Dear Patient

You may be aware that this year we sought to set up a virtual representative group of patients with whom we could correspond to help us identify areas that the surgery can improve in. The details below explain the progress that we have made during the past six months in setting this up.

Developing a structure that gains the views of patients and enables feedback

The practice has a relatively young patient population and it was essential that the membership of the patient participation group reflected this. Patient representative on groups are traditionally attended by older patients and it was felt that by introducing a virtual group this would encourage those patients who find it difficult to make time to attend meetings. The ethnicity of Matthew Ryder Clinic patients is mostly white british which is reflected in the group. The practice area is semi rural

To ensure that we provided an opportunity to join the group to as wide a range of patients as possible covering different ethnic backgrounds, age ranges and personal profiles, a number of distinct PPG recruitment drives were run in the period up to end of January 12. Three campaign approaches were used as follows.

1.  Application forms were handed out by receptionist to patients attending the surgery. Patients were informed they could either complete the form and hand it back in or complete online PPG registration sign up form (copy enclosed). Appendix A

2.  Practice Manager targeted those patients attending INR and baby immunisation clinics to encourage young mums/dads and the older population.

3.  Poster was put up in surgery encouraging all patients to join the group.

The PPG evolved into the final group as members were signed up.

A total of 37 patients signed up to the PPG between October and 31st January 2012. The patient group was comprised as follows:



Patients were invited to confirm their intention to participate in the group by completing a consent form. This form was also used to determine the initial opinion and priority about key aspects of the surgery operation. A detailed survey was to be written against the items of most interest.

On 31st January, membership application drive was closed to allow us to focus on determining our actions and plans. Although we made an attempt to encourage involvement from all cultural groups, the group is white British.

All consent forms were retained in the patient records and the data recorded on our PPG within our website. PPG members were assigned to an e-mail distribution list (if appropriate) so that email/electronic surveys could be easily encouraged.

Agree areas of priority with the PPG

The document used to obtain sign-up and consent for the PPG asked patients to prioritise any concerns within key areas of the practice where improvements could be made. This was something that was difficult to achieve and it was agreed that as this was our first attempt at asking their views on the practice we should carry out a survey which covers most areas and from there we could prioritise certain areas when we had feedback from the survey.

Collate the views through the use of a survey

The Practice Manager created a draft questionnaire through My Surgery Website. This was discussed and agreed by the GP and some members of the PPG before being made available for completion by on-line members and patients calling into the surgery.

The on-line and in house survey was open for responses from 13th February and ran until 24th February 2012. During this time the patients were invited by e-mail, using the distribution groups identified in My Surgery Website, advising them of the link to the survey. Patients without e-mail addresses who had signed up the PPG were also sent hardcopy surveys to complete and a stamped addressed envelope to return.

Of the 37 patients who initially signed up to be members of the PPG, 24 (65%) of patients completed the survey.

Provide the PPG with the opportunity to discuss the findings and reach agreement with the PPG on changes to services.

As it was agreed to use a survey, similar to GPAQ, which covered most areas i.e. appointments, waiting time, phones, premises and some extra questions about services provided by the surgery and patients knowledge of these, the practice met to discuss the overall findings before discussing with the PPG.

The results of the survey indicate that existing systems seem to be working well and patients were very positive in their feedback. Scores of almost 100% of very satisfied and fairly satisfied were recorded for most questions.

The following four questions were identified from the survey as requiring action:

Q3. Are you aware that you can book appointments up to seven weeks in advance?. Only 32% of patients were aware of this.

Q4. Are you aware that we offer evening appointments with the Practice Nurse up till 7.45pm on a Tuesday evening?. Only 35% of patients aware of this.

Q5. Are you aware that we have a practice website? Only 33% of patients aware of this.

Q13. Are there any services you would like to see at the surgery? Six patients replied to this:

1.  Coil checks, sexual health clinic/checks (dedicated)

2.  Family Planning Clinic

3.  Can’t think of anything

4.  No

5.  None

6.  Podiatrist.

Members of the PPG were written to on 2nd March 2012 seeking their comments. A copy of the email requesting feedback by 12th March 2012 is attached. Appendix B

As no feedback or comments were provided by the PPG to our proposed action list it was agreed to finalise the actions and take the plans to the practice team for further discussion.

Agree action plan with PPG

As the PPG did not respond with any feedback to the action points it was agreed that we would go ahead with the main action points and assign various priorities. The majority of actions will be completed by March 2013.

Priority 1 – Knowledge of appointment system

The results of the survey indicate that patients are unaware that they can book appointments up to seven weeks in advance:

1.  Receptionist to inform patients when booking appointments of this facility (Action – R – Immediate).

2.  Website to be updated to include this information (Action – PM – July 12)

3.  Practice Newsletter to be introduced (Action – PM – March 13)

Priority 2 – Knowledge of surgery times

The results of the survey indicate that patients were unaware of extended opening hours:

1.  Website to be updated to include this information (Action – PM – July 12)

2.  Will also be included in Practice Newsletter

Priority 3 – Knowledge of website

The results of the survey indicate the majority of patients were unaware of website:

1.  Posters to be put up in reception area informing patients of website and the services they can access (Action – PM – July 12

We will publish another report of progress against the plan later in 2012/2013.

Thank you for your continued help and support to the surgery.

Dr P G Ryder

Survey Results

Click the link below to see our survey results

Appendix A


Many thanks to those of you who completed the patient survey. We have received 53 surveys back and they were very positive. The areas highlighted by the survey as requiring further action are:

1. Patients knowledge of appointment system

3. Patients knowledge of surgery times.

2. Patients knowledge of website.

The above three areas come under patient education and to help improve this we intend to put posters up in reception and ensure information is easily accessible on the website. We hope to introduce a practice newsletter which would also help to keep patients informed of what is going on in the surgery.

We would appreciate any ideas or suggestions you may have to help us with this. Also, if after looking at the survey you think there are other areas which need action, please let us have your views by 12th March 2012.

Kind Regards

Your Practice Team

Appendix B


Office Hours

Reception is open Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 6.00 pm

Surgery Hours

Morning / Afternoon
Monday / 9.00-11.00am / 4.00 – 6.00pm
Tuesday / 9.00-11.00am / 4.00 – 6.00pm
6:30 – 7.45pm
Wednesday / 9.00-11.00am / 4.00 – 6.00pm
Thursday / 9.00-11.00am / 4.00 – 6.00pm
Friday / 9.00-11.00am / 4.00 – 6.00pm
Saturday / closed / closed

Please call the surgery to make an appointment