded for the program are recorded by the UNLV Registrar’s Office on a permanent Continuing Education transcript. Educational Outreach will maintain a file for each class for a period of five years. PC will submit grades to the Professional Development Center (PDC) who will store the results
E / Instructors will submit grades at the end of each class to the Program Coordinator (PC) / CEUs awarded for the program are recorded by the UNLV Registrar’s Office on a permanent Continuing Education transcript. Educational Outreach will maintain a file for each class for a period of five years. PC will submit grades to the Professional Development Center (PDC) who will store the results
F / Instructors will submit grades at the end of each class to the Program Coordinator (PC) / CEUs awarded for the program are recorded by the UNLV Registrar’s Office on a permanent Continuing Education transcript. Educational Outreach will maintain a file for each class for a period of five years. PC will submit grades to the Professional Development Center (PDC) who will store the results
G / Instructors will submit grades at the end of each class to the Program Coordinator (PC) / CEUs awarded for the program are recorded by the UNLV Registrar’s Office on a permanent Continuing Education transcript. Educational Outreach will maintain a file for each class for a period of five years. PC will submit grades to the Professional Development Center (PDC) who will store the results
H / Instructors will submit grades at the end of each class to the Program Coordinator (PC) / CEUs awarded for the program are recorded by the UNLV Registrar’s Office on a permanent Continuing Education transcript. Educational Outreach will maintain a file for each class for a period of five years. PC will submit grades to the Professional Development Center (PDC) who will store the results
I / Instructors will submit grades at the end of each class to the Program Coordinator (PC) / CEUs awarded for the program are recorded by the UNLV Registrar’s Office on a permanent Continuing Education transcript. Educational Outreach will maintain a file for each class for a period of five years. PC will submit grades to the Professional Development Center (PDC) who will store the results
J / Instructors will submit grades at the end of each class to the Program Coordinator (PC) / CEUs awarded for the program are recorded by the UNLV Registrar’s Office on a permanent Continuing Education transcript. Educational Outreach will maintain a file for each class for a period of five years. PC will submit grades to the Professional Development Center (PDC) who will store the results
K / Instructors will submit grades at the end of each class to the Program Coordinator (PC) / CEUs awarded for the program are recorded by the UNLV Registrar’s Office on a permanent Continuing Education transcript. Educational Outreach will maintain a file for each class for a period of five years. PC will submit grades to the Professional Development Center (PDC) who will store the results
L / Instructors will submit grades at the end of each class to the Program Coordinator (PC) / CEUs awarded for the program are recorded by the UNLV Registrar’s Office on a permanent Continuing Education transcript. Educational Outreach will maintain a file for each class for a period of five years. PC will submit grades to the Professional Development Center (PDC) who will store the results