Sanctioned By The Football Association

2014 Annual General Meeting of the League

Held at MCFL Offices, 178 Blenheim Park, Bedfont Lane, Bedfont Middlesex TW14 9NW

On Monday 23rd June 2014, commencing at 7.45 pm

1.  John Booth

1.1.  The meeting observed a minute of silence in tribute to John Booth, a respected figure from Middlesex football and a long-serving Match Official, who passed away on Monday 23 June 2014.

2.  Referee of the Year Award

2.1.  The David Price Referee of the Year Award was presented by the family of David Price to the 2013/14 Middlesex County FL Referee of the Year, John Noblemunn.

3.  Chairman's Report

3.1.  The Chairman reported that there is good transparency between clubs and League Officers.

3.1.1.  Mr James acknowledged that errors were made in correspondence and communications during the 2013/14 season. He apologised to clubs for the situations that arose, and gave assurances that for the 2014/15 season, new administrative systems and improved process would be in place to ensure improvements in League administration.

4.  Adoption of Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts

4.1.  The Chairman of the Meeting noted that the Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts had been circulated to clubs prior to the meeting.

4.2.  The 2013/14 Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts were moved by UB6 United FC, seconded by Kodak (Harrow) FC, and unanimously approved by those present.

5.  Election of Management Committee

5.1.  The Chairman thanked all Officers and Clubs for their support during the 2013/14 season.

5.2.  The General Secretary reported that the incumbent post holders had all indicated their willingness to stand for re-election, and that no other nominations had been received:

Patron Russell Grant

President Peter Rogers

Life Vice Presidents Jim Taylor, Fred Griggs, Jim Horne, Avice Horne, Eddie Cagigao, David Grundy, Graham Rigby, John Taylor, John Wake, Reg Johnson

Vice Presidents Peter Clayton, Harry Wooster

Chairman Frank James (Main Board appointment)

Vice Chairman (Saturday) Harry Wooster

Vice Chairman (Sunday) Gerry Marcangelo

General Secretary Stephen Hosmer (Main Board appointment)

Assistant Secretary Fiona Lewis

Treasurer Janet Hosmer (Main Board appointment)

Saturday Secretary John Noblemunn

Assistant Saturday Secretary Dwight John

Sunday Secretary Danny Sharma

Assistant Sunday Secretary Vacant

Registrar Vacant

Saturday Referees Secretary Peter Kingham

Saturday Referees Liaison Officer John Noblemunn (assistant to Peter Kingham)

Sunday Referees Secretary Chris Hartley

IT Administrator Vacant

Discipline Chairman Gerry Marcangelo

Discipline Vice Chairman Justin Walsh

Discipline Secretary Eddy Mee

Fines Secretary Kathy Offord

Fixtures Secretary Bob Langley

Saturday Registration Secretary Warren McMahon

Competitions Director Harry Wooster

Results Secretary Vicky Hosmer

Minutes Secretary Nigel Hickes

Assistant Minutes Secretary John Noblemunn and Mark James

Cup Final Liaison Officer Vacant

Club Representatives Danny Theobald (AFC Heathrow), John Andrews (Brentham FC), Vip Mair (Hounslow Wanderers FC), Justin Walsh (Royal Park FC), Sean Morrisey (Yeading Lane FC), Gavin Brown (Hillingdon United FC)

Committee Members David Fuller, Dwight John, Max Lea, James Young

Standing Committees

Trophies Stephen Hosmer, Janet Hosmer

Discipline Chairman Gerry Marcangelo

Vice Chairman Justin Walsh

Discipline Secretary Eddy Mee

Members David Fuller, Max Lea, all Club Representatives

Programme Officer Dwight John

Grounds Committee Stephen Hosmer, Eddy Mee, Dwight John, David Fuller, Max Lea, James Young

Inter League Team Manager Vacant

5.3.  Brentham FC proposed that the Management Committee be elected en-bloc. The motion was seconded by UB6 United FC and unanimously approved by those present.

5.4.  The Management Committee was duly elected en-bloc.

6.  Rule Changes

6.1.  The General Secretary noted that all rule changes were circulated to clubs in advance of the meeting.

Current Rule / Proposed Rule / Reason
1 Ai This Competition wishes to become a designated Charter Standard League. Existing Member Clubs have two years (until the end of the 2013-14 season) to achieve the Charter Standard club award or face expulsion from the League. New Member Clubs have one year to achieve the Charter Standard club award. The League has the right to refuse membership to a Club if it fails to demonstrate commitment to achieving the award. / 1 Ai This Competition having become a designated Charter Standard League. Season 2013/14 New Member Clubs have one year to achieve the Charter Standard club award. The League has the right to refuse membership to a Club if it fails to demonstrate commitment to achieving the award. / To acknowledge our Charter standard award
1 Aii Member Clubs shall not enter any of their teams playing in the Competition in any other competitions (with the exception of F.A. and relevant County FA Competitions) except with the written consent of the Management Committee of the Competition. / ii Member Clubs shall not enter any of their teams playing in this Competition in any other competitions (with the exception of F.A. and relevant County FA Competitions) except with the written consent of the Management Committee of the Competition. / Grammatical change
1 (E) This Competition wishes to become a designated Charter Standard League. Existing Member Clubs must apply for the Charter Standard club award or face expulsion from the League at the end of season 2013/14. New Member Clubs have one year to achieve the Charter Standard club award. The League has the right to refuse membership to a Club if it fails to demonstrate commitment to achieving the award. / Remove / Already covered in A (v)
1 (G) At the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for the purpose, a majority of the delegates present shall have power to decide or adjust the compilation of the Divisions at their discretion. When necessary this Rule shall take precedence to Rule12. / Remove / Already Covered in B
4 (A) The Competition shall be governed in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Football Association by a Management Committee comprised of the Officers and Divisional Full Member Club Representative members who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. All participants shall abide by the Football Association Regulations for safeguarding children as determined by the Association from time to time / 4 (A) The Competition shall be governed in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Football Association by a Management Committee comprised of the Officers and Divisional Club Representative members who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. All participants shall abide by the Football Association Regulations for safeguarding children as determined by the Association from time to time / No full member clubs anymore
5 (I) (iii) The Management Committee must send a warning e-mail to all registered Club committee members of any team who is in danger of being fined for administrative errors that may include unpaid invoices, un-returned League documentation, player registrations, team sheets and match reports. The Management Committee must send this warning 48 hours before the deadline of said documentation stating a Fine will be issued if they do not respond by said deadline. / 5 (I) (iii)The Management Committee will send a warning e-mail to all registered Club committee members of any team who is in danger of being fined for administrative errors that will only include unpaid invoices, un-returned League documentation, insufficient player registrations, team/match sheets and match reports. The Management Committee will send this warning 48 hours before the deadline of said documentation stating a Fine will be issued if they do not respond by said deadline. / Needed to be re worded as very hard to use.
6 (H) Any continuing Member Club failing to be represented at the Annual General Meeting without satisfactory reason being given shall be fined £60.00. / 6 (H) Any continuing Member Club failing to be represented at the Annual General Meeting shall be fined £60.00. / There should be no reason for non attendance
8 B (iii) The registration cards must be available at all games within the jurisdiction of this competition, and may be requested only by the designated opposing team official, or a League Officer. If the cards are not present the game will be awarded and the defaulting team dealt with under Rule 10 (F) (i) (ii) / 8 B (iii) The registration cards must be available at all games within the jurisdiction of this competition or any relevant County Competition, and may be requested only by the designated opposing team official, County Official or a League Officer. If the cards are not present the game will be awarded and the defaulting team dealt with under Rule 10 / To allow external competitions to use the League’s id system
8 B (v) ID Cards as per team sheet presented to your opponents 30 minutes prior to kick-off. Cards must be exchanged for perusal together with a fully completed team sheet form prior to the commencement of the fixture and must be returned either during or immediately after the fixture has been completed. Cards are subject to inspection by members of the Management Committee or nominated delegates at any time. If there are any players present for whom there is no registration card that player will be deemed as ineligible to play under Rule 8(O). Failure to comply with this rule will result in a £100.00 fine and the defaulting club dealt with by the Management Committee. / 8 B (v) ID Cards as per team sheet Should be presented to your opponents 30 minutes prior to kick-off. Cards must be exchanged for perusal together with a fully completed team sheet form prior to the commencement of the fixture and must be returned either during or immediately after the fixture has been completed. Cards are subject to inspection by members of the Management Committee or nominated delegates at any time. If there are any players present for whom there is no registration card that player will be deemed as ineligible to play under Rule 8(O). Failure to comply with this rule will result in a £100.00 fine and the defaulting club dealt with by the Management Committee. / Clarification only
8 B (vii) Registration cards must be returned to the League at the Annual General Meeting at the close of the season or Club will be fined £40-00. Cards will be returned to the Club once the appropriate administration form has been completed. This Players registration list form will advise the club of its player’s details, (i.e. Date of Birth, Full address, Full Name, and League Registration number.) This form will be issued along with the Annual General Meeting Paperwork and incorrect information corrected. Once the form is received back by the League Registration Secretary with the information corrected the clubs players registration cards will be issued for the forthcoming season. / 8 B (vii) Registration cards must be returned to the League at the Annual General Meeting at the close of the season or Club will be fined £40-00. Cards will be returned to the Club once the appropriate administration form has been completed. / Removal of registration lists as we are currently centralising all relevant data.
Re-registration will not normally require new photographs
8 B (ix) While serving in any branch of Her Majesty’s Regular Forces, a player must first obtain the consent of his Association Secretary before signing a registration form to play for a Club / Remove as covered in 8A
8 C A team shall not include any more than 3 (three) players who have taken part in any more Senior Competition matches during the current season unless a period of 8 (eight) days has elapsed since they played. Failure to comply with this will result in said club being fined £40.00 per player and otherwise dealt with at the discretion of the Management Committee. This rule will only be enforced in cup competitions. For the purpose of this Competition, Senior Competitions are any League, Divisional or Cup Competition deemed to be of a higher level than the game in question. (Decisions regarding seniority are at the sole discretion of the Management Committee) / 8 C A team shall not include any more than 3 (three) players who have taken part in any more Senior Competition matches during the current season unless a period of 8 (eight) days has elapsed since they played. Failure to comply with this will result in said club being fined £40.00 per player and otherwise dealt with at the discretion of the Management Committee. For the purpose of this Competition, Senior Competitions are any League, Divisional or Cup Competition deemed to be of a higher level than the game in question. (Decisions regarding seniority are at the sole discretion of the Management Committee) / Removed for clarification
8 E (i) A fee of £3.50 plus postage shall be paid for each player registered. The registration will be valid for five years as long as the player stays at the same club, if not a new card will be issued for each change at the standard rate. / 8 E (i) A fee of £4.00 plus postage shall be paid for each player registered. The registration will be valid for five years as long as the player stays at the same club, if not a new card will be issued for each change at the standard rate. / First Price increase in 5 years in line with cost and inflation
8 E (ii) Fourteen players must be registered for each team at least fourteen (14) days prior to that team’s relevant divisions start date as set by the Management Committee. Failure to comply will entail a fine of £10.00 per player late registered under this rule. / 8 E (ii) Fourteen players must be registered for each team at least fourteen (14) days prior to that team’s relevant divisional start date as set by the Management Committee. Failure to comply will entail a fine of £10.00 per player late registered under this rule. / Grammatical change only
8(I) Subject to FA Rule C2 (a) dealing with players without a written contract, when a player desires a transfer, the Club the player wishes to transfer to shall submit a transfer form to Registration secretary accompanied by a fee of £10-00. Such transfer shall be referred by Registration secretary to the Club for which the player is registered. Should this Club object to the transfer it should state its objections in writing to the Registration secretary and to the player concerned within seven days of receipt of the transfer form. Upon receipt of the Club’s consent, or upon its failure to give written objection within seven days, the Registration secretary may, on behalf of the Management Committee, transfer the player who shall be deemed eligible to play for the new Club once his previous ID card has been retrieved from his old Club as per Rule 8(B)(iv). In the event of an objection to transfer the matter shall be referred to the Management Committee for a decision. Failure to comply with this rule will leave the player subject to rule 8(H), and the club subject to 8(O) / 8 (I) Subject to FA Rule C2 (a) dealing with players without a written contract, when a player desires a transfer, the Club the player wishes to transfer to shall submit a transfer form to the league office accompanied by a fee of £10-00. Such transfer shall be referred by the league to the Club for which the player is registered. Should this Club object to the transfer it should state its objections in writing to the LEAGUE and to the player concerned within seven days of receipt of the transfer form. Upon receipt of the Club’s consent, or upon its failure to give written objection within seven days, the league will, transfer the player who shall be deemed eligible to play for the new Club once his previous ID card has been retrieved from his old Club as per Rule 8(B)(iv). In the event of an objection to transfer the matter shall be referred to the Management Committee for a decision. Failure to comply with this rule will leave the player subject to rule 8(H), and the club subject to 8(O) / To facilitate the centralisation of all league data