HRMS annual distribution rollover (created for FY2016)
Understanding Fiscal Year Roll-Over
- The Department Budget Table (PeopleSoft table for Distribution Entry data) is structured by Department and Fiscal Year and either Position Pool, Position or Employee / EmplRcd.
- Each year we must create a new Fiscal Year record for every distribution definition
- This is done by a program that copies the current data to a new Fiscal Year
- The program copies current (most recent effective date) and future rows into the new Fiscal Year – changing the current record’s effective date to the first day of the new Fiscal Year
Example:(Prior to Annual Roll-over)
DeptID / Fiscal Year / Pos Pool / Position / EmplID / EmplRcd / Effective Date / Earnings Code / Combo Code / DistPct99999 / 2015 / 04/06/2015 / 10269999921351000005921 / 100.000%
99999 / 2015 / 205123 / 06/01/2015 / 10009999920135000003398 / 100.000%
99999 / 2015 / 7777777 / 0 / 04/06/2015 / 10009999920000000009821 / 100.000%
99999 / 2015 / 7777777 / 0 / 06/01/2015 / 10009999921400000001455 / 50.000%
99999 / 2015 / 7777777 / 0 / 06/01/2015 / 10269999921351000005921 / 50.000%
99999 / 2015 / 7777777 / 0 / 07/15/2015 / 10009999920135000003398 / 85.000%
99999 / 2015 / 7777777 / 0 / 07/15/2015 / 10269999920000000009144 / 15.000%
The Department Default funding (first row) will be copied forward and the effective date changed to 06/15/2015 (first day of first pay period in the new fiscal year)
The Position funding row (second row) will be copied forward and the effective date changed to 06/15/2015
The Employee funding has three effective dates:
- The first employee distribution(effective dated 04/06/2015) will not be copied forward since it is not the row that is closest to the start of FY 2016
- The second distribution (2 recordsdated 06/01/2015)have no other records between 06/01/2015 and the start of the new year 06/15/2015 – these will be copied forward and the effective date will be changed to 06/15/2015
- The next distributiondated 07/15/2015 will copy forward unchanged into the new fiscal year because the effective date is already in FY 2016
The result of the roll-over is shown below: (note 4/6distribution for the employee is missing)
DeptID / Fiscal Year / Pos Pool / Position / EmplID / EmplRcd / Effective Date / Earnings Code / Combo Code / DistPct99999 / 2016 / 06/15/2015 / 10269999921351000005921 / 100.000%
99999 / 2016 / 205123 / 06/15/2015 / 10009999920135000003398 / 100.000%
99999 / 2016 / 7777777 / 0 / 06/15/2015 / 10009999921400000001455 / 50.000%
99999 / 2016 / 7777777 / 0 / 06/15/2015 / 10269999921351000005921 / 50.000%
99999 / 2016 / 7777777 / 0 / 07/15/2015 / 10009999920135000003398 / 85.000%
99999 / 2016 / 7777777 / 0 / 07/15/2015 / 10269999920000000009144 / 15.000%
Distribution Entry Page Impact
Both the current Fiscal Year and the New Fiscal Year will exist in the system at the same time. As will all future fiscal years. These are still accessible AND CAN STILL BE UPDATED. Be careful which distribution you choose to update.
When using distribution entry page by Department – all fiscal years will be listed unless you specify the year you want on the search page (see below – where DeptID alone was used)
When updating by Employee ID you will encounter the same results
Select the right Fiscal Year to update or funding may not be applied to payroll.
Duplicate EntryMay Be Needed
Once the new Fiscal Year distributions are created, any changes to the 2015 distribution will not be carried forward to 2016 – this is why we waited until this point to roll over the distributions.
Any changes you make to 2015 that you want in effect in 2016 requires that you update both fiscal year distributions. It most likely means changing the first record (06/15/2015 effective dated) distribution.
There is no need to add future effective dated (beyond 06/13/2015) changes to the 2015 distribution. Do those in the 2016 distribution. The payroll distribution will not go back to find distributions in the previous year even if the effective date references the new fiscal year.