Mission Statement: / Strengthen the image of the beef community and how beef is brought from pasture to plate.
Members (29): / Randy Barthle, Brenda Black, Bryan Blinson, Austin Brown III, Darrell Brown, Al Davis, Barb Downey, Wayne Fahsholtz, Michelle Galimba, Jeanne Harland, Joe Horstman, Brittany Howell, Julianna Jepson, Genevieve Lyons, Scott McGregor, Sallie Miller, Brett Morris, Liz Para, Lyle Peterson, John Ridder, David Rings, Karin Schaefer, Richard Schrunk, Daniel Smith, Leo Sutterfield, Jr., Linda Swanz, Glenn Taylor, Kathy Tokach, Andy Wick
Staff (5): / NCBA—Joe Hansen, Season Solorio
ANCW—Sherry Hill
CBB— Diane Henderson, Courtney Kalous
Guests (17): / Robert Bean (MO), Tammie McElroy (CA), Bill (CA), Lauren Montgomery (OR), Lauren Scheller (AZ), Misty Martin (TX), Alexis Nickelotti (WI), Janice McGehee (ID), Tommy Lalman (AR), Tracey Erickson (OH), Jerry Detrick (OK), Ron Frederick (SD), Ann Marie Pedersen (Alberta, Canada), Richard Gebhart (OK), Jane Cochrane (CA), Judy Prosser (AZ), Lisa Letter (Australia)
Welcome/Call to Order
Chairman Morris called the meeting to order at 12:04 pm. The meeting started with all attendees briefly introducing themselves so that the committee members could get better acquainted and know who was present.
Approval of Meeting Agenda
Final agendas for the meeting were distributed. Barb Downey called for the approval of the meeting agenda and moved for approval, Terry Detrick seconded the motion and the agenda was approved as presented by voice vote.
Approval of Annual Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the 2013 Summer Conference were distributed. Leo Sutterfield moved for approval, Brenda Black seconded the motion and the minutes were approved as presented by voice vote.
New Business
Committee members were broken up into groups to discuss 13 different strategic initiatives. Each group was tasked with determining whether or not the initiative feel under the purview of the Image Committee and then identifying the key challenges and priorities associated with each initiative that belonged to the committee.
After all discussion ceased and every group and committee member had spoken, the following priorities were brought forward by the committee as the priorities for Beef’s Image Committee for Fiscal Year 2015:
·  Tell a proactive consistent story, regardless of production method, yet allowing for diversity of voices.
·  Communicate to the right audience at the right time via the right medium.
·  Identify and align with non-industry organizations and influencers to engage with consumers in a meaningful way that resonates.
·  Identify effective ways to reach millennial’s with a positive beef and beef production message.
·  Communicate with school groups and after school programs working with other agriculture groups without duplication.
The committee adjourned at 2:55 p.m. Daniel Smith motioned to adjourn and Joe Horstman seconded.

CC: Camille Reents by March 28, 2014

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