june 20, 2012

The regular meeting of the Clayton Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 PM. Invocation was given and we had a Salute to the Flag.

Sunshine law

The public notice of this meeting pursuant to the Open Public Meeting Act of 1975 has been properly given in the following manner:

A.  Posting written notice on the Official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building.

B.  Mailing written notice to the Gloucester County Times and the Franklinville Sentinel.

C.  Filing written notices with the Clerk of the Borough of Clayton.


Ayes: Abate, Bianco, Gavarone, McNulty, Sachs, Schoellkopf, Vondran, Zorzi, Fox

Absent: Scholz, Turner-Wood


M/ Vondran, S/ Abate - Approve the Minutes of the regular meeting of the Clayton Planning Board/Zoning Board held on April 18, 2012.


Ayes: Abate, Gavarone, McNulty, Sachs, Schoellkopf, Vondran, Zorzi, Fox

Abstain: Bianco


M/ Vondran, S/ Bianco - Approve the Minutes of the regular meeting of the Clayton Planning Board/Zoning Board held on May 16, 2012.


Ayes: Abate, Bianco, Sachs, Schoellkopf, Vondran, Zorzi, Fox

Abstain: Gavarone, McNulty


Kaushik (Kenny) Patel – Block 905, Lot 12 – Final Site Plan Approval

Michael Albano, Esquire with offices in Runnemede, NJ, represented the applicant, Kaushik (Kenny) Patel. Preliminary and Use Variance were approved at May’s planning board meeting. Steve Filippone, P.E., Steve Weber and George Stevenson, P.P. were sworn in by John Alice, Solicitor.

Mr. Albano indicated that they received the professionals’ review letters and several changes have been made along with some architectural changes.

Steve Filippone, P.E. indicated that he made as many revisions as he possibly could. They originally had 60 parking stalls with five (5) stalls reserved. He took out the five (5) reserved stalls. He has instead created some more green space. At the request of the fire department, the driveway was widened on Walnut St. The area behind the building is a no parking area and is one way. At the request of the Borough’s engineer, the driveway was reduced from 30 feet to 24 feet. The stormwater basin was enlarged a little more in addition to the landscaping suggestions. The composite with the revisions is marked as Exhibit Patel-4 dated 6/20/12.

They also included the special treated sidewalk per the Borough’s Ordinance.

Pursuant, to the comments made at last month’s meeting in regards to the architecture and aesthetics, changes have been made. The entire frontage of the site is masonry. Glass has been added to the grocery store which wraps to the side of the building. A decorative cap has been put along the top of the building. It is similar to the new Heritages. Changes were not made to the back of the building. They did file for Gloucester County Soil Conservation approval. Revised plans were resubmitted a couple of weeks ago and they should have approval within two (2) weeks. They received a waiver approval letter from the County Planning Board.

Steve also added that it was requested that the trash enclosure be rotated. They added a pedestrian walkway that was suggested and they striped it. The shopping cart is centrally located. He spoke briefly with the professionals and will follow up with them. There is a bike rack on the plans but he thinks that the planner might have concerns of the location. He will work this out with him. He has reviewed both professionals’ letters and they agree to all of the changes they are recommending.

Steve Weber of Sickels & Associates briefly went over his letter dated June 14, 2012. He spoke to Steve Filippone regarding the outstanding comments in his letter earlier today which are small in nature.

Steve Weber also spoke to Fire Chief Rehm earlier today. The applicant has addressed mostly all items that were in the Fire Chief’s letter. The Fire Chief has asked that the parking aisle be 30 feet as opposed to 24 feet which is the minimum. Steve Weber spoke to him about this and the Fire Chief has agreed to 24 feet and suggested on the end of the parking aisles that they have the mountable curbs. They are also going to increase the concrete depths of the handicap ramps. Fire Chief Rehm was happy with this.

After discussion with the Fire Chief and Steve Filippone, it was agreed that striping will be put in the rear area to indicate no parking. No Parking signs will also be put on the side area.

George Stevenson, P.P. of Remington & Vernick indicated that there are no major issues. Mr. Stevenson stressed that in regards to the decorative payment he would like it to extend in the drive entrance off of Delsea Drive. There was no objection by the applicant. George also mentioned that they already spoke about relocating the bicycle rack to make sure there is no conflict with the handicap sidewalk ramp. Steve Filippone also showed him a detailed cart coral that has a small canopy over it. He feels this is appropriate for the site. There are no outstanding landscaping issues. Lighting on the southwest corner still needs to be worked out. George asked if the proposed sign at the corner is going to be illuminated. Mr. Filippone answered that it is not known yet. George advised them that per the zoning requirement the attached sign must be a minimum of 10’ above grade. Steve Filippone indicated that he will note that on the plan.

George asked if the building design they recently submitted is the final color scheme and they advised yes. Mr. Albano asked that it be marked as Exhibit Patel #5 dated June 20, 2012.

George Stevenson added that the new rendering is superior in respect to what was previously seen. David Schoellkopf agreed.

George added that in regards to the site plan he noticed that the green area has been increased at the corner. He asked Steve if he could fill in the area with some green area which still leaves plenty of room for two way circulation. Steve answered that it’s an easy revision and a good idea.

Melissa Fox commended Mr. Patel on this rendering as he is keeping the community in mind. She asked again about the safety issues that were discussed previously. Mr. Albano indicated that he thought his client testified that there will be security cameras inside and outside on the parking lot. He also believed there was going to be a buzzer that calls directly to the police station. Steve Weber added that there is a note on the plans that indicates security cameras.

Ron Sachs commented to the applicant that he appreciates what has been done since the last meeting. Thinks a lot was done.

Bill McNulty asked about bollards that were mentioned in the minutes. They are indicated on the plan. He also asked how they were going to heat the building. He mentioned that they may want to consider having bollards around the meter. Mike Albano answered that South Jersey Gas will probably require something around the meter. He also asked that it be noted on the plans.

Joe Abate also commended the applicant for the improvements that were done. He also asked if the doors were going to be automated. Mr. Albano answered there would be no automation. Joe wondered about carts banging into the doors. Mr. Sachs added that he thought that at the last meeting he agreed to have automatic doors and thought it was in the minutes. Mr. Patel advised the board that the doors can be set to either open manually or automatically. He said he can change it for the doors to open automatically.

Joe commented about the roofing material. He feels that the applicant should use a white roof like Acme just put on because it will eventually save money. Brief discussion took place. Mr. Patel agreed to have a white roof on the building. The board does not require a white roof on the building but it will be Mr. Patel’s decision to make.

Tom Bianco thanked the applicant for listening to everyone’s comments. It is going to be a lot nicer than looking at an empty lot and be good for the town.


M/ Abate, S/ Bianco

Ayes: Unanimous

Jeff Radio – 9 East Howard St.

He thanked the applicant for coming back so quickly with these revisions. He added that it was previously mentioned that the sidewalks look like Heritages. He clarified that the sidewalks are supposed to look like Rite Aid’s that are part of the business district.


M/ Bianco, S/ Vondran

Ayes: Unanimous


M/ Abate, S/ Bianco


Ayes: Abate, Sachs, Schoellkopf, Zorzi, Fox


2011 Planning/Zoning Board Year Report


M/ Vondran, S/ Abate


Ayes: Unanimous


Escrow Fees – Matter tabled to July. John Alice added that the 2% cap does not apply to planning board fees and escrows. He indicated that it applies to tax levy items. Brief discussion took place.

Joe Abate mentioned that he brought up to council about having some kind of architectural standards along Delsea Drive. David Schoellkopf doesn’t agree with this as he thinks it will chase people away. Thinks it should be one on one.

Melissa Fox thinks there should be some basic standards. Doesn’t think it is out of the ordinary to do this.

Ron Sachs agrees but thinks it may be broad. He feels it should be brought up by the economic development to bring the business in.

Darlene Vondran knows that a lot of the members on numerous occasions have heard that people don’t want to come to this town because they think the planning board standards are too rough. They back out because of all the different things that they have.

Steve Gavarone suggested that they could offer a recommended template of facades.
Brief discussion took place.


M/ Zorzi, S/ Abate

Ayes: Abate, Sachs, Schoellkopf, Zorzi, Fox,

Abstain: Bianco, Gavarone, McNulty, Vondran

M/ McNulty, S/ Abate

Ayes: Abate, Bianco, Gavarone, McNulty, Sachs, Schoellkopf, Vondran, Zorzi, Fox


M/ Schoellkopf, S/ Vondran

Ayes: Unanimous

Submitted by,

Debbie Schlosser

F:\data\MYDOCU~1\Debbie\PL6E1B~1\JUNE 20, 2012 - 06.22.12.doc